Anyone who has had to wait in line at a customer support desk or at a particularly busy grocery store has no doubt come to the realization that there are some people who simply do not know how to accomplish basic tasks. As a result, they will start to ask employees for help, but, more often than not, the things they want range from excessive to downright impossible.
We’ve gathered some posts and pictures from retail workers that are sure to infuriate anyone who has had a customer-facing job. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and if any of this looks familiar, be sure to share that story in the comments section below.
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Pretty Much Sums It Up
Be Gone Karen
These Signs Should Be Posted At Every CVS
Next line. "Before you fill out the application, ask how much the job pays. Then you'll understand why we're short staffed."
It does not take a genius to realize that the customer is most definitely not always right. Broadly speaking, this concept was more often used as advice for the folks managing a store, hotel or restaurant and not something the customer should really internalize. Even at businesses that strived to satisfy all customer needs, there was still an understanding that the customer could be right, if, and only if, they had the money.
Even in the heady, perhaps overly optimistic days of the late 20th century, critics thought this idea was strange. Dishonesty isn’t just some modern day issue and folks are just downright dimwitted when it comes to picking an item or understanding the terms and conditions of a coupon.
Abusive Customers
Heck, I've been yelled at by a middle-aged white lady for things that were wildly outside the services we even offered in our department.
This Has Happened Multiple Times Already
Think I'm Getting The Point Across?
Doesn't matter how many signs you have some people just won't read them
Similarly, this sort of entitlement isn’t just modern, even if it feels like it. American journalist Damon Runyon wrote "the customer is always right in taking advantage of the tradespeople," all the way back in 1939. Lets face it, entitlement is probably as old as human civilization, meaning that workers who have to deal with other people have always had the short end of the stick.
Anyone Else Have These Problems?
Trust us. If we say we don't have any out the back then we don't have any out the back.
Up At 4 Am Every Day 😢
No Lies Detected
This kind of thing is the only weapon we have against being treated like garbage without losing our jobs. Rude people don't seem to always realize this. Every customer service person has some sort of influence over the customer's experience and can and usually will use it to some degree. At the hotel I work at I know which rooms are used the most and which aren't. I know what rooms are quietest, where the wifi is best, and much more than people realize. "Oh, you think gays ruined 'your' country?" *turns off wake-up call. "Have fun leaving 2 hours late for that wedding!"
More recently, Business Insider has stated that this concept "created a sense of entitlement among shoppers that has led to aggression and even violence toward retail workers." Anyone who has tried to brave the crowds on Black Friday can attest to the fact that being in a store simply turns some folks basically feral.
When A Customer Starts Calling You By The Name On Your Name Tag
Very Interesting Story... But I Still Need An ID To Check
I’ve Experienced This At CVS More Than Anywhere Else I’ve Ever Worked
I've been freaked out by all generations pretty equally. Mostly it's older people during the day and somewhat younger after 4 pm. during the rush hours.
When An Old Person Tells You "Well, You Just Lost A Paying Customer!"
Let Me Have A Word With My Supervisor
A customer's mother was staying in the home and felt it was her place to tell me and my crew how to do our job. I attempted to explain I was fulfilling the contract her daughter signed, but she demanded to talk to the supervisor. Well, you're speaking with the owner right now, so you can either let us finish or you can explain to your daughter why we left early.
All The Time
Just being out and about, I've had older ladies come up to me just to talk about their very personal ailments and what they're doing to treat it. Some just want to rant. One lady just sat beside me, yakked and yakked, nonstop. I had my earphones in. I attempted to say something but she cut me off. Seems like she didn't mind it was a one-sided conversation. Then she got up and left and thanked me for the listening ear.
Can You Take That Off?
I do this all the time. But not by $110 but 1 or 2 items. Even with a calculater going. But I live check to check and I am disabled and have a fixed income. Also it's an inconvenience to most But an embarrassing moment for me every time.
Since My Last One Blew Up Here's 3 More 🤓
Because there's a stack of 50 scripts ahead of yours that isn't here yet!
WOW, get over yourself. Those people work their butts off with lots of scripts every day.. usually with 1 pharmacist and the rest are techs that to my understanding a pharmacist has to be there for them to fill any scripts.
This Is A Fact
Staff shouldn't take that so personal. Never know what's on a customer's mind and what is going on in their life. If you get silence, just take that as your answer that they don't feel like small chit chat, or even a "fine". The silent customer may even feel a bit bad later for not saying anything, or remember you from next time as the nice cashier who spoke to them nicely.
Unless the customer knows the store is short staffed, it is a reasonable question. Many times someone is merely stacking shelves and can be called up front.
Excuse Me Is Your Pharmacy Open???
When You Can't Take Their Coupons
Please. Shut Up!
It's a crucial but challenging skill to know how to get customers moving along without making them feel bad. It's okay to tell them firmly but nicely "Sorry, but I do have to get back to work and serve the next customer. I'll see you next time. Take care." I've found the elderly people can get so lonely and need that social interaction, but they get carried away and forget they're talking to employees on the clock. They haven't forgotten what it means to be at work and will understand.
Everyday At CVS
Want to complain about the prices? Write to the pharmaceutical company. They are the stupid idiots that set the prices out of reach for poor people to afford their medications.
“Why Can’t You Take This?”
Why Can't They Just Stare At Their Phones In Line Instead
Damn Chip Readers
I had a lady when I worked at a gas station in a vacation town accuse me of filling her gas tank with water. When I told her there was no way she said “I live here full time!” Ok. I work at a gas station how far away do you think I commute for 10$ an hour? Then when I told her I couldn’t refund the gas because it was in fact NOT Water I became a racist because I am white and she was black. Worst part was that she had her 9/10 year old son with her who was obviously mortified, he looked at me helplessly and just shrugged.
Is It Filled Yet???
Customers at the front of my shop. (Bottle shop for those of you playing at home)
Got My First Complaint About My Appearance!
Photo Department? Never Heard Of Her
Awww, "photo department in a pharmacy"... I'm getting the warm and fuzzy nostalgia feels. Gosh, it has to be 20 years since I've seen that around here.
When You’ve Spent The Last 15 Minutes Frantically Looking For A Lady’s Photo Order And You Finally Find It Under Her Maiden Name And She Goes, “I Haven’t Gone By That Name In Five Years. How Funny, Right?!”
Or they don't even put a teal name on it, or some random initials...not a mind reader sweetheart.
Already Got 10 Calls In An Hour Get Out Of My Head Get Out Of M
Lady, whadaya want me to do? I can sell you reading glasses, sunglasses, but there are no eclipse glasses.
One Sign Didn't Seem To Be Enough For Some People
Some Memes I Made So We Can Laugh At The Stupidity
My wife and I were at the grocery store Wednesday afternoon. We started to get in a short checkout line, but then realized they were trying to close it so the young lady could go on break so we went to another one. She called me back, and said she'd take care of us first. I tried to buy her a snack or drink to show our appreciation, but she wouldn't accept it.
“It Just Says Processing, Why Is It Not Taking My Card?”
I don't think that has happened to me but I have been tired and in a little bit of a hurry and did not do something right and it won't take my card. Try it two or three times. Finally look at the screen the screen to see what is going on to fix the problem. Once I figure it out, I am good but get frustrated in the mean time. Usually forget to hit the payment method.
Because the CEO and executive whinners would rather make more money than hire another pharmacist. And it will get even worse the next four years, assuming we survive them.
CVS Might Win The Award For Worst Customers In The World
She just had to move the chair from the side to block the aisle... Entitled much?
Just Gonna Leave This Here
When An Elderly Customer Walks Up To The Photo Kiosk, Spends .0002 Seconds Looking At The Screen, And Makes Eye Contact With You From Across The Store
The Pharmacy Close At 7:00pm Pharmacy Line At 6:51 Pm
Most likely, from personal experience, about an hour.
Load More Replies...I don't blame people. They need their medications to cope and live with whatever it is they're dealing with. Some are life-saving d***s they can't just wait for.
CVS it ALWAYS looks like that, and chances are really good that you will end up with the wrong prescription anyways, oh and the phone will have been ringing nonstop the entire time you were there.
I am not a fan of cvs at all. I only go in if its dire, and every time they remind me why i dont use them.
Load More Replies...How does your pharmacy system work people? Here you check online if you have meds left in the prescription, go to a pharmacy, they check the same online system and get you the packet. End of story. If you have none left, you need to ask for a refill from your doc and you get a text message when it's done. Time at the pharmacy is approximately 5-10 minutes
All Of Us On A Daily Basis
To be fair, it is aggravating when the website says that the local store has 20 items in stock, but you go there, and someone tells you that they never carried those items at that location.
Yes, Yes, Go On
I have the opposite. My chemist has a horrible habit of semi interrogating me about meds I’ve been on for years, asking me super personal questions about my condition in front of a room full of other people. It’s really, really awkward.
Since My Last One Blew Up Here's 3 More 🤓
Some Rx stores only have 1 licensed Pharmacist on duty for the whole day and most States require a Pharmacist be on duty at all times and they need to eat too, so they close for that hr. If you want to go to school for several yrs and acculate a huge debt go enroll in college.
Am I missing something? It’s stupidly late and I am a bit sloshed, it could just be that 😅
Actually Tho
I get that people suck. I've worked retail. But most of these aren't customer bitches so much as corporate not compensating. There should be someone there over lunch break, that's when a lot of people can get their scripts. There should be plenty of people for when everyone gets off work. They're really surprised by that? And people are cranky their scripts aren't ready, yeah, probably. They feel horrible, just wrote a blank check at urgent care, was told by a doctor it was all in their head, but they'll write them a script anyway, only to be told they can't get their script through the drive thru because they need ID, oh and that $300 dollar medication is the only one your insurance doesn't cover. Honestly, they should pay pharmacists more. But asking a crowd of people who are running out of time and money to get things that keep them alive or feeling well to develop more patience might be a big ask. You aren't passing out non-necessities here, this is health. Life. Death.
A lot of these are just ranting about people being people, and frustrations with self-check out. The other day, I had a lady ask for free soup containers. I showed her where we keep the plastic containers for sale. She didn't like those and proceeded to describe containers that once held food, like margarine tubs, she thought we're hoarding in the production room. I know it's a thrift store, but we have better standards than that.
You know there's an entire room full of butter cookie tins back there
Load More Replies...When I was a kid my parents owned a store in a small country town so I was serving customers as soon as I could see over the counter, if some of the people in that town realised how much I knew about them from their shopping habits they would have been much nicer to me.
Walgreens is completely falling apart. They aren’t staffing adequately, so have to close periodically if one person calls in sick. They are out of stock regularly - even on common medications. They won’t stay open much longer the way it’s getting run into the ground.
Walgreens already closed bunch of their stores. The one there was in the county seat where I live is closed now. There is a Dollar General store in there now.
Load More Replies...The joys of working retail. Had a guy say he was going to go to a competitor because, GASP!, we were out of something and I wouldn't hold one and call when it came in. The look on his face when I asked if he needed directions was priceless.
I get that people suck. I've worked retail. But most of these aren't customer bitches so much as corporate not compensating. There should be someone there over lunch break, that's when a lot of people can get their scripts. There should be plenty of people for when everyone gets off work. They're really surprised by that? And people are cranky their scripts aren't ready, yeah, probably. They feel horrible, just wrote a blank check at urgent care, was told by a doctor it was all in their head, but they'll write them a script anyway, only to be told they can't get their script through the drive thru because they need ID, oh and that $300 dollar medication is the only one your insurance doesn't cover. Honestly, they should pay pharmacists more. But asking a crowd of people who are running out of time and money to get things that keep them alive or feeling well to develop more patience might be a big ask. You aren't passing out non-necessities here, this is health. Life. Death.
A lot of these are just ranting about people being people, and frustrations with self-check out. The other day, I had a lady ask for free soup containers. I showed her where we keep the plastic containers for sale. She didn't like those and proceeded to describe containers that once held food, like margarine tubs, she thought we're hoarding in the production room. I know it's a thrift store, but we have better standards than that.
You know there's an entire room full of butter cookie tins back there
Load More Replies...When I was a kid my parents owned a store in a small country town so I was serving customers as soon as I could see over the counter, if some of the people in that town realised how much I knew about them from their shopping habits they would have been much nicer to me.
Walgreens is completely falling apart. They aren’t staffing adequately, so have to close periodically if one person calls in sick. They are out of stock regularly - even on common medications. They won’t stay open much longer the way it’s getting run into the ground.
Walgreens already closed bunch of their stores. The one there was in the county seat where I live is closed now. There is a Dollar General store in there now.
Load More Replies...The joys of working retail. Had a guy say he was going to go to a competitor because, GASP!, we were out of something and I wouldn't hold one and call when it came in. The look on his face when I asked if he needed directions was priceless.