50 People Who’ve Hit New Levels Of Cringe And Got Posted In The ‘Cringetopia’ Online Group
Watching cringey stuff is painful. Our eyes are running away from it, our gut is repulsed, maybe even our muscles are involuntarily contracting. But we can't help it. Teens congratulating their classmates because they are black, a woman licking a toilet bowl in hopes of starting the 'coronavirus challenge'... For some reason, we need to see how these things play out. Even if our body is refusing to allow it.
The subreddit r/Cringetopia is a gold mine for this type of content. With 1.1 million active members constantly sharing some of the cringiest things they can find on the Internet, it's just getting bigger and bigger, too. Continue scrolling and check out what they have collected so far!
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It’s Actually Quite Sophisticated Stuff
Frieder Paulus, a psychologist at the Lübeck University in Germany, told Quartz that embarrassment is social: it tells us when we have violated a social norm and makes us feel bad for doing so. But it's not clear why exactly we have the capacity to cringe or as scientists call it, feel vicarious embarrassment.
We feel others' embarrassment because we are empathetic—we imagine how someone else thinks and feels because it determines how we treat others and cooperate with one another. Feeling second-hand embarrassment might be just a byproduct of a more important trait, much like how the belly button is a symbol of the umbilical cord.
Imagine The Conversation
Posting Buzzfeed Is Practically Cheating
Hysteria Has Always Been Everywhere
Why do some people just spew garbage from their mouths about the things they do not know about? It's awful if a tornado drill image can be twisted to form such hate in people.
Cringe Post Followed By A Funny
He's Also 1 Million Times More Useful Than She'll Ever Be
Rather Be Single And Homeless Than Paying Half Rent
The Definition Of L
Ummm Yeah That’s A Big Yikes
I Always Think That Too...
This Would Haunt Me For The Rest Of My Life
It should. Even picking up a child without the parents' permission is questionable.
This Animal Crossing Shit Is Cringe But Entertaining As Hell
Just Do The Challenge, Man
I Hate This Sub But This Fits Here So
If you send someone an unsolicited d-pic , you deserve that message sent to everyone. Your parents, your grandparents, your employer, any friends remaining, and the rest of the world so they know what a disgusting human you are.
How To Ba Hypocrite 101
Saying “Ok Boomer” To A Distinguished Scientist Because You Can’t Actually Defend Yourself
What Can I Say
Disney Keeps Taking This Down
Honestly More Sad Than Cringe But Wtf Netflix
Nobody Cares!
What Is Even The Human Race Anymore
This Aged Like Milk...
Well, both were charismatic. They just chose to use that charisma to do horrible things. Try and use yours for good.
Stop Being Norwegian, You Racist
This Is Why I Can't Go To Anime Con
Accidentally Uploading A Picture Of Yourself On Your Catfish Page
When Your Mom Accidentally Shares Erotica In The Family Chat
Oh Lord
Oh God...
I can't believe this. What the actual f... I really hope this isn't true and just someone trying to stir some s**t.
What Is Wrong With People?
Post Title (Required)
Honestly, the Post Title (Required) is the funniest thing in this post~ I just... can’t stop laughing for some reason.
Dentists Gonna Have A Field Trip With This One
I See A Lot Of Vegan Cringe I Here But I Think People Who Are Anti Vegan For No Reason Can Be Cringe Too
Dude Is Flexing His Louis Vuitton Bag On Auschwitz Train Tracks
Bro Get Help Please
This Man Is 22
Ok I Know Tiktok Comes Round A Lot Here But Holy Crap This Is Disgusting..
Wow, So Relatable!
Caption: "Waited Outside Her Hotel For 46hrs Straight For This Opportunity. Worth It"
What A Simp
Domino's Or Sex?
Teaching "abstinence-only" simply doesn't work. Teach the kids about safe and consensual sex and about birth control. If you really care about fewer children getting pregnant and requesting abortions, this is the only reasonable way to go. (Nothing wrong in abstinence as an idea, though.)
What A Hero
"Haha I'm So Quirky"
I'm Stuck In A "How To Play Fortnite" Speech. This Is A College Class
I Think He's Lost His Mind
Ok Now Wtf
These Fucking Youtubers
I like elon musk made an appearance SEVERAL times during this article.
I like elon musk made an appearance SEVERAL times during this article.