The internet is both a wonderful and disturbing thing. It allows us to communicate with friends on the other side of the world, yet also enables keyboard warriors to terrorize people left, right and center.
Unfortunately, you or someone you know might have gotten some pretty disturbing messages as well. The members of Reddit’s “Creepy PMs” community got plenty. Here we’ve gathered some of the worst examples they’ve shared, ranging from disgusting to spine-chilling.
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Bahahahaha! Brilliant reply, one I would only think of 4 days later.
Online messaging is such a daily thing nowadays, it feels like the internet has been around since forever. But actually, it has only been a part of our lives for the last forty years. The first attempts at creating something like it go further back, but the history of the internet as we know it started in 1983.
Today the internet connects over 5 billion people. Considering the mind-boggling number of users, it might be one of the most groundbreaking technological advancements to this day.
Check Mate
He Wanted To Roleplay, So I Did
One of the best things about the internet is instantaneous and easy communication. It allows people to get in touch with each other all over the world hassle-free. Typewriters and wax seal stamps are definitely a thing of the past when it comes to regular conversations. (Though, we probably all know a friend or two who still do things the old-fashioned way just for the fun of it.)
The good old postal service has been replaced by electronic mail, usually referred to simply as e-mail. The number of its users reached around 4 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow by roughly 0.6 billion by the year 2025.
Guy I Was Talking To Wanted To Know What I Was Wearing
I Was Trying To Get Some Ideas For A School Project
E-mail has surpassed regular mail by lightyears. To put matters into perspective, based on 2022 data, the postal service processed and delivered an average of roughly 167 million pieces of first-class mail each day. In the same year, the number of emails sent every day was just over 333 billion.
Free Advertising For Febreeze At Least?
But Then Again, Subway Has Its Own Little Charm
I Know The Perfect Place Where You Can Stick That Thing
In addition to that, social media has taken over a monstrous chunk of the communication pie. According to Statista, back in 2021 there were already nearly 4.3 billion users of different social platforms, and the number is anticipated to reach nearly 6 billion in 2027. In addition to that, social media users are considered to be 'super communicators', who use several means at once for staying in touch with others.
Oh No, He Blocked Me
Ahh It’s The Good Ol’ “Age Is Just A Number” Quote
Five Year Old White Male
They say with great power comes great responsibility, which is true for online communication as well. Being able to use it rather freely does not mean that the words bear less accountability than if said face to face. However, research shows that a growing number of people consider the internet a space that facilitates anonymous activities.
Mans Was Really Panicking
My First Instagram Solicitation!
Just Telling The Truth
Anonymity is one of the reasons why the parallel online world is brimming with the so-called 'keyboard warriors'. They feel empowered by the advantages of hiding behind a screen and not connecting themselves to their statements, which are often offensive or immoral. If adding a name is mandatory, such “fighters” usually use nicknames or made-up usernames to cover their identities and avoid accountability.
Easy To Say I Was Blocked
Quarantine Has Left Me With No F–king Chill
I always say this, lol. Our main pleasure center is on top, not all the way inside - we don't care how big you are! Except maybe to cringe because it would hurt. Especially if you're dumb enough to think size matters, you'll probably think rough is awesome too. Ugh.
It’s A New Color... Perhaps You’ve Heard Of It
When it comes to communication in the digital world, crossing the line of decency is pretty common. Whether it’s the 'keyboard warriors' or someone using their actual account, they often go on the internet to send hurtful and offensive messages. Such actions can lead to online harassment, which has affected over 40% of adults in the US.
Man I Just Love Autocorrect
I Wanna Make A Joke
Why Didn't He Want To See My 12inch Long, Strong, Handy Tool?
Unfortunately, online harassment is a major problem when it comes to minors as well. Cyberbullying alone affects nearly half (46%) of teenagers ages 13 to 17, not to mention other forms of online abuse. To make matters worse, only 40% of kids bullied online tell their parents about it, and even fewer inform their teachers.
And That Happend
Oh My God ,, What
My Boss, Who Confessed His "Love" For Me After The Office Building Closed Down And We Started Working From Home
Center For Cyber Safety And Education revealed some alarming statistics that 40% of children (grades 4th to 8th) have chatted or connected online with a complete stranger. In addition to that, as much as 30% texted them from their phone. This way they provided the outsider with personal information, which might lead to receiving improper messages or more dire consequences.
Fyck You And Everyone That May Resemble You
Pizza Or Chicken
How To Ruin A Pervert’s “Happy Time”
No matter the age, receiving creepy messages is never fun. Even when it doesn’t fall within the frame of harassment, it can have a strong negative effect on the receiver. That is why it’s important to take action. And the first step is reporting the wrongdoers.
Certified Doctor🫡🫡
This guy is one sick f**k. He needs to be strung up in public so everyone who walks by can kick him in the nuts.
Caught Me A Reddit Admin Yeeeeee Doggieeeee
When The Creeps Doesn't Know You Actually Know His Mom (And That We Met Through Her 🤦🏼♀️)
great. always call on mom to f**k up misbehaving boys. And I use boys deliberately.
Hopefully, the receivers of these creepy messages have reported the “masterminds” behind them. If you want to see some more examples of condemnation-worthy PMs, check out this list of some of the most spine-chilling messages these people ever received.
This Guy
I Weep For The Women Who Marry Trash Like This
I like the choice he gives her: "Well, if you don't wanna hook up with a married man, how bout a blowjob?"
Meetme Is Literally S**t Tier
I'd love to be able to say that this kind of thing isn't common, but when I was working retail, I was in a long-term relationship. My co-workers knew. A lot of us eventually had each other's phone numbers, ostensibly to tell each other when there were shift changes, or to ask if so-and-so could cover your shift, etc. There were two of my male co-workers who would text me this kind of stuff, even knowing I had a boyfriend at the time. The worst part is that I was 38 when I started working there, and the two co-workers were in their early 20s. They didn't seem to care that I was 18 years older than them, but it really weirded me out (along with the whole ignoring "I have a boyfriend" thing).
Why Do I Even Go On Reddit
Plot Twist?
Some Scum Bag Is Trying To Use Modeling Photos I Was Paid For 11 Years Ago To Extort Me
"Its An Order Not A Request" How Sweet
Not Into That
Omg. How Could I Be So Rude To Such A Gentleman? /S
Not A Digital Message, But A Coworker Has Been Leaving These On My Car
Haven't Spoken In 5 Years But
On behalf of men everywhere I apologise for men being such turds. We definitely need to ensure that boys get manners lessons in school because clearly parents are failing at it.
Facts, I also apologize on behalf of men. Honestly most of us are good guys, but people like that just stick out more (no pun intended)
Load More Replies...I think we all do after that, first round's on me 🥃🥃🥃
Load More Replies...On behalf of men everywhere I apologise for men being such turds. We definitely need to ensure that boys get manners lessons in school because clearly parents are failing at it.
Facts, I also apologize on behalf of men. Honestly most of us are good guys, but people like that just stick out more (no pun intended)
Load More Replies...I think we all do after that, first round's on me 🥃🥃🥃
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