50 Of The Weirdest Lavatories From Around The World, As Shared By “Toilets With Threatening Auras”
Let’s start with a random question of the day: when you think of toilets, what pops straight into your mind? If we would have to guess, we'd say that you picture a sparkling white porcelain throne or the perfect place to come up with brilliant new ideas. Or perhaps you think it's a mysterious device that transports you half an hour into the future in a flash? While descriptions may differ from person to person, we bet that the word "threatening" was the last thing on your mind.
But when it comes to these Twitter accounts, it captures the essence of what they’re all about. Aptly named 'Toilets With Threatening Auras', these pages that go by the handles @scarytoilet and @cursedbathrooms curate the best of spooky bathrooms found online. It's full of pictures of some of the most bizarre and straight-up terrifying lavatories from every corner of the world.
So if you have a passion for disturbing things, then this post might be right up your alley. We at Bored Panda have scoured the accounts and wrapped up a collection of pics that have true horror movie potential. Continue scrolling, hit upvote on the best of the worst, and be sure to check out Part 1 of this post right here!
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The 3 toilets have no water connection. I think they were just placed or stored there.
"I'm sorry in advance for the nightmares," the creator of the @cursedbathrooms Twitter account writes in the description, and from the looks of it — they have a point. Ever since the page was created in January 2011, it never stopped sharing images of the wackiest and most bizarre lavatories that we pray never to step foot in.
The other page in question, @scarytoilet, has only been active for a few years but has already gained a strong foothold on the platform. As of this writing, it has amassed over 236K users on Twitter and a staggering 584K followers on Facebook. The creator of these pages, a UK-based freelance filmmaker Phil Wilson, collects the weirdest toilets from around the world and offers one of the most perplexing galleries online where the pictures range from humorous to straight-up terrifying.
"I was having a night in with my nan and she started talking about her toilet and how she felt it was threatening," Phil told Vice about how he came up with the idea to start his project. "It just spiraled from there." He first started posting these baffling images to Facebook and created the Twitter account "once the original page took off." In the beginning, he scoured the internet and went down Google rabbit holes for extremely intimidating toilet photos. But later on, the pages accumulated enough of a following so he could mainly share new posts from fan-submitted images.
That's on the Forth Railway Bridge in Scotland. I've seen it from the train. I've never had the honor of parking my breakfast there though.
"I generally get about 200 messages a day, so it takes quite a lot of time to sift through it all," the creator of the page told Curbed. You see, Phil considers himself a pretty normal guy with an unusual hobby. He is grateful for all the support his community — "wonderfully odd people" — has given him, so he tries to respond to every comment his pages receive. But can you guess Phil’s biggest takeaway from running the account? "The internet’s a really weird place," he said, and we couldn’t agree more.
But looking through these puzzling pictures does beg the question, how does Phil know which photos capture the essence of a menacing toilet and which ones fall a bit short? Well, he mentioned to INSIDER that there are a few criteria to consider when deciding whether a loo has a threatening aura. "I look for one of two things; actual intimidation, like something derelict or unsettling you wouldn’t usually see associated with toilets," he explained. "Or something funny, which most of the content has become." When asked whether he has any ideas for the future of his project, he said, "At the moment I'm content with just providing a daily dose of toilet."
To learn more about this emerging trend of uneasy and disturbing images that seem to rule the internet, we previously reached out to Frank T. McAndrew, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Knox College. "The 'cursed image' is an internet phenomenon," he told Bored Panda. "It is an image that is unsettling because there is something not quite right about it, but we often cannot pinpoint exactly why it is so disturbing."
"It may combine things that should not go together (a cherry pie with a bleeding human face baked into it?) or it presents an object in a context where it does not belong," the professor continued. When asked why they make us feel uncomfortable, McAndrew explained that we humans dislike the feeling of uncertainty. "We like to make sense of the world around us, and things that defy our expectations or things that are difficult to categorize throw us off our game."
But as we can see from these two Twitter accounts, masses of people enjoy looking at creepy and ridiculously strange images while scrolling through their social media feeds. "People who are tolerant of ambiguity or open to new experiences may be drawn to them because they offer a pleasant diversion from normality and present us with a cognitive puzzle to solve," he noted and added that other people simply find them unpleasant.
"We are programmed by evolution to intently focus on unexpected or unusual things in our environment. It is essential to determine if such things pose some sort of threat to us or not, and cursed images hijack the part of our brain that is responsible for protecting us," McAndrew concluded.
It's always awkward passing Jerry from nextdoor when walking up to our apartment...
I thought the same thing. Hopefully it was already broken before they destroyed it
Load More Replies...I bet that was labor intensive and expensive to build. It's hideous. lol
Forgive me, but this is actually quite clever. Just change the color scheme, okay?
I see a egg that looks like it’s wrapped in snakeskin and a toilet seat that will put splinters in your a*s..
"Soo.. two more and we're done. What would you say are your strengths and weakness?"
I’ve seen so many of these in my dreams that I don’t know if I should be concerned or not
I visited a very, very catholic friend who had crosses and religious statues in abundance all over the inside of the house & the garden too. I am protestant, so this was a wonderment to me. I took a p**s in a commode with an 18" tall virgin mary statue with outstretched arms standing on the commode lid. She had the most amazed look on her face. The host said I should have turned the statue around first when I mentioned this to him.
Having only lived in houses with one toilet, I'd just be thankful to have a second sometimes - any port in a storm will do.
I have wierd and very vivid dreams. And usually before I wake up because I have to pee I have crazy dreams trying to find a toilet but nothing is usable and then I wake up. These! These are the types of toilets in my dreams. I've seen worse in my dreams but seeing real life pictures of these haunt me. Am I actually awake right now looking at this?
I used to have dreams about horrible toilets and I believe they're related to something you need to do in real life but can't. Figure out what that is and resolve it and you will dream of a beautiful bathroom, fresh and clean and bright with natural sunlight. This happened for me and I hope it happens for you. Rid your psyche of whatever it is that is bothering you and those dark and unpleasant toilet-dreams will evaporate. Good luck 🌱
Load More Replies...Honestly, the ingenuity of some of these is impressive. Sometimes in big cities there’s just no space for a bathroom, but these people have found a way. I’d rather have a toilet in a stairway in my own apartment than share a bathroom with 15 other people. Like, the idea to build a cabinet around it so no one knows it’s there unless you want them to, how smart!
My great grandfather did not believe in indoor toilets. He found it disgusting to s**t where you eat.
I want to know what architecture school did these designers go to,to think any of those toilet designs were a good idea. I mean I hope they didn't expect people to actually use those toilets and they were just novelty joke toilets.
I’ve seen so many of these in my dreams that I don’t know if I should be concerned or not
I visited a very, very catholic friend who had crosses and religious statues in abundance all over the inside of the house & the garden too. I am protestant, so this was a wonderment to me. I took a p**s in a commode with an 18" tall virgin mary statue with outstretched arms standing on the commode lid. She had the most amazed look on her face. The host said I should have turned the statue around first when I mentioned this to him.
Having only lived in houses with one toilet, I'd just be thankful to have a second sometimes - any port in a storm will do.
I have wierd and very vivid dreams. And usually before I wake up because I have to pee I have crazy dreams trying to find a toilet but nothing is usable and then I wake up. These! These are the types of toilets in my dreams. I've seen worse in my dreams but seeing real life pictures of these haunt me. Am I actually awake right now looking at this?
I used to have dreams about horrible toilets and I believe they're related to something you need to do in real life but can't. Figure out what that is and resolve it and you will dream of a beautiful bathroom, fresh and clean and bright with natural sunlight. This happened for me and I hope it happens for you. Rid your psyche of whatever it is that is bothering you and those dark and unpleasant toilet-dreams will evaporate. Good luck 🌱
Load More Replies...Honestly, the ingenuity of some of these is impressive. Sometimes in big cities there’s just no space for a bathroom, but these people have found a way. I’d rather have a toilet in a stairway in my own apartment than share a bathroom with 15 other people. Like, the idea to build a cabinet around it so no one knows it’s there unless you want them to, how smart!
My great grandfather did not believe in indoor toilets. He found it disgusting to s**t where you eat.
I want to know what architecture school did these designers go to,to think any of those toilet designs were a good idea. I mean I hope they didn't expect people to actually use those toilets and they were just novelty joke toilets.