As human beings, we should feel entitled to a few things: fresh air, sustenance, a roof over our heads, freedom, the right to work and earn an education. Some people, however, have gotten a little too comfortable demanding things that they believe the world owes them. And lucky for us, other, more sane individuals, are happy to catalog their behavior and share it online.
Below, you’ll find photos and screenshots of some of the worst examples of entitlement from various subreddits dedicated to calling out old people, "beggars," moms and dads, and even some “entitled idiots.” Clearly, entitlement comes in all shapes and sizes, so enjoy reading through these frustrating posts, and be sure to upvote the ones you can’t believe are real!
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Karen’s Sense Of Entitlement Knows No Bounds
So feeding the child and keeping him happy is other people's responsibility??
Entitled Parent
This smart kiddo will never see that money again. And this is a painful lesson to learn. When others find out you have and they want, especially if they’re family, they’ll take. And her mom did this to give to a friend? Kiddo needs to pocket as much cash as she can and once she’s 18, get her own account. And consider moving asap. Or get a rental agreement. Money between families is almost always ugly.
Keep Your Kids Inside Or Ill Call The Cops (Found On Facebook)
You should never be scared to go after what you want in life. Hard work and dedication can certainly go a long way. But when it comes to steamrolling others, demanding things you don’t deserve and simply being a jerk, well, there are plenty of subreddits that will be happy to put you in your place. One of which is Entitled Idiots, which describes itself simply as “a place to share when someone is being an entitled idiot.”
And if you’re looking for even more content putting entitled people on blast, feel free to check out Entitled Beggars. “Ever known that really overly-entitled person you met who constantly begs for free things and does nothing in return?” the group’s moderators ask. “This is the place to share those stories!” These groups feature screenshots, anecdotes and photos that might make your blood boil. But they serve a common goal: teaching the world to stop being so entitled!
Some People Just
In My Local Coffee Shop
If you’re a parent, perhaps you’ve come across your fair share of entitled moms and dads along the way who make you want to rip your hair out. Well, if you need a place to vent, why not check out Daddy Cringe on Reddit? This group, which has amassed nearly 15k members (or “cringers” as they call them) invites users to share a variety of stories featuring entitled individuals to be read aloud on their YouTube channel. And if you’re looking for even more stories of entitled moms and dads, have no fear. The Insane Parent Stories subreddit is here!
And last, but not least, we’ve also featured some images on this list from the lovely Entitled Old People subreddit. This group has nothing against your lovely elderly parents or your 80-year-old neighbor who occasionally brings you freshly baked cookies. But it doesn’t hesitate to call out entitled individuals who seem downright delusional. Whether you’re in kindergarten or a senior citizens home, there’s no excuse for acting like everyone owes you something.
Bratty Cousin Stole My Netflix Password And When I Changed It He Wants Me To It To Him
Sister, Can You Spare A Dime?
For most of us, demanding free photos for your wedding or a complimentary meal just because you’re an influencer sounds absurd. But somehow, every now and then, someone makes it to adulthood without being put in their place enough and voila! They become an entitled adult. According to BetterHelp, a sense of entitlement “is a personality trait that is based on a person’s belief that they deserve privileges or recognition for things that they did not earn.” And there are several potential causes for this mindset. Sometimes, these individuals were given anything and everything they wanted as children without ever facing obstacles or being told no. Other times, personality disorders, such as narcissism or antisocial personality disorder may be contributing factors.
Oh My God. I... I Can’t Right Now. I Literally Just Can’t How Is This Even Possible? How Does Someone Get This Entitled?
"Please come in and take a seat for six minutes. There will be a seating charge though."
Girl And Her Friends Think They Can Go To Events For Free And Get Free Drinks Because “They’re Pretty”
I Sold A Really Unique, Old Vase A Few Days Ago And Forgot To Take The Listing Down. Got This Lovely Email As A Reminder To Do So
Entitlement can also crop up as an attempt to overcompensate for past wrongs, BetterHelp explains. For example, if someone has been mistreated, abused, or grew up deprived of love and affection, they might begin to demand what they grew up lacking from others. This entitlement is rooted in victimhood and can cause major issues in both personal and professional relationships. When entitlement stems from a personality disorder, the individual might simply perceive themself as superior to others or view themself as above the rules in some ways. “I don’t have to wait in line because I have places to be!”
Someone Is Insulting Everyone On The Autistic Spectrum
Bruv Here Thinks He's Entitled To Have 2 Parking Spots For His Hyundai
In England there are security cameras everywhere... In countries where there aren't... how come you don't just p**s on the drivers door handle or something?
Tried To Bully Someone, Gets Kicked Out, Leaves One Star Review
Do they REALLY play the national anthem in bars in America?? That'll get the party started!
There’s no question that navigating relationships with entitled individuals can be frustrating. In fact, it can actually lower our wellbeing. But according to research, it’s also difficult to be an entitled individual. “Entitled people have high expectations that often go unmet, which can lead to disappointment and psychological distress,” Emily Zitek at SPSP writes. “Entitled individuals are also more likely to have difficulty maintaining positive relationships with other people, and they often believe they are being treated unfairly.”
Not Really Sure Of This Goes Here..but Here You Go. Was Looking At A Special Edition Fallout Loquid Cooling Case ($199) And Found This Salty One Star
It's My Fault That They Didn't Like What They Saw
There's a lot of people on BP who complain about posts and other peoples' comments. I advise taking Red's advice: don't complain, YOU chose to look at it/read it XD Edit for clarification: I don't mean debating or disagreeing with the post or comment in an intellectual manner of debate, I mean when people read something they don't like or don't agree with and immediately attack the poster with racist, bigoted, or just downright mean stuff/threats/etc XD By all means debate! But don't comment something like "we don't care" like Blue did above XD
I'm Not A Supermarkt Employee But That's Just Disgustibg Behaviour
The good news, when it comes to entitled individuals, is that they’re not all doomed to hold that mindset forever. It probably won’t be easy to adopt a healthier outlook on life, but according to BetterHelp, it’s possible to overcome a sense of entitlement. One strategy that may help is to stop comparing themselves to others. “Someone with a sense of entitlement may benefit from remembering that they don’t need to compete with others and that they can accomplish their own goals and dreams,” the experts explain.
Sure Its Not As If The Men Have A Standard 9-5 Job
However, do give up your seat if you’re able-bodied, all the seats are filled, and someone who’s handicapped, pregnant, old, or otherwise infirm is forced to stand. It’s called kindness, politeness, and courtesy—-and one day you may be one of those people, and will appreciate it if some able-bodied person offers you their seat when you’re standing. Karma. Do it for someone else now, and someone else will do it for you in the future.
I have a partially collapsed vertebra and need to sit down. **** off!
I had to catch buses for a while last year and I definitely got some filthy looks for staying seated... what people wouldn't have known was that I was recovering from brain surgery. My scar was even hidden by my hair so all they would have seen was a seemingly able-bodied 31 year old not standing to let people over twice my age sit down. Especially if they had seen me walk onto the bus quite capably. Walking the distance from the bus stop to a seat I could do, but standing for more than about 5 minutes would leave me with horrible waves of vertigo.
Load More Replies...Try hanging by ropes on a roof all day for a week. In the hot sun. Then there was that time the rope was so siliconed up I could barely get back to the peak of the roof. In the hot sun. And then there was the time...
Load More about this: if you've been sitting down all day (like I do at my full time job) and would rather stand on the bus, offer your seat to someone, regardless of what your gender is and what their gender is.
Most definitely! Respect and courtesy go both ways!
Load More Replies...Sooo men don't have feet and there's time dilation involved when travelling by bus? I missed that part in school.
Being on your feet for 6 hours is nothing compared to what most other people do
And she shouldn't even TRY to act like she NEVER sits down while on the job.
Load More Replies...I think it boils down to let's stop gatekeeping being tired. It does not matter your gender, orientation, age, race, or hairstyle, you are allowed to be tired. It does not matter if you had an insane shift at work, were up all night with a sick kid, are emotionally drained from poor relationships in your life, or didn't sleep because your neighbors noise set off your anxiety or PTSD, you are allowed to be tired. If you need a seat on the bus, I pray you will find one. If you have the strength that day, I hope you are able to offer your seat when you can for someone else who is struggling. Everyone can be tired and need a seat.
I'm almost 50 and am on my feet 10 to 15 hours on workdays. I do just fine.
Wow, six whole hours huh. I'll get the committee to get your medal cast immediately.
I think as human beings, we should offer our seat to someone who looks like they need it if you don't. There are some days I am exhausted and can't offer but if I'm good, I'll always offer to someone else if needed. We should all strive to do so.
These are the same types of women that also expect to be treated equal to men, when it suits them. You can’t have it both ways.
Yep, many only want equal rights when it benefits them. Too many would never dream of buying a man a beer or treating a dude to dinner.
Load More Replies...Is this woman for real? She's using #depression for not getting a seat in the bus? 🤦♀️
Everyone equal and this Woman is forcing that wave of Women are better than men and vice versa PLEASE treat each other equally we’re all human beings
I got asked by an office wallah to give up my seat for a man! He announced that I'd never done a days work in my life so should get up. I worked as a kitchen porter at rhe time and had just finished and was pretty knackered. Never seen the kid before and he had obviously had his feet under a desk all day by the suit and soft shoes.
All of her hashtags are very telling of the worthiness of her opinions.
How is someone to know they worked all day? Being in a wheelchair means I don't give up my seat. Before, yes.
Women should give up their seats for men then. Tell you what, why not just have music play on buses so we can all play musicsl chairs every time some entitled a*****e gets on.
How would we know she'd been on her feet for six hours and it was a one hour ride home? Oh yeah, she'd make sure you knew.
Sigh, there was once a time when it meant something to be a gentleman. I know, things are much better now that we are chasing “equality” and there are nasty things that go along with gender roles but there were some nice things too and men treating women with extra respect was one of them.
its almost as if they think men dont stand, but you would have to be an idiotic toad to believe that...
Many a feminist would look at like you like you were dogsh@t if you attempted to offer them your seat in the UK. Even non feminists might assume you were trying to hit on them and woe betide you if you are not hot enough to be worthy of hitting on them. Not worth it. SO... I say NOPE! (Elderly, disabled and pregnant women aside!) If someone asked... well, I would just assume they had a hidden disability... as long as they asked politely! They have to ask politely without assuming that I don't have a hidden disability!
So some dude says, here take my seat you have been on your feet for 6 hours and you live an hour away, you would run and call him a stalker... how the hell do you expect men to just assume you need a seat
Wow Brock, don’t often see people who enjoy outing themselves as both misogynists and incels in the wild. How disgusting.
Load More Replies...Please! Spit In His Burgers!
The Floor Not Like A Cloud
It can also be useful for entitled individuals to make a list of goals they want to accomplish, as well as what they’re willing to do to reach those goals. This might remind them to be realistic about what they can achieve and understand that effort has to be put in to make progress. It’s also crucial to learn how to handle setbacks, when trying to overcome a sense of entitlement. “The feeling they may get from accomplishing a goal on their own is likely going to be much greater than receiving something without investing any significant effort,” the BetterHelp team notes. And as hard as it may be for them, it’s helpful for entitled individuals to see situations from another person’s point of view, as they likely haven’t considered it on their own.
Should Have Been Paid For Amateur Theatre
Went On Facebook For The First Time In 6 Months, Greeted With A Family Friend Bitching About Someone Doing Their Job
Person Denies Entitlement, But Gets Called Out For What It Is
Living in the present can also be a helpful tactic when combating entitlement. They have to let go of negative situations from the past and keep an open mind. And of course, they must be reminded to treat others with respect, compassion and gratitude, the BetterHelp team notes. “If they are genuinely kind to others and commit to acts of selflessness without expecting a favor in return, others may feel a desire to return the same goodness to them.”
Review For A Krispy Kreme In Reading, Berkshire
If You Don’t Spend Your Money To Fund My Surgery, You’re Literally Hitler
Ec Says We Don’t Care About Our Customers Because We Didn’t Give Her Ten Cents From A Register. We Didn’t Short Her, She Just Wanted Ten Cents
We hope the photos on this list aren’t making your blood boil too intensely, pandas. Whether you’re shocked that people who are this entitled actually exist or you swear that you know some of the individuals featured here, keep upvoting the pics that cause you the most discomfort. Feel free to share stories of the most entitled behavior you’ve ever witnessed in the comments below, and then if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article discussing gross entitlement, look no further than right here!
Customer Refuses To Pay Cuz He Can Physically Change The Tires Of A Car To See How They Look For Free
Hard Work Is An Excuse To Treat Wait Staff Like S**t! /S
Well, even though boomers did have it a lot easier—-and I am not at all defending the s****y boomer attitude, no way. I’m a late boomer, 1960, and totally missed the boomer gravy train, so I’m more like GenX, tbh—--most of them still had to work for what they have. They had to put up with a lot of s**t too; long work days, a*****e bosses, unchecked and actually condoned (by management and the establishment, ffs) harassment if they’re women and POC, companies that stole their lives and made them strangers in their own families, burned them out and threw them away right before their 401Ks vested or sold thei company and the new one drained the pension fund they contributed to their whole working life then took the money and closed the company down, all while management’s often repeated retaliatory threats of withholding of well-deserved raises, bonuses, and promotions, as well as being laid off, fired, and blacklisted hung over them if they didn’t toe the line and just put up with being underpaid and treated like s**t, plus all the other typical Draconian, cruel, abusive, predatory, dog eat dog tactics used in unbridled and unregulated capitalist business practices—-that we’re only now finally fighting against. Yeah, they may have had advantages that don’t exist anymore, but that doesn’t mean they had it all that easy.