30 Unexplainable Situations That Happened In Broad Daylight And Caught People Off Guard, As Shared By Folks Online
If you ever thought that life is boring and that it, in the end, doesn’t amount to anything in the grand scheme of things, you probably haven’t ever seen anything so creepy, it stuck with you for life as an unexplainable phenomenon that demands answers to questions best not asked.
This is surely the case for a number of Redditors who have been sharing their creepy or unexplainable experiences of things they witnessed in broad daylight.
The now viral thread amassed over 43,100 upvotes and 13,400 comments sharing some of the most out of this world instances of absolute eeriness that is hard to wrap your head around.
But you can always try by scrolling down and reading through the chilling stories that internauts have left for other internauts to enjoy, and while you’re at it, tells us your thoughts or share your stories in the comment section!
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I believe there is a name for this phenomena, but I would never know how to go about googling such a thing. But this was around 2013 or so, and I was having a smoke in front of my apartment on the front steps in the middle of the day— around noon or so. I got up to head back, and just for a few fleeting seconds while looking at the building, it looked totally unfamiliar. I knew I lived there, I knew it was my home, I knew I had just stepped outside only five minutes previously, but my brain was giving me some kind of indication that I had never seen this place before and that there was danger inherent. I just kind of violently wagged my head back and forth— like an aggressive “no” gesture— and was immediately back to normal. But I’ll never forget that moment, it was like my concept of reality had very momentarily just cracked.
My dad, brother, and I went to a movie theater one day in Florida, was around 4ish, so it was getting darker but still light out. We went up to the front where you buy tickets and when we looked around there was absolutely no one in the movie theater at all, no employees, no other guests. We simply walked in, looking all around to try to find anyone we could to purchase a movie ticket, but could find no one else. All the movies in each of the theaters we checked were running but with no one else inside. So we just sat down and watched a movie, then left without seeing anyone else the whole time, it was very surreal.
My friend stopped for gas on an interstate highway in the early morning, about 4 am. He was a long haul trucker. He walked in to the cafe... no one was there, but coffee was on, and nothing looked wrong, but no one answered when he called. Then he went back to the pumps and filled up and left. He was creeped out, and called 911 from the road. Later, he found out that the guy who was working that night had vanished, and foul play was suspected.
When I was young me and my cousins found a bloody shirt in our woods. My cousins and their parents hunted so we thought maybe it was from that. But then we found a ziploc bag with shoes and shorts, all had to be from an extremely petite woman or an older kid. When we told our uncle about it, we got punished and weren’t allowed to talk about it. I don’t speak to them anymore but really makes you wonder.
Uh, yeah, you should look into missing persons/cold cases in the area at that time.
When I was a teenager, I was at a friends house when his parents and family were not home.
I was on his back porch tying my shoes then I went back into his house.
Tying my shoes, a 20 second action. NO! I walk inside and his entire family is back home and they’re sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner and they ask me what I am doing here?! They’re staring at me like I am crazy and asking why I just walked into their house.
I ask for the time, they tell me it is 6:30 PM. I lost an entire hour doing a 20 second action.
To this day I still have no clue what happened or where the time went.
A possible explanation is that being young and growing, possibly had a blood pressure drop when you bent over to tie the shoes and actually passed out for an hour. You would then come round and might still be holding the laces and just not aware of it. Or it's also possible that you had an absent seizure.
2008 mountain bike race in The mid-west. It was 100 degrees that day. Almost no oxygen on the woods. It was a hot day.
Three of us were well ahead of the pack. We were about to lap another racer when he just rode off the trail and down a steep ravine. All three of us stopped. The ravine was steep and very deep. We found his bike half way down. We never found the racer. They sent search party and found nothing. To this day he’s never been found.
It is very troubling to me that his bike was found. Was there blood? Was the bike damaged?
I saw a zombie.
Naked man, ashy dirty skin, eyes rolled up in his head, stiff limbs sort of lurching through traffic in Jamaica.
I was working in Kingston Jamaica at the time in the late 80's. I asked my Jamaican crew and they said yes it was a "zombie", but it is a drug not magic. They said people do this to people for revenge.
A few weeks later I saw another one. An old woman this time.
There was a best-selling book about this back in the 90s. There's a plant that grows in Jamaica called "zombie cucumber", and it contains a horrible neurotoxin that knocks out half the brain, leaving the person alive but unable to think clearly or make decisions. The "zombies" are allegedly created when someone commits an offense against community standards, who knows what offense, and the people who know how to work this stuff first give the victim a dose of blowfish toxin so they appear dead, and when they're buried they dig them up, wait for the blowfish toxin to wear off, and start giving doses of zombie cucumber. The person is legally dead, and is then rendered half-dead and helpless with zombie cucumber, they're used as slaves, and a lesson to the community. I have no idea how real any of this stuff is, and I don't *want* to know... but it's absolutely true that blowfish toxin can slow down the metabolism enough that a person can be apparently dead for 2-3 days. That part at least has been well-studied in Japan, where people eat blowfish (look up "fugu").
My father and I are window cleaners. We were doing a vacant home from the "roaring 20s" Era, and I mean giant chandelier with the wrap around spiral staircase checker board flooring with the fancy carved golden trim. I could write paragraphs on this home; it was big, bold, and beautiful. Well, my father is upstairs doing master bedroom windows listening to music through a speaker (once again vacant home). It's something from the '70s and I am coming upstairs when the sun through a window hits the chandelier and I am momentarily blinded, like flashbang stunned for just a second when I recover there is no more music and the whole house feels different like it almost the same but there is some small thing that I would never notice that has changed. I asked my dad if he was listening to music, and he told me " no but that's a great idea" and started playing some music from his phone. It is the same song I was hearing when coming up the stairs but from the beginning. There is this small part of me that is convinced that when I am on my death bed I will look out the window and see the thing I know is off and realize I am in a different world then I was when going up those stairs. Also my father doesn't remember the house.
Parallel universe. I was once in a canoe on the river, and I heard music... juke joint kind of music, but a long way away. No one else could hear it, and I always wondered if it was just a trick of the wind, or my imagination, or what.
When I was 4 and my brother was 10, he stayed home from school and my mom left him to babysit me. She left numbers on the fridge and stuff and off to work. I don’t know how much longer after she left it happened but we heard our dog barking viciously which was completely out of character for her. At this point my brother and I are in the kitchen waiting for our biscuits in the oven and the sound of Fluffy barking gets incredibly louder which meant she was in the front lawn around the side of the kitchen entrance. The gate that lead to the back was a little further down the side of the house and whoever was outside was in the gap in between out of Fluffy’s reach. My brother opens the kitchen curtains to see if he could get a view as to what’s going on. Right as he opened the curtains there was a man looking right down at us, almost like he expected my brother to open the curtains. The doorknob began to rattle and my brother ran to the living room and grabbed the phone, taking me with him. As soon as he got on the phone, the rattle stopped. My mom came home and at the same time the police showed up for a statement. They never found the guy.
My brother remembers it as vividly as I do and it’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever lived through
This must have been terrifying. My mom worked nights, starting when I was 11, and I stayed by myself at home until my brother and sister got home from work. I was never nervous or worried, until one night a guy came rattling the front door. I ran up and locked it, and tried to get a good look at him, but it was too dark. The cops came and saw footprints, but he was long gone, and I learned a valuable lesson about always locking the door!
When I was a little girl, I was playing in my room one morning with my sister. I looked out my window and saw a man staring in at us. I told my sister to leave my room and ran to get my father. He didn't believe me and thought I was crazy.
Needless to say, I had an awful hard time sleeping that night.
Throughout my childhood, I'd hear what sounded like footsteps outside at night, or my parent's car doors opening long after they had went to sleep.
Several years later, I looked at our house on Google maps. I always assumed we lived by ourselves in the woods, far from anyone else. It turns out there was a small house that looked like it was being lived in only a few hundred yards in the woods from us.
My family was less skeptical of my "crazy stories" after I showed them that.
When a Kid says there was man staring in my window take them seriously until proven otherwise Breeders
Something that happened to me rather than saw, I was about four and I was waiting for my dad and uncle (they're up at our apartment) down on the street and some dude (don't even think I looked at his face) came and told me my dad was waiting for me on another street, I just said no he's not and he legit grabbed my arm and said come on he told me to come get you. I f*****g let out the most blood curdling scream you ever heard and kept yelling for my dad as loud as I could and he stopped grabbing me and ran. I shudder to think what would have happened if he didn't...
I'm glad you got away. Two guys in a car tried to kidnap my niece when she was about that age... she was riding her tricycle on the driveway, right in front of the screen door. My sister went inside for just a minute to get something, and the car stopped, a guy jumped out and tried to grab her. My sister and two neighbors came on the run, and they left, but my niece was never allowed to play outside in the front yard ever again.
I used to live on a farm and one morning there was a full horse leg on our driveway. Like still had part of the hip attached and was fresh. We sprinted down to our horse paddock to find all our horses completely fine. We disposed of the leg and never got an explanation! Very creepy!
Ps. This happened in Canberra, Australia so there’s no mountain lions or bears around here
I was driving through an empty park in broad daylight, made a u-turn, and suddenly people everywhere, walking their dogs, riding bikes, a kid skating in a spot that I would have had to actively avoid him, joggers… like ~30 people spawned while I was turned away for what was probably ~4 seconds. I did a lot of thinking that night. Who was “real”? Am I “real”? Is my family real? I try not to think about it too much, really.
It was 1984, I was 15 years old and was alone at my older sister's house. It was late morning, I had just got out of the shower, still wrapped in a towel when I heard a noise outside. I looked out a window and watched a complete stranger tying the doorknob of the main entrance to the railing of the deck with a rope I used to walk the dog with. He then leaned a mop, that was on the deck, against the door. I called my sister, told her what happened, got dressed, got the heck out of the house through a different door and hid in the bushes until police arrived. The house was somewhat remote with no close neighbors. Found out later the door he tied up was unlocked! No clue how long he had been lurking around before I knew of his presence.
To this day we have no idea who that was and what his motives were.. beyond creepy definitely unexplained.
I don't know if I would have been brave enough to wait outside for the cops? I'm pretty brave, but in a rural setting especially, these are some troubling events.
Creepy but explainable. My dad is a paramedic, and one call took him to an SUV that had driven into the river and was being towed out. The car was obviously not working and the two guys inside had already passed away. As they're pulling the dead guys out of the car, suddenly all the lights flash on, the windshield wipers start going on full speed, and the car starts blaring the radio at max volume. Freaked everyone right out.
Back on Jan 28, 1986 the space shuttle Challenger exploded. My family was watching the live launch coverage as it happened. At the same time we heard a loud sound from my room. We went to see what the sound was and a poster of a space shuttle we had fell off the wall.
I was maybe 14-15 years old and I would frequently sleep on the couch in our living room. We lived in a typical suburban colonial where the couch faced the front door. Since I could remember, we NEVER locked our doors, as we lived in a pretty decent city.
I remember one night I was still awake at 3-4am listening to music, when I saw a car quickly pull up our driveway. I then saw a very skinny, tall man open our front door, stand in the hallway for 20-30 seconds facing my direction, then leave the house and drive away quickly.
I remember telling my parents and entire family this in the morning, and they did not believe me. My dad insisted it was him, as he’d leave for work in the early hours of the morning. I know I was young, but I also know that was NOT my dad, as my dad was stockier and shorter than this man.
Freaks me out to this day to think what this man was going to do.
Cruzar en un cruce muy concurrido y ver a mi doble perfecto caminando hacia mí. Nos quedamos mirando hasta que nos cruzamos. Una total mente de mierda. Aún más perturbador. En lugar de detenerme a charlar y divertirme con toda la coincidencia biológica. Mi reacción subconsciente inmediata fue un aumento masivo de la rabia interna de que alguien, de alguna manera, había "robado mi cara". Muy, muy raro.
Translated to english ‘ Crossing at a busy intersection and seeing my perfect double walking towards me. We stared at each other until we met. A total mindf**k. Even more disturbing. Instead of stopping to chat and have fun with all the biological coincidence, my immediate subconscious reaction was a massive surge of internal rage that someone had somehow "stolen my face." Very, very rare.’
I was walking past a church one day when I was about 15 and standing in front of one of the graves was a cowboy dressed head to toe in pure white. He looked straight out of a movie. His hat, shirt, waistcoat, trousers and boots were all so white, like an incredibly clean white as if he’d only just put them on. He was white, had short brown hair, stubble and was an average looking guy. I kept staring at him, blinked and then he was just f*****g gone. I live in the UK so it was weird to see anyone resembling a cowboy anyway. I don’t know if it was my mind playing tricks on me but I could swear he was there. He looked so real.
Upsides of being a Ghost: Teleporting, eaves dropping and scaring people witless
My high-school girlfriend and her family all talked about the ghost in their house and always said that it sounded like a man wearing boots walking down the hallway. We were all very close and one day when they weren't home I just walked in and went to my g/fs room and laid on her bed while I waited for them to get back. A man in boots walked slowly right down the hall and right past the door to g/fs room where I was laying. I did the next logical thing thing and just climbed out of her bedroom window. They showed up a few minutes later and asked why i was just standing around in the front yard and why I hadn't just gone in. I told them that I heard the ghost and climbed out of the window to escape. They laughed their freaking heads off. Broad daylight totally creepy and very unexplained
I wonder if they're reliving an event, or just wandering around, living their ghost lives.
A man with freshly exposed bone on his arm and missing a substantial amount of skin and muscle walked up to me in a parking lot asking me calmly for cigarettes. It really freaked me out, and told him I was calling 911 for him. He immediately ran off and I gave his description to 911. There wasn't much blood but the guy clearly needed immediate medical attention. This was in San Jose on an afternoon about 5-6 years ago. Still have that image giving me nightmares to this day.
Chick on Reddit did this by picking compulsively at her legs until she got septicaemia several times. You could see through her legs. She recently got them amputated and seems to be doing well after. She had a condition that made her want her legs gone
This is my dad's story, not mine:
In the 80s, my dad was in the Peace Corps and lived in Sierra Leone for 3 years.
He had a motorcycle (or some sort of motorbike at least at one point) and would ride around the roads when he had free time.
One day he's riding a dirt road that snakes around a small mountainside or hillside past some construction works.
About half a mile after the roadwork, he sees a man on the side of this dirt road on the mountain/hillside just laughing his butt off. And he was blue. Not like painted blue, but blue.
At first my dad rode on, thinking nothing of it. And then it sunk in...that he saw a blue dude sitting on the side of a dirt road laughing wildly.
He turned around and rode back to where he saw the blue dude and there was nothing there. He kept retracing his path beyond the roadwork and never saw the blue guy again.
Later that day he went back to the village he was living in at the time and told the locals about what he had seen.
The locals all laughed and said, essentially, "No you didn't. White men can't see devils."
Edit: beyond the color of his skin, what made this even more spooky to my dad was the way the guy just completely disappeared when he backtracked. There was nowhere for him to go off the road, due to it being on a hillside and he never found him again on the road making it seem as if the blue man simply vanished off the face of the earth.
Edit 2: talked to my dad more about this one this afternoon. He said the color of his skin was, like, bright blue, like unnaturally blue, bright blue. He also said he could hear the voice of the guy in his head like he was talking directly into my dad's mind, telepathy-style.
Not me, but my Dad. He was outside at the far end of the yard and saw me standing on the stairs, whistling for him to come back to the house. When he got back inside he asked what was up and why I changed my shirt. I hadn't been outside, didn't hear any whistling, and was wearing the same black shirt I'd been wearing all day, not the white shirt he saw "me" wearing when he saw me outside a few minutes earlier.
An older man watching me at a gas station and then literally following me for miles around town. Like if I turned into a parking lot and started driving another road he still followed me. I got on a 4 lane road in the left lane and got beside someone, then sped up and merged while taking an exit so the guy was blocked by the pickup truck in the right lane. That’s probably the scariest thing I’ve ever had happen in broad daylight.
We used to have teenagers in my area who thought it was hilarious to find a woman driving alone and chase her all over. I always went straight to the police station, and that usually made them leave.
When I was 15, my family went on a cross country trip and one night we camped in the Grand Canyon. We went to a ranger lecture around 6pm (this is summer) so it was still pretty light when we were walking back. We went off the trail as a shortcut and after walking a ways noticed a light up ahead. As we drew closer there was a man sitting at a desk in the woods with a lantern. Just a full wood office-sized desk in the middle of the woods. I distinctly remember he had long sideburns and feeling like he was dressed like a man from the 1800s. My dad backed us down towards the trail and we went on our way. The man never made a peep or looked up or acknowledged us. There were two adults and three teenagers and we all remember the event really clearly. I don't believe in ghosts or spirits but have no explanation for what I saw. As I got older I figured I was misremembering but everyone else in my family says they saw the same thing.
On a trip to gulf shores Alabama. Stopped to gas up at some run down gas station that was also a truck stop in Mississippi. Went to the bathroom and as I'm standing at the urinal I had the strangest feeling that something was off. This strange feeling overwhelmed the entire left side of my body. I don't claim to be supernatural or have any weird feelings/premonitions and I have never experienced that feeling before that day or since. Anyways, I get up on my tippy toes to look to my left where the stalls were located. There was this deranged looking white guy with nasty, greasy hair and a f****d up scowl on his face staring directly at me. The most typical looking psycho killer you could imagine. He had to have been standing on the toilet because I could see his whole face and the upper part of his shoulders. Immediately zipped up and got the f**k out of dodge. Didn't even wash my hands.
Aunque esto se puede explicar, la imagen me sigue dando escalofríos hasta el día de hoy. Fue más o menos en la época de la moda de los tablones. No tenía ni idea de lo que era y no había oído nada al respecto. Cogí un taxi para ir a la ciudad y estaba caminando por el centro de la ciudad y la vida era normal. Entonces, giré hacia la plaza de la ciudad y había unas 200 personas haciendo planking por todas partes, en todo. No sé qué estaba pasando. Pensé que tal vez había disparos o una bomba. O quizás se estaba acabando el mundo. Entonces pregunté a alguien que estaba a mi lado y me lo explicaron y nos reímos, pero durante ese breve momento nunca olvidaré esa sensación de inquietud.
(Translated to english) Although this can be explained, the image still gives me the creeps to this day. It was more or less around the time of the fashion for planks. I had no idea what it was and hadn't heard anything about it. I took a taxi to go to the city and I was walking around the city center and life was normal. So, I turned into the town square and there were about 200 people planking everywhere, in everything. I don't know what was going on. I thought maybe there was gunshots or a bomb. Or maybe the world was ending. So I asked someone who was next to me and they explained it to me and we laughed, but for that brief moment I will never forget that feeling of uneasiness.
When I was about 8, my parents, my brother and me were hiking somewhere in Austria when we came across the ruins of a medieval castle on a hilltop. A sign said that there was a cafe near the ruins so we went up.
The cafe was deserted, all the tables and chairs were toppled, and next to the building stood a brand new big Mercedes with a lot of bullet holes in the trunk and the rear window.
The car was heavily armored, the rear window was so thick that the bullets hadn't even penetrated it.
We turned around on the spot and got out of there as fast as we could. Back in the hotel, my dad reported to the police but they dismissed it. Never knew what came of it.
Edit: Since so many commenters suggested it was a movie set: That could very well be an explanation, but still it was scary and we didn't want to stick around to maybe find out the hard way that it was NOT a movie set after all. Also, why wasn't anything cordoned off, and why wasn't anybody around?Concerning the police dismissing it: When my dad called them, they said they were going to investigate. The next day he called again to ask what came from it, but they said it was nothing, the holes in the car had been caused by children throwing rocks. Unless those children were able to throw very small rocks at very high speed, that was obviously BS but we got the message that they didn't want to tell us and we weren't supposed to keep asking.
Edit 2: A lot of people asked when (1984) and where exactly this was, so I asked my dad and he told me it wasn't in Carinthia (Kärnten) where we spent the vacation the year after, but in Lower Austria, in the valley of the river Krems. The only castle there is Castle Hartenstein (Latitude, longitude: 48.446252424125696, 15.39679893866418) and when I see the photos online I remember that it looks exactly like that place. It's not accessible to the public now but it may have been 38 years ago.
once me and my family was walking through the woods i we saw a pickup truck in the middle of no where there were holes that looked like bullet holes ( im not sure i was young) through a cardboard on the back and also the back of the car was dented. it was so weird we just bturned around and went the other path
Oh this just happened!
Middle of the day, I'm driving home from running some errands. I'm on one of those roads that's sort of a highway but still goes through a lot of back country and outlying neighborhoods. (I live in a major city in the US). The road cuts through some not nice areas. I'm at a stop light when I see emerge from the brush on the side of the road a person wearing from head to toe trash bags. I mean HEAD TO TOE, two little holes cut for eyes, but otherwise no skin exposed. He had a walking stick also with trash bags tied to it. Before I could even process what I was seeing the light turned green and I was off. The last 15 min of my drive were me muttering, "what the actual f**k?" And for the days following all I could hear in my head is danny diveto saying "I'm the trash man".
One time me and my mate were walking to our bus and we both look ahead to see a big centipede crawling on a girls head just for it to disappear when it got on the front of her face me and my mate told her but she always swears up and down it never happened
Me, my 2 brothers and our uncle were running down the lake in his boat on a beautiful summers day. Blue sky as far as the eye can see.
Until we looked towards the north shore line, and saw a smallish passenger jet flying low. Until it went below the tree line and disappeared. We were flabbergasted, because our family has been in the area for over 100 years and there is NOT an airstrip in that direction, anywhere.
There was no loud bang. No fire ball, nothing. No way it had crashed. We still don't know how it was possible, that it did what it did.
I once woke up in the middle of the night with a hand on my arm. I freaked out, absolutely convinced someone was touching me. Turns out it was my own goddamn hand on my other arm, but somehow my brain had entirely erased my possession of two arms and replaced it for the logical option that I suddenly had only one arm >:(
Lol. I once woke up in a panic because a hand was closed around my throat. Yep - it was mine, I was trying to strangle myself...
Load More Replies...I was in the back garden, and all of a sudden i look up this yellow biplane flies super low overhead, directly into where my house would be. I turn around, and the plane's gone. In the same house, there was a curved staircase thing, and i was sitting at the top of it, and i see these three shadows that look like the spoon pictured below. human-spoo...d995ff.jpg
I love it when people see something that nobody else has ever seen before, and so they have to find random pictures of things on the internet to sort of describe what it looked like. That's pretty creepy, my dude
Load More Replies...I once woke up in the middle of the night with a hand on my arm. I freaked out, absolutely convinced someone was touching me. Turns out it was my own goddamn hand on my other arm, but somehow my brain had entirely erased my possession of two arms and replaced it for the logical option that I suddenly had only one arm >:(
Lol. I once woke up in a panic because a hand was closed around my throat. Yep - it was mine, I was trying to strangle myself...
Load More Replies...I was in the back garden, and all of a sudden i look up this yellow biplane flies super low overhead, directly into where my house would be. I turn around, and the plane's gone. In the same house, there was a curved staircase thing, and i was sitting at the top of it, and i see these three shadows that look like the spoon pictured below. human-spoo...d995ff.jpg
I love it when people see something that nobody else has ever seen before, and so they have to find random pictures of things on the internet to sort of describe what it looked like. That's pretty creepy, my dude
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