I hail from the southern Indian state of Kerala and currently reside in Dubai. All my life I have always been a passionate motorcyclist.
I love everything about motorbiking but the helmets. The most uncomfortable gear you could ever wear.
Having said that a helmet had its pros, so you could never ignore it. Project:HumanHelmet is an outcome of my extreme dislike to wearing a thick, clunky piece of metal that’s simply not as comfortable as wearing a bandanna, cap or nothing at all.
Imagine a protective gear that’s so comfortable that you feel you never wore one. To top that, what if the helmet actually looked like your own head. Yes! A totally customizable helmet where you could have an image of your won head printed on it.

Although the reason behind the design was totally personal, it later turned into a design project that received appreciations from around the globe. Some manufactures have already shown interest in launching a line of helmets under this design umbrella. I hope to see these designs moving across the streets soon.

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