Being in the great outdoors can be quite an experience. There is a palpable serenity in being one with nature and basking in its glory.
However, these adventures also come with thrilling circumstances, the most obvious being close encounters with wild animals. How close? Check out these trail cam photos to see what we mean.
Some of these are questionable at best. However, a few images on this list could send creepy tingles down your spine.
Enjoy scrolling, but hopefully, you’re not doing so in the wee hours of the night.
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Washington State Woods, Creepy Woman
Glad To See This Handsome Guy Again. I’ve Been Watching Him For 2.5 Years And Hoping He Makes It Through The Season So I Can See How He Looks Next Year
Looking For Someone To Play Fetch The Deer Leg With?
This is more like it! My stepdad has hours and hours of trail cam footage on Mt. Rainier (Washington state). I’ve never seen or heard of anything spooky or odd. I like this cool look into nature, especially knowing it’s very likey real.
Many photos you see on this list capture images from odd angles. That’s because heat and motion trigger trail cameras, leading to “false positive” images. Tree branch movement or sun fluctuation may activate these cameras.
It’s also why most photographed animals featured on this list are warm-blooded; they set off the heat sensors. On the other hand, cold-blooded animals like insects may be difficult to detect.
Trespasser Walking On My Property In 31 Degree Weather Without A Flashlight At 1:47 Am In Bear/Lion Country. Totally Normal Behavior
So a couple days ago a car was stolen and abandoned about a mile or two from my place. Someone took a photo of a woman leaving it, posted it online and reported it as to the police. Well today I saw the same woman on an another cam of mine with a man.
They were hiding out and the man was making supply runs for her late at night. About an hour ago the sherif caught her. Not sure about the man.
Friends Trail Cam In North Carolina
A M****r Of Crows On Halloween
However, trail cams' all-seeing lenses also attract strange creatures, many of which cannot be explained. One of the more infamous examples is creepy clown sightings.
Fact-checking website Snopes confirmed that these photos date back to 2010 and aren’t the same as the clown apparitions around the US in 2016. However, they are chilling either way.
Some Person Was Having A School Project And Set Up A Camera Outside, But Instead Got This Image. A German "God" Named Derk
Caught Someone In Mid-Werewolf Transition
What Is This? Spotted On A Trail Cam
My mother spotted this on her trail cam and we have no idea what it is. She has requested a better photo from spypoint but has had no response yet.
I thought it was a bug because it seems to be in front of the trees, but she thinks it's too big to be a bug, which is fair. We are located in Southern Ontario, and this was about 2 km from the house on her property.
These photos are compelling because the cameras captured these animals in their element. According to Mike Wittlin of Cuddeback Scouting Camera, trail cams appeal to wildlife enthusiasts.
This is why Wittlin and his company invited trail camera owners to a photo contest in 2014. Site visitors had the chance to vote for their favorites each week.
Trail Cam Image From My Neighbor In Rural Wisconsin
Strange Man Caught On Trail Cam In Minnesota
Rural South Carolina. From A Co-Worker's Trail Cam. What Is This?
Wittlin says the most captivating photos have been of animals doing something humans can see with the naked eye. For example, a hawk grabbing a squirrel or a deer standing on a raccoon—with one foot.
“You could sit outside for hours and hours holding a regular camera and probably never get that kind of shot,” Wittlin told the Herald-Times.
This Guy Shouldn’t Be Here
South Georgia Bigfoot?
What Even Is This?
Now, we’d like to hear from you. Which of these photos creeped you out the most? Better yet, do you have your own strange trail cam photos to share? The comments section is open for your input!
Friend's Cousin Got This Off Of His Tree Cam
What Do Y'all Think?
Honestly looks 100% like a person to me. They’re wearing boots.
From One Of Our Trail Cams In The N. Grapevine Lake Trails
We ran past a few cameras trying to activate them when we heard something traveling close behind us. It was around 8 PM. We spotted one picture with a figure. Could be man, could be creature. This area has an increase in creature sightings.
Caught On A Friend's Trail Cam On A Ranch On Private Property
Possible Entity In Sothern Minesota
My grandparents live on the edge of a small town in sothern MN. This was taken on a trail camera I had setup for them facing the field behind their house. It;s the only picture anything like it I have ever seen.
Game Cam Pic. I'm A Little Freaked Out Here
Had A Ghostly Visitor (Or A Time Warp) Last Saturday
Trail Cam Photo Of A Real Bigfoot In Georgia
North Florida/Alabama State Line Cryptid
Anyone got any ideas what this might be or what might fit this bill? This camera is a 360* and as you can see the other views were clear as day but the one frame is foggy/smokey with two very clear large eyes and taken around 6:30pm (obviously dark outside.)
This image comes about 3 days after FIL said he seen something on the edge of the woods looking straight at him with eyes about a foot apart early morning around 4:30 AM and gave him chills. He’s gone to the area since then and states it must be at least 8ft tall while standing. It’s made its presence known and the dog will not leave the porch only growls and backs up to the door around the times it’s been “seen”.
Big Foot
This Is A Snapshot From My Trail Cam On My Property In Southern Oregon. It Was Taken Back In May Of 2016. What Is This?
No one was home when this snapshot was taken and I live on 5 secluded acres with no nearby neighbors.
The Chupacabra
Caught This On My Trail Cam Last Night. What Do Y’all Think It Is?
My Uncle Sent This To Me From The Everglades
Any Idea What This Could Be?
Poll Question
Have any of these trail cam photos ever made you feel uneasy?
Yes, definitely
No, they're fascinating
Only a few times
I've never seen them
Wonder how many are electronic glitches some are trespassers some look like pranks.
Some of them are bugs flying in front of camera, some are animals, but the remaining is, creepy.
Wonder how many are electronic glitches some are trespassers some look like pranks.
Some of them are bugs flying in front of camera, some are animals, but the remaining is, creepy.