Most of us have heard the old adage that Disney theme parks are the happiest places on Earth. Of course, it sounds positively magical when you say it like that, the phrase practically rolls off the tongue, and we kinda wish we’d come up with it.
However, things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows at Disneyland, Disney World, and all the other theme parks, large and small. In reality, there’s a lot more depth, effort, weirdness, and goofiness (pun very much intended) that goes into the experience than you’d think. At least according to the people who have actually worked or visited there.
Our team here at Bored Panda has collected some of the most interesting stories about Disney’s theme parks, as shared by former employees and customers, from all over Reddit and its dusty, cobwebbed archives. (We think we even met Indiana Jones along the way, but it could’ve been our imaginations.)
You’ll find the good, the bad, and the downright bizarre below, Pandas! Scroll down for some of the things that Disney ‘cast members’ (aka employees, but ‘cast members’ just sounds way cooler) love and hate about their jobs and the customers the most.
Bored Panda wanted to learn more about what lies at the core of job satisfaction, when we should think about switching careers, and what managers can do to be aware of any issues on their colleagues' minds, so we reached out to Kierra, a cloud engineer and Data Analytics consultant. Kierra helps people pivot into tech, especially data-related roles, and you can find her newsletter right here. Scroll down for our full interview with her.
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I was Pocahontas, & I met a little girl named Emily. she was about 7 & with her dad. She came up & said, "Hi Pocahontas, I made you this card." I opened it & it said
"Dear Pocahontas, I drew some flowers for you. I hope you have a lovely day. Love, Emily."
I thanked her, & she left. Two days later, I was Silvermist, & guess who comes into Pixie Hollow? Emily. & she gave me a card:
"Dear Tinkerbell & her friends, I drew some flowers for you. I hope you have a lovely day. Love, Emily"
Her dad didn't recognize me, but I was excited to have two cards from the same girl. a few days later, I was Mulan, & GUESS WHO COMES UP TO ME?
So I said, before she started talking, "I know you , you're Emily! I heard you're really good at drawing flowers, all of my friends told me."
This girl's face lit up like the Fourth of July & she pulled a card out.
"Dear Mulan, Shang, & Mushu, I drew some flowers for you. I hope you have a lovely day. Love, Emily."
I have three cards for all three of my face characters from the same girl.
Kierra told Bored Panda that employees should consider looking for a fresh new job or a change in their careers "when they’re bored, feel like they’re undervalued, or feeling like work is causing their mental/physical health to suffer." According to the expert, it's difficult to be certain if it's ever the right thing to do, but it's vital that workers stand up for themselves.
"I think it’s rare to feel certain [about career change], especially when your financial stability is on the line but it’s important that you always advocate for yourself, even when it might not feel 'great,'" she said.
Something that managers can do to become more aware of any potential needs or concerns in the team is to consistently check in with their employees. Open and consistent communication is a powerful tool in their arsenal. "Asking at least biweekly will allow them to learn how each individual on their team works and what is important to them in their career. This can help the manager to adjust what goals and tasks the people they manage should work on… to get the best out of their role and to maximize their career."
I was in line at Disney Land California with a group of Japanese teenage tourists were ahead of me in line. I speak Japanese, so I could understand that they were making fun of Americans. They were mostly saying things to the effect of "On TV they seem so cool, but all of these Americans are so fat and ugly." They were laughing and even occasionally pointing at people. I was just staying quiet but then one of the cast members who evidently also spoke Japanese walked up to them and told them in perfect Japanese "You guys should really be careful, most Americans can speak Japanese." They all froze up and looked around at people, many of whom were giving them dirty looks. I nodded at them like I was backing him up, and they were horrified.
I never understood the idea of talking trash out loud. There's always the possibility of someone understanding you. If you want to make fun of people, at least do it quietly so no one else can hear.
According to Kierra, job satisfaction can be a very individual thing. However, there are some common tendencies. "Most would probably say money since it’s needed for survival, but there are many people who are out there doing what they love even though it might not pay well. In reality, I think people want to work a job where they feel appreciated and heard in all aspects (from career goals, innovative ideas, compensation, etc)," she told Bored Panda.
Meanwhile, she noted that managers and the company itself play important roles in helping maintain long term job interest. "Perhaps one should try to find roles where there’s lots of opportunity for growth and internal transfer in the event you would like to try something else," she suggested what employees can do on their part.
So my friend went to the parks dressed as Anna, and this was Anna’s reaction upon spotting her in the crowd
Disney’s ‘cast members’ do a very wide variety of tasks, from serving food and greeting the guests to giving people tours and aiding anyone in need of a friendly face or a helping hand. Though MVOrganizing states that 87 percent of employees are proud to work for The Walt Disney Company, reality is reality and no job is perfect.
Working for Disney has its own upsides, downsides, and frustrations, like any other vocation. For many employees, working at theme parks means working with customers. And it’s like any other customer service job, albeit with a light coating of fairy dust and probably more smiles and laughter than average. What this means is simple: the customers you have to deal with can make or break your day. While most customers are bound to be decent, polite, and empathetic, you’ll probably still deal with some rude ones from time to time.
overnight cast memeber here. Please PLEASE leave your cremated loved ones at home. stop dumping them in Haunted Mansion. They just get vacuumed up and disposed of.
I swear next time I go to Disneyland I'm bringing dust from my vacuum and leaving it there.
The woman came up to me and told me that she didn’t like the wet stuff coming from the sky and that I should tell my boss to turn it off. At first, I laughed because I thought she was kidding, which only pissed her off more.
“Don’t they know that this stuff ruins people’s vacations?” She said.
“We have no way of controlling the rain, ma’am. This is Florida and we get quick storms like this in the summer, but it might go away after a while,” I said.
“What about the bubble?” She said.
I was thoroughly confused by what she meant by bubble so I had to ask that she was saying “bubble.”
Apparently she thought that all of Disney was under a big bubble and we controlled the weather, like Risa on Star Trek.
I confirmed that there was no bubble, that this was the real deal.
She walked away insisting that something should be done about it.
People sexually harass the characters super frequently. I was working with Ariel and cast members will always count down before they take a photo so people have time to get into position. I counted down and this teen boy decided to try to rip off one of Ariel's shells. I had to open his camera and expose his film so the photo didn't get developed and passed around. I found out later that I was supposed to take it to the Kodak shop to have the film developed and that one removed - but I'd always heard the rumors about ruining the film and nobody really trains you on that so I just went with it.
Alexander Kjerulf from Positive Sharing previously told Bored Panda that employees should “keep their cool” if they ever meet a rude customer.
“Remember that whatever abuse they’re giving you is no reflection on you as a person. That customer doesn’t even know you, so there’s no way it could be. But on the other hand, don’t be subservient. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and tell customers that abuse is not tolerated. And if it persists, hand them over to a manager as soon as you can and let them deal with it.”
My whole day gets improved when someone says thank you and uses my name and actually acknowledges that I am a human being
I was loading up on Space mountian (my first time ever), so I waved good bye to the bar check lady. We stopped near her, and was like oops, thought we were going. She just said " It's nice to be recognised as a person for once" Thats gonna stay with me
This couple were trying to ride Space Mountain, and had a black duffelbag. He heard something come from the bag, so he asked them to open it. They refused. Security comes, forces them to open it. It was their 6 month old baby.
...and given a shirt that says "I got my baby taken away at Space Mountain and all I got was this lousy shirt"
Load More Replies...What kind of pinecone puts a 6 month old baby in a bag. People like that should be sterilized.
Dude. Pinecone? That's going into my lexicon, starting tomorrow morning - on my bus ride to work. I live in Florida; but I don't know any palm fronds.
Load More Replies...That’s awful!!!!! How irresponsible of that couple I would call that child abuse!!!!!
Wait..why did they have the baby in a duffle bag? Were they planning to abandon the little baby?!?!
Why were they not arrested? These stories leave much to be desired still.
I thought it was a bomb or weapons of sone sort in the bag... But their baby??!! That's awful, poor kid...
This is why parenting classes, testing & licensure needs to be in place. Require licensing for many things, I think to become a parent, it needs to be done. Yeah the religious zealots can try to come at me, but there are a lot of examples like this of too many people who should NOT be allowed to have children.
Have an upvote. Yes, those things absolutely need to be in place, and anyone who can't see that is probably part of the problem (aka raising little @ssh0les). Just because you CAN make babies doesn't mean it's a good idea. I am fully physically capable of driving on a crowded sidewalk; I do not do so because that's a bad idea. People need to think, deeply and honestly, before squirting out yet another consumer into an already crowded (and deeply effing sick) world.
Load More Replies...WTF. Look, call it dystopian if you want, but I really do think people should have to take classes/tests and get a license to have children.
They couldn’t have gone on the ride with a baby. Strict restrictions on a lot of the rides.
Load More Replies...Some people are willing to go too far sometimes. It could definitely be a true story.
Load More Replies... I worked at a restaurant in Downtown Disney in California as a host. James Spader came in once, tried to get a table with his dog. Who was obviously not a service dog (and even if it was an emotional support dog, they don’t have to be legally allowed inside a restaurant.) I told him I would be happy to seat him if he left his dog at the Kennel, right across the esplanade, but I could not seat his dog inside - what if a health inspector came in? He yelled at me so much, his face turned red. He told my manager to fire me. Luckily, the restaurant had a patio, and the manager sat Spader at a table on the patio closest to the exit so we wouldn’t get in trouble. My manager actually stood up for me, told Spader I was right. Spader still tried to get me fired. This was 10 years ago, I still hate James Spader with a red hot passion. Such an entitled a**. And since he always plays a**holes, I know he’s not even a good actor. However, Christian Slater was very polite when he came in.
According to Alexander, not everyone who’s rude to you is a bad person. “You have to remember that in many cases a customer who behaves badly is not necessarily a bad person—it can be a good person having a bad day and that’s why they’re acting out. But the sad truth is that some customers act this way because they’ve learned that it works and will get them discounts or preferential treatment,” he said.
Not me, but I witnessed this happen to a fellow CM. She was ringing up a guest for an item and he looked a little upset. She did the Disney thing and asked, "how's everything been going sir? Happiest place still the happiest?" He responded with "no, something happened today." "What's wrong? What happened?" She asked. "I wanted to get my Mickey ears embroidered, but they wouldn't do it," he replied. She inquiries, "what did you want embroidered on it?" "I wanted it to say, 'God Hates Gays,' but those pricks said it was against policy." he said bitterly.
She wasn't so nice to him after that.
My friends and I were there in June, and waiting to meet Gaston. There was a little girl ahead of us, dressed as Belle, and plainly terrified. Like, she did NOT want to meet Gaston. Her mother, meanwhile, was yelling at her for running around in her dress, and for getting it "dirty" and was just being awful. Gaston comes out, and it's the little girl's turn, and she's FREAKING out. Crying, trying to go anywhere else, all to no avail. Her mother is being an a** and yelling at her to meet Gaston and behave, with a nasty look on her face, and then smiling, all charm, to an increasingly worried Gaston. Everyone in the line was muttering at this point, wondering if interfering was the right thing to do to help this crying child. Gaston, however, handled it wonderfully. He flipped through the book the little girl was holding and was incredibly nice, and told her she had nothing to be afraid of. He calmed her down, and the person with Gaston was talking to the mother. It was an awful experience because the parks are supposed to be magical for the kids, and this mother was AWFUL. Berating the girl for being a little girl and running around, and not understanding why she didn't want to meet characters.
These character players are such pros. And I don't think they are generally treated well by their employers, let alone staff. I've never been to Disney land, but met a few costume mascots in my childhood, my favourite was cookie bear (mascot for griffin biscuits). I asked him why he wasn't talking but they glossed over that, and he doesn't talk on the ads so that was ok in my wee mind ^-^
‘Inside the Magic’ applauds the ‘cast members’ for all the extra effort that they put into their jobs, pointing out that they’re what make the entire experience more magical for the customers.
“Cast Members treat guests in a way that makes us feel so appreciated, special, and welcome—as though Disneyland (and every other Disney park in the world) truly is our land, like Walt himself put it,” ItM writes. “Cast Members can go above and beyond to help guests have the best day ever when we’re at the parks. And while many Disney guests have grown to expect the Disney level of service on every vacation, Cast Members can always surprise us. Even the simplest, smallest gestures go a long way.”
When doing meet and greet with Ariel, the people right in front of us were 4 college age guys. One of them asked for a hug then went in and squeezed both of her "clamshells".
That´s so aweful! They are working there to entertain kids, not to get s3xually assaultet by anyone...
I worked at one the Restaurants in MK. I had a family abandon their adult son, who was in a wheelchair with a slew of health complications, in the middle of our walkway while they went on rides. He was there for about 2-3 hours.
We went to an amusement park, and a guy came in to get a disability pass for his girlfriend to ride the roller coasters… the disability was pregnant. The employee was like; um we can’t give a pass for that because roller coasters aren’t recommended for pregnant women- the guest tried to reassure him that it was fine she was only “ a little bit pregnant”
In recent news, Shanghai Disneyland had temporarily shut its gates when a visitor to the theme park tested positive for Covid-19. The BBC reports that all visitors and staff members were being tested for coronavirus. “Health workers in protective suits examined them as fireworks went off around the park's landmark castle.”
We had a lady try to smuggle an infant onto Indy at DL one time. She put a huge jacket on (in the summer) and stuffed her child down near the bottom in an attempt to look pregnant.
Several cast members warned her that it is not recommended that pregnant women go on the ride, but she insisted, and we couldn't stop her. So she manages to get on the Jeep, and puts the seat belt on, and that was when her stomach started screaming and crying.
One woman came up and asked where the bathrooms were, so I told her. She then decided that the line was too long so she tried to just pull down her pants and pee in the lobby. Security came VERY quickly!
I once got yelled at for not speaking Spanish because apparently "Veronica" is a Spanish name... I am the palest ginger I know...
I won’t say what I do but I will say that the best way to raise my mood and or compliment me is to actually laugh at my jokes when I tell them so we’re not sitting in silence for seven and a half minutes.
The Jungle Cruise is my favorite ride, and I'm the best boat passenger. The backside of water is truly one of the wonders of the world.
there was this man that had scissors on him. Not sure how he got passed security with that. He approached a little girl from behind with the scissors drawn and cut the string of her balloon.
I was at Food and Wine in early September, and it was HOT and HUMID. A child was SCREAMING in his stroller because he was on the brink of passing out from the heat, and his parents were ignoring him while they got beer from a booth. After they got their beer, the mom casually gave him a sip of water from a water bottle. It broke my heart.
Kids on the brink of passing out don't scream. The kid could have been screaming for any number of reasons, and sometimes the best parenting is in fact not engaging with a tantruming child.
Thank yous in any form will always be appreciated, especially right now. It’s not stupid, we can’t really accept money and many people throw away edible gifts (not me tho lol) so a thank you card is perfectly acceptable.
People not ready to scan their fast passes. You know you need your ticket or phone, have it out and ready to go.
I actually had a guy get mad at my friend and I because we got ahead of him in line at Small World because we were more efficient scanning our passes. It’s not my fault that there are two scanners and we did it faster.
A guest came in to get disability pass told me their daughter had chicken pox.
It was a major health issue. I've never had them before - and it became a huge health issue for me. thankfully, I didn't get them.
I won't go into the legal aspects of it.
Any idiot know chicken ox are contagious and it’s not a disability. The stupid things people do to not have to wait in line. This is yet another case of child abuse, that poor child was sick!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
A lady pushing a stroller while getting irritated that the guy in front of her was walking too she rams him with the stroller and then plays it off as an accident.
I was at the end of the queue admitting guests to the show building when I see this 6 or 7 year old kid crying saying he doesn't want to go in. It's dark. It's loud. It's not safe. Oh great I think to myself, gonna have to let them in the side door so the kid doesn't have to go through the ride. NOPE But wait... usually the dads just drag them in anyways against their will. This one does it with some serious flair though.
Dad, as he holds the kid's hand, walks in the building saying "OH YES, WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE. IT'S QUITE LIKELY. IT'S A TORNAAAAAAAADO OF DOOOOOOOM". Etc. Etc. Etc. 10 minutes later I see them walking out and the kid is hyped up. He has just had a great time. He wants to do that again.
We were in the queue for Tiki Room and the woman in front took off her shorts, stood in her not very full underwear then put a fresh pair of shorts on,.. in front of 10 people.
It's probably mild compared to what some of you have experienced, but I was in line for Winnie the Pooh (of ALL rides!!) with two early 20 ish looking guys talking loudly about the face character princesses they'd encountered throughout the day and which ones were most "f**kable".
Imagine your masculinity being so fragile you have to resort to comnunicating you'd f**k a cartoon character.
Got asked about putting the dome up when it was raining
(not a cast member)When I was there, there was this family of 4. Mum, dad, brother, sister. We were in the queue for Rise of the resistance, and this mum was yelling at her kids for sitting on the floor and talking to each other about the rides they had been on that day, listing like ten rides, and it''s 12:00. Honestly, I just felt bad for the kids, because it sounded like they had been there since rope drop, and it's Florida, so it's really hot. We saw them in a restaurant later on at like 4:00, and both kids looked passed out on the table. She didn't take notice, she just kept doing stuff on her phone. I just wanted to share this story, because I found this woman ridiculous.
The poor kids! I 100% think that people should not be allowed to have kids unless they have passed some kind of test to see if they're going to even keep the kids alive.
Load More Replies...I just find it sad the amount of stories about adults ruining the magic for the kids, and the amount of stories about CM's getting sexually harassed :/
Not nearly as bad as I expected. The cast members put up with so much. I didn't expect customer comments, though. I'd love to read more.
I never actually went to Disneyland but I remember writing a letter to Mickey and getting a signed picture back. That was a really great day :)
I haven't been in 34ish years and I was sort of hoping to go sometime soon but... I'm thinking my fellow patrons would make it not quite worth it.
(not a cast member)When I was there, there was this family of 4. Mum, dad, brother, sister. We were in the queue for Rise of the resistance, and this mum was yelling at her kids for sitting on the floor and talking to each other about the rides they had been on that day, listing like ten rides, and it''s 12:00. Honestly, I just felt bad for the kids, because it sounded like they had been there since rope drop, and it's Florida, so it's really hot. We saw them in a restaurant later on at like 4:00, and both kids looked passed out on the table. She didn't take notice, she just kept doing stuff on her phone. I just wanted to share this story, because I found this woman ridiculous.
The poor kids! I 100% think that people should not be allowed to have kids unless they have passed some kind of test to see if they're going to even keep the kids alive.
Load More Replies...I just find it sad the amount of stories about adults ruining the magic for the kids, and the amount of stories about CM's getting sexually harassed :/
Not nearly as bad as I expected. The cast members put up with so much. I didn't expect customer comments, though. I'd love to read more.
I never actually went to Disneyland but I remember writing a letter to Mickey and getting a signed picture back. That was a really great day :)
I haven't been in 34ish years and I was sort of hoping to go sometime soon but... I'm thinking my fellow patrons would make it not quite worth it.