40 Times People Felt The Need To Brag Online And Looked So Cringy, They Got Shamed On “Humble Brag” (New Pics)
I don’t know who needs to hear it, but people can spot humblebragging a mile away. So, rather than trying to downplay your achievements and skills, it's better to speak about them openly and confidently. Of course, there is a reason people see bragging in a negative light, but in certain cases, it is important to acknowledge your accomplishments, which are essential for your growth.
However, due to the fear of being perceived as narcissistic, people tend to exchange it for something more modest while still seeking validation. These occurrences don’t go unnoticed and end up being shared on the r/humblebrag subreddit. Hopefully, these examples will teach us to strike a balance between recognizing our accomplishments and being humble.
Let's aim to communicate confidently, honestly, and with authenticity.
To learn more about where it is acceptable to brag and how to do it appropriately, Bored Panda got in touch with Peggy Klaus, the author of two best-selling books, BRAG! The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn Without Blowing It and The Hard Truth About Soft Skills: Workplace Lessons Smart People Wish They’d Learned Sooner. Read the full interview below.
More info: peggyklaus.com | Facebook | Twitter
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A Wholesome Humble Brag, But A Humble Brag Nonetheless
Hahahahahah okay I feel like we should normalize talking about our qualities the same way we do about our flaws
Yup, He's Really Humble This One
The Resemblance Is Uncanny
As one of America’s most sought-after communication and leadership experts, Peggy emphasized the importance of distinguishing between good and bad bragging behaviors and explained how good bragging can be appropriate and effective in various situations. “I want to be clear that talking about yourself does not imply arrogance or boastfulness. That is a result of bad bragging behaviors such as talking incessantly, never asking about others, interrupting, bringing the conversation back to you, condescending, exaggerating, and lying, among others. Good bragging is subtle and seamlessly works its way into business and social interactions. And there are many situations where you should be bragging, the good way: conferences and networking events, friends’ parties (you never know who might be looking for a great employee), interviews, and performance reviews. With the latter, you should be fully prepared with a robust collection of information about your work, goals, achievements, and things your clients and colleagues have said about you. If you have received your review prior to a conversation with your boss, make sure you address their feedback,” wrote Peggy Klaus.
Dudes Twitter Is A Goldmine For This S**t
"Failed" Attempt At Icing Bragging To Beginners
A Guy I See Regularly On The Elevator Where I Live Had This Slip Out Of His Pocket And Casually Said, “Oh, Sorry You Had To See That.” He Then Left It On The Elevator When He Got Off
Lots of individuals, due to the stigma of bragging, might seem unable to promote themselves. If you, too, experience this, Peggy advises reframing the perception of bragging. “First, you have to be open to letting go of the old perception of BRAG as a four-letter word and reframe it as taking pride in yourself. Just like you tell others you love to be proud of yourself, you need to do that for yourself. And then BRAG, the good way: share something truthful about yourself, either personally or professionally, in an energetic and conversational manner which creates interest and excitement in your audience.”
Crying Emoji
I speak american, australian, english and british, but I don't think that's enough :((((
I Am So Grateful
So Pretty And Not Even Trying
However, Peggy, like many others, expressed her dislike for humblebragging and encouraged individuals to own and express their accomplishments with confidence. She wrote: “I find humblebragging to be annoying because what the person really wants to say is 'I’m really pleased and proud of this accomplishment' but instead frames it with 'faux shyness': Example: 'It was embarrassing (but cool too) to be singled out yesterday by our CEO for my work with Girls Inc.'”
“Instead, own it and say 'It was wonderful to be acknowledged yesterday by our CEO in our town hall for the work my team and I do with Girls Inc. Thank you, (CEO name).'”
Horrible Attempt At Humble Bragging...
Haha Even When I’m Ugly I’m Hot Haha Lmao
Ugh My Screen Time Is So High
There are various myths surrounding bragging, which can lead to individuals resorting to humblebragging or failing to acknowledge their accomplishments altogether. “There are so many misconceptions, or what I call 'bragging myths' that result from our cultural, religious, and familial backgrounds: if you do good work, you will be recognized and rewarded, it’s a sin, it’s not nice, nice girls don’t do it, people won’t like you, etc. The truth is that if you don’t let people know about your successes, the obstacles you’ve overcome, and your value to the company, you will stall and/or derail your career. I have seen too many people passed over for stretch assignments, promotions, and bonuses because they didn’t let people know.”
“Identifying the bragging myths that you are holding on to is the first step in addressing them: your reticence to talking about yourself. Then, follow the steps in the book for creating brag bites, bragologues, fly-bys, and a brag bag so that you can be ready when the situation calls for it,” shared Peggy.
...i Found One In The Wild...
Maddie Ziegler With Jimmy Kimmel
It Is So Difficult Being Such A Milf!
Being unable to brag is a problem many people face; however, women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and neuro-diverse individuals face additional challenges. “In my 20 years of teaching thousands of people the art of bragging, I have found many men who have difficulty bragging. Yet, women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and the neuro-diverse face even greater challenges with self-promotion due to conscious and unconscious bias and a narrower band of acceptable behavior and communication. In addition to exploring their own personal barriers, these communities must discern their organization’s attitude toward self-promotion, and create short, pithy entertaining communications (I call these bragologues and fly-bys) that will resonate with their audiences,” shared Peggy.
Way Too Many Scholarships
Does This Count?
I Can’t Stop Cringing
The only way this could be more fake and more cringe is if he was talking about how he only wears baggy pants, because he doesn't want girls or guys to see his huge bulge in tight pants
And lastly but not least, Peggy shares her excitement that you might be interested in. “I am very excited about my new program, “Bragging beyond Bias,” Stepping up, Speaking up and Succeeding as your true self.” All of us face biases, but for people of color, women, LGBTQ and the neuro-diverse, self-promotion comes with even greater challenges. Participants learn how to attract and retain a diverse group of associates, build an effective culture of celebrating accomplishments, and become a champion for setting open collaborative environments.”
Just Tired Of Always Being An Alpha
From Whisper
My Friend’s Oopsie
My First Encounter
Friend Is Mad His $1,280.00 Hoodie Isn’t Warm Enough On His Trip To Alaska
Doesn't Look A Day Over 50 In My Opinion
Valedictorian But Also R/Ihavesex
Damn, Ed, That Must Be So Hard For You...
Tbh I don't get the random hate towards Ed Sheeran, he has similar songs just like many artists out there. Romantic pop songs, is that really that bad? Same with james blunt
He’s Learning How To Be Humble
Lady Gaga With That Hard Flex
Wow! Must Be Hard To Be That Smart
Elon Musk Humble Brag
Is This A Humble Brag?
From A Adventure Motorcycle Group On Fb. Original Post Was Asking People To Post Pictures Of Their Moto Related Tattoos
If you're paid for it. Remember haemophiliacs like me were infected with blood bought in America because it wasn't an altruistic aft to give blood, rather than sell it
Thank You Random Facebook Dude, Very Cool...
Reddit Can You Tell Me Why I’m So Hot And Irresistible??
Out of pity. Maybe the way you stoop when walking suggests you have a massive package but it's just inbred scoliosis. Fighting off your sisters must be tough
Yep, That Will Definitely Help
Putting your missing organs back in your body might help you sleep even better! (this is a photoshop fail pic).
Truly In Awe Of This Legendary Humblebrag
Guy Goes To Gordon Ramsey Restaurant And Acts Like A Food Critic When He Doesn’t Know What A Z Score Is
I’m Just Too Nice It’s Socially Unacceptable
Even though this is an obvious flex, they're not wrong about it being socially shunned to spend time with the outdoor dwellers. You get some weird looks. And sometimes being seen and treated as an equal human is better than a dollar tossed on the way past (which is still much better than being yelled at)
Straight Up Bragging
Well Alright
The problem of being so smart, rich and handsome is that I don't get half of these posts, they are all mundane things that usually happens to me, so I don't get the point. I guess we all have problems right?
I'm sorry, I had to stop reading. My resilience is lower than I thought.
I, on the other hand, read through it once, then felt like reading through it again. Of course, this took me half the time it'd take a normal person to, which is lucky, because I think I'll have to read it a third time. What can I say, this level of resilience is a curse! XD XD XD
I'm questioning my old FB posts like the time when I posted a screenshot of having paid off my student loans and owing $0. At what point do you cross over from advertising your achievements to humble bragging? Or is all kind of advertising/mentioning of achievements considered bragging? So are we just supposed to not share anything good?
Best to just do you and let it be. Cuz in the end it doesn't really matter if a bunch of strangers on a 2nd hand list site are reading and laughing at your posts. These people are still off doing whatever they do in life, and how cringey or not they really are is just a passing amusement for bored people scrolling the internet at work.
The problem of being so smart, rich and handsome is that I don't get half of these posts, they are all mundane things that usually happens to me, so I don't get the point. I guess we all have problems right?
I'm sorry, I had to stop reading. My resilience is lower than I thought.
I, on the other hand, read through it once, then felt like reading through it again. Of course, this took me half the time it'd take a normal person to, which is lucky, because I think I'll have to read it a third time. What can I say, this level of resilience is a curse! XD XD XD
I'm questioning my old FB posts like the time when I posted a screenshot of having paid off my student loans and owing $0. At what point do you cross over from advertising your achievements to humble bragging? Or is all kind of advertising/mentioning of achievements considered bragging? So are we just supposed to not share anything good?
Best to just do you and let it be. Cuz in the end it doesn't really matter if a bunch of strangers on a 2nd hand list site are reading and laughing at your posts. These people are still off doing whatever they do in life, and how cringey or not they really are is just a passing amusement for bored people scrolling the internet at work.