Hello! I am Sveta. Welcome to my fabulous crochet world!
If you have always wanted to crochet a toy, but didn’t know where to begin? The desire is there but the lack of experience is holding you back and you really need someone to show you how? Then I have an answer! Join me and you will learn how to make adorable crochet toys. I sell crochet patterns on my Etsy so you can make them yourself!
More info: Etsy
I am always brimming with new design ideas. Any animals, insects, and birds enthrall me. I have a beautiful Dachshund named Bruno and we spend a lot of time walking and admiring nature
I am also greatly enjoying making woodland creatures. It’s a miracle when you take a yarn, turn on the imagination and a small lump of happiness begins to be born
I can create toys in any color and with any accessories. I like to make a variety of toys; for example, I really like to create hares. I make them with great inspiration. It’s so cool!
If you take a closer look, it quickly becomes clear that my toys are unique items
Completely handmade with heart and soul. Each one is unique with an inimitable style. Happy little tiger, a symbol of 2022 according to the Chinese calendar. This cute tiger – the magnet will be a decoration in the kitchen. This is a great gift for those who appreciate funny surprises or something unusual.
I make each toy with love and happiness and I hope that these feelings will be passed on to the new owners
Plant a kiss on their noses and memories of childhood unfold, when life seemed so uncomplicated, safe, and magical. Their huggable bodies make everyone smile and forget their troubles for a while.
I use professional quality materials and I create my own crochet patterns for all the works
Anyone can crochet a toy, but not everyone can bring life to it. You have to feel it. My task is to give liveliness and some humanness to my creatures. Perhaps this is why my animals wear clothes.
Now I’m the happiest person because I live and breathe creativity!
To anyone just beginning to crochet toys, I would say keep trying. Love what you do, believe in yourself, and not be afraid to try the new. And it’s really great!
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