Life can’t be constantly full of sunshine, daisies, rainbows, and cute cat pics. Life’s a very broad and varied thing and you can’t avoid a certain amount of sadness, pain, and awkward moments that later make you want to go live as a hermit in the woods.
The ‘Sad Cringe’ subreddit documents these exact moments. Moments that stay with you longer than your average meme because they’re all happy-go-lucky. They show the vulnerable (yet still at times funny) moments that we’ve all found ourselves in, one way or another.
Have a look through some of the saddest and most cringe moments below, upvote the ones that really made you pause for a bit, and once you’re done, check out our first article about r/sadcringe and the things that make you cringe until you get sad right here, dear Pandas.
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This Boyfriend, Who Tried
Oh Boy
I'm giggling out loud. There's something funny and sweet about being childish with a chatbot only to find out it's not a replicant but a real human. #peepeepoopoo-oopoopidoo
What's the deal with liking someone's pic from a while ago? It could just mean they're nostalgic, not a stalker.
Since our last article about the ‘Sad Cringe’ subreddit, their community had continued to grow by leaps and bounds. So while they had 882k members in late August 2020, now, in early July 2021, they’re boasting a whopping million redditors who have joined their community. Odds are, this trend will continue.
The online group, founded in 2013, also celebrated its 8th year of operating on Reddit in mid-spring.
11yo Me After Winning A Trophy, Actively Being Bullied In The Background
Troy, Whose Life Isn't Quite Going As He Hoped
You guys make 20 year plans? You guys plan an event and put it in your calendar 5 years in advance? Like ..... how you do that? I have no idea what I am going to do tomorrow, I wouldn;t dream planing something 5 years from now.
According to the subreddit’s mods, r/sadcringe is “a place for awkward or embarrassing situations that also make you feel sad.” They also note that the ‘sad’ part is all about how we feel when we see a particular post, not about “calling someone out” for being sad. In other words, the focus is on how you feel, dear Pandas.
Previously, moderator Niceboihappy shared with Bored Panda that the number of followers the subreddit had rose since the start of the Covid pandemic. However, the moderator also noted that the community was growing in size and how close-knit it was either way.
42 Dollars...
That Feeling Is Contagious
One of my more toxic ex's asked me if I felt something for her. I told her I felt like I had dodged a bullet
According to mod Niceboyhappy, if we ever got an unexpected response, similar to the ones featured on the subreddit, we ought to be “confident, but not too confident.” According to them, “for an unexpected response, it is probably best to just own it and make light of it.”
Sheeeeesh, Just Say No
This (Not Actually) Best Friend
One Way Friendship
People have a hard time understanding that a gift should not come with obligations. I do t have an obligation to keep what people give me, if I don't like it, or if I don't have the space for it. I can appreciate the gesture even if I don't like, want, or need the gift.
Poor Dude...
No One Came To His Party
‘But Thanks’
The Fourth Boy
Unlucky Mate
Don't You Know About The Bird? Everybody's Talking About The Bird
Smooth Operator
The Truth Is Sad
I Have Never Felt More Sorry For Someone Ever
Well That One Hurt
this once happened to me... there was one particular aunt who was pissing me off, like asking me to change my DP and stuff, so i took a screen shot, and instead of sharing it to one of my cousins i am really close with, shared it to the annoying aunt with the caption : can this annoying person keep her opinions to herself... to make the matter worse, her number was saved as annoying aunt. i dont think she commented on anything else in the family group 👽👽👽
This Guy Who Was Literally Just Trying To Do His Schoolwork
Bruh Moment
Friend Of Mine Didn't Get The Reaction He Hoped For
Friend Of Mine Sent Me This....
My Tinder Sad Cringe
Found For Sale At A Second Hand Store
I Mean Atleast He Is There
Facebook Never Disappoints
No One Showed Up To The Speeding Dating Event
This Was Painful To Read
Must’ve Wanted A Different Game
The Time My Grandpa Tried To Mail Willie Nelson A Cd He Recorded And It Got Returned. I Feel Bad For Him...
This is standard behavior for musicians. They can't open it without risking being sued at some point in the future if any element of a song they write is similar to something on one of these cds that people send them. So they have to return them unopened, and document that they did so.
This Channel That Always Asked Stuff Like This And Never Gets Positive Responses
Well questions like that tend to backfire. Everybody upvote this comment!!!! Starting my stopwatch
A Short Story
Everything Musk Go
"People are rude for no reason, and it's somehow the other person's fault!"
I'm so offended by what you said, how you spelt it, the punctuation and also the font is disrespectful. Now I will call you every expletive under the sun. How dare you accidentally offend my perfectly reasonable expectations!!!! /s
Load More Replies...The problem is we have raised several generations of cruel, selfish, egotistical and arrogant snobs. And they think it is ok to "post their cruelty".
Ok, 17 and 35 - am I the only one distracted by the fact that they took a shot of their screen instead of a screenshot?
"People are rude for no reason, and it's somehow the other person's fault!"
I'm so offended by what you said, how you spelt it, the punctuation and also the font is disrespectful. Now I will call you every expletive under the sun. How dare you accidentally offend my perfectly reasonable expectations!!!! /s
Load More Replies...The problem is we have raised several generations of cruel, selfish, egotistical and arrogant snobs. And they think it is ok to "post their cruelty".
Ok, 17 and 35 - am I the only one distracted by the fact that they took a shot of their screen instead of a screenshot?