We’d like to have an explanation for everything that happens in our lives. It means that life can be predictable, and we can feel more safe. When we think of the unexplainable, an image of aliens often comes to mind. But extraterrestrials are not the only thing that we aren’t able to explain.

The answers in this thread have plenty of examples. One person online recently asked, “What’s the most unexplainable thing that has happened to you?” People shared all kinds of stories, ranging from eerie coincidences and happy accidents to just plain scary experiences that are hard to explain. Do you have a similar tale? Share it with us in the comments!


“None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I was working in a lab that had skeletal remains, many of which were Native American ancestral remains. I was used to working with skeletons, cataloguing and measuring bones and whatnot, and had never experienced anything that felt supernatural. This lab was created to repatriate the Native American remains that had been excavated locally and been severely mishandled by the university for decades.

I had a box that contained only a skull, and when I opened the box, I *felt* anger resonating from this skull. The entire time it was out of the box, it was like someone was screaming inside my head. I finished as quickly as I could and returned the skull to its place. I had nightmares for several nights and eventually told the professor in charge about it. She was a descendant of the tribe to which these remains belonged and took me very seriously. She added extra offerings to the altar in the lab and smudged the place (burned white sage) and the nightmares stopped.

Never before nor after have I had such a visceral experience.

thetiredninja , Mathew MacQuarrie / Unsplash Report

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10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Nowhere close to this, but when I hold my dogs urne (with her ashes), my heart starts to twitch and dance, and I get very warm through my chest. It even happens when i am not consious of holding it, like when I move it for cleaning, until my heart starts jumping.

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain My daughter was born stillborn. My ex husband and I later tried to get pregnant again for many years, including infertility treatments. Fast forward, I am divorced and later remarried to a man who is 12 years older than me, never had any kids-tried for many years with his ex. I had cancer, so I was required to be on birth control with my chemo med. As part of the requirements they did routine lab work which included a pregnancy test. I got pregnant with my IUD. They kept telling me the pregnancy wasn’t likely to be viable, but my rainbow baby was born last may as perfect as can be. None of the doctors have been able to explain how. Some things are just meant to be I guess.

    Hey_hailey_bailey , Negative Space / Pexels Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I was on a payphone and a Turkey walked out of the woods. Bit me on the back of the knee turned around and walked back into the woods.

    Disastrous-Cry-1998 , ASHISH SHARMA / Pexels Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Turkey was dared by its friends to go confuse a human

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Before my husband and I ever even tried to get pregnant or decided to have kids, I had a dream that I was chasing around a blonde little boy with big brown eyes who was super rambunctious. This dream is what made me finally want to go for it and have kids.

    Two years later, my son looks EXACTLY like the little boy I saw in my dream. Right down to the way his hair grows. And guess what? I chase him around my house at least 3 times a day. He’s a complete wild child. I am 100% sure I saw him in my dream before he was ever even conceived.

    Right before I got pregnant with my second child, I had a dream I was holding a little dark haired baby that was looking up at me and snuggling into me. Myself, my husband, and my son were all very blonde as children and bald at birth. There was no reason to expect a dark haired baby, or really a baby with any hair at all.
    Daughter was born with a thick full head of hair, dark as the night. And she is 10x more snuggly and cuddly than my son was at her stage.

    TLDR: I think that my kids let me know they’re choosing me to be their mom before they come to me.

    Paul_The_Unicorn , Yan Krukau / Pexels Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I have a few. First is when I worked at a grocery store as a teen. Manager called “code G” which was everyone bring their trash to the compactor. The manager was also a family friend so joking around was normal. As I’m throwing trash away, I sense something’s about to be thrown at me and I duck. Rotten food passes over my head. My manager/friend is shocked and questioned how i knew he was about to throw something at me and I just said I had a feeling.

    Next scenario is saving my grandmother's life. I used to visit her every couple months or so. Wasn’t a far drive, 30 minutes. One day I was at Walmart and randomly thought of her. Walmart was about half way to her house and I didn’t buy perishables so I figured why not stop and see her. As I pull in her driveway, she sitting on her front porch, she looks up at me and looks back down. I immediately know somethings wrong because she always jumps up to greet me. As I approached I noticed her lips were blue and started calling 911. Her lungs were 80% filled with fluid and two collapsed heart valves. The paramedics told me if I got caught at a red light, she’d probably be dead. This was around 80 years old, she passed away at 95, a year ago.

    blindkier770 , Gervyn Louis / Unsplash Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How is someone who throws rotten food at you a friend?!

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain There was a huge earthquake in San Francisco in the 80s - my dad was there for a conference.

    We felt the quake where we were and I suddenly started screaming "Dad!!! Dad!!! look out for the chandelier!!!!" My mom and sibs were understandably freaked out.

    When we finally got ahold of him he told us that he'd been in a ballroom when the quake hit and had a sudden urge to jump to the side. A chandelier fell right where he was previously standing.

    My family never talks about it - freaked everyone out severely.

    IllustriousPickle657 , Dominika Gregušová / Pexels Report

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    Zoe's Mom
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    1989 earthquake. San Franciscan here and as soon as I ducked under my desk, a metal deflector above fell right where I was sitting.

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    This isn't exactly easy to talk about nor is it something that people believe when I tell it but here it is. I died. I got drunk and decided to go for a drive to clear my head, (don't do that) it was a cool night just perfect to have the windows down and I wanted to hear the turbo whistle. It was about 11pm so not too many people out in my area. I took a sharp turn in a 25mph zone at a out 60mph about a mile from my house and rolled my truck. It was noisy, I was bloody almost instantly from hitting my nose/head, rolled I'd say probably 4-5 times. At the end of the rolls I was stopped by a loud crashing sound that was very metallic. The path I took was through someone's driveway and into their garage. I was hanging out of the passenger window, broken bones, blood everywhere, missing extremities, you can imagine the scene at this point. Some part of the door, or fender, or something had pierced my chest. All I know is it was metal. I looked down at it, heard the people in the house scream to call an ambulance and everything went black. The next thing I remember was waking up in my bed, wearing the same clothes, immediately ran outside to see my truck parked in the driveway, completely intact. I walked up to it and touched the hood and it was warm. I hadn't driven since that morning around 8am. It scared me sh**less and I ran back inside and checked my phone, then proceeded to sit in silence and stare at the floor for about 3 hours. No police reports, no news paper articles, nothing. I felt it, I saw it, I heard it. It wasn't a dream and I dont do d***s or have any kind of condition where I hallucinate. I talked to a shaman about it and she pretty much told me I died but got a second chance in another dimension/universe because it wasn't my time yet. I've had chills the whole time typing this, really freaks me out lol.

    Onlypipes Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Shook hands with a stranger at work, he knew instantly i was pregnant, even though i had only told my mom and husband (bf at the time). I told him uncomfortably that no one knew here (at work) and he said something quieter, and ALSO "it's a girl" - it was.

    SubRosa_AquaVitae , fauxels / Pexels Report

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    Laura ballam
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    plot twist, this guy says this to everyone hoping to one day be right and really freak someone out

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain A black bear snuck up on me while I was in my garage and sniffed the back of my neck (I was on my knees putting together a grill).

    I thought it was my neighbors dog at first and had to do a legit double take when I turned to pet.

    iFeatherly , Aaron J Hill / Pexels Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "say, is that a pic-a-nic basket you're packing there?"

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Weird one but when I was a teenager I almost died. I was on a cross country team and was running through a forest and suddenly got a cramp which made me stop moving for a second at that exact moment I stopped running a tree landed exactly where I would’ve been. That cramp saved my life.

    Mental_wolf1247 , Julia Volk / Pexels Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Where I live, trees are always falling down. It's a bit scary.

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    I’m a pediatric occupational therapist. The first patient I ever lost was a 2 year old girl who we knew would eventually leave us due to multiple medical problems. She passed peacefully at home, where we did all our therapy sessions. She was never not attached to multiple machines that kept her alive—a trach, vent, Co2 monitors—so many wires and alarms.

    A week to the day after her passing, I woke from a dream where I was holding her on my lap. Her mother was next to me, and we were playing. She was completely healed—not a wire in sight. Smiling, talking (she was not able to speak in life), and being a normal 2 year old. I knew she was ok. I already believed in heaven, but this made me believe I saw her there.

    Purplecat-Purplecat Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I took a different way out of hospital not wanting to see a certain person, I backed around and hid around the dumpster area. Tripped over a person who didn’t move? Used my phone light to see and it was unconscious young guy. Checked and barely alive. I knew enough to go out and yell for help and bring Narcan? People arrived one EMT was great an got him awake they carried him inside. I checked on him the next shift and as I passed by there was the Dad & Mom hugging an taking to him. I felt good they didn’t lose their son and I heard them talking about rehab and telling them how much they loved him so I kept my mouth shut and went back to my department to work. I’m so glad he was found, seemed like a real nice family.

    Do_it_with_care , Pixabay / Pexels Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain This happened just under 6 months ago, but i had intense dreams for about 2 weeks straight of the same man that i had never seen before in my life, and every single instance that i saw him, he was trying to hurt/k**l me. literally every time i slept, he was suffocating me with a bag, or slipping something in a drink, finding my house & stalking me, etc.

    After dreaming about him for two weeks or so, i met this man irl at a gas station. we didn’t talk to each other, i knew nothing about him, but he was there and i could immediately tell it was him. i finished pumping my gas and got in my car, and this man came up in front of my car, putting his hands on the hood, and just staring at me through the windshield. it was insanely creepy, and i couldn’t leave. it was late at night so there weren’t many people nearby, and i just got this horrible gut wrenching feeling of wanting to puke because something was very wrong. i honked my horn super loud & he flinched and pulled away from my hood, so i took the opportunity to drive away. i have no idea who he was, i had never seen him before in my life, but for some reason i saw him harming me in my dreams, and i genuinely think that my fight or flight response in that moment & honking at him saved me from whatever he was going to do while camping out in front of my car.

    Pluto-Wolf , Erik Mclean / Pexels Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain First is simply that I have epilepsy. No known cause. After many years and lots of testing I had surgery that removed my left hippocampus.

    Post surgery I am a different person. I like different things. I am more extroverted. I am more emotional. My epilepsy is still an issue in my life, but with the new me it’s worth it.

    Jabber-Wookie , Jonathan Borba / Pexels Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Epilepsy is different to lots of people (I have it too). Sometimes it emerged as a tumour or lump on the brain putting pressure on a nerve. Once the surgery had been done, the epilepsy lifted. For others, it's medication. I just want mine gone.

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    Perfectly healthy two year old daughter laid down happy and healthy to sleep as with every other night. It was her last earthly activity. She never woke the next morning. Autopsy didn't determine a cause of death. There is no scientific explanation as to why she's not here with me today. And that's a type of lack of closure that nearly k***ed me. It is hard to have what your child doesn't. It's hard to be ok with living when your baby isn't. It's nearly impossible to have no explanation for such a significant loss. Unexplainable and unreal. To this day.

    Canyoufearmenow-good Report

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    Zoe's Mom
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sounds like SID. Yup, unexplainable death of infants. That's truly crappy.

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Many years ago, we were very broke. I had been laid off from my job and struggling to find work. I was sitting on the couch and there was a pillow on the floor beside me. I had two small kids and they were playing in a corner of the room about 15 feet away. I heard a random plunk and a penny had landed on the pillow beside me.

    My kids had not thrown it and I had no idea where it came from. I took it as a sign that things would work out. The next day I got a call about a job.

    maddjaxmaddly , Jeff Weese / Pexels Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Many years ago I woke up sick and couldn't go to school. It was the only time I have ever been sick for school. Anyway I had a small black and white tv in my bedroom and I turned it on and watched live as a space shuttle took off and then suddenly blew up. Many years later I phoned in sick from work, something I had never done before. I turned on the TV just in time to watch live as an airplane flew into a tower.

    SixFootSnipe , Pixabay / Pexels Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain You know sleep paralysis demons? Well I was finally able to touch (and hold on to) one of them. Felt 100% like a human arm. Interestingly, as soon as I touched it, I wasn't scared anymore, and the"shadow person"(!?) started to panic instead.

    Sgt_A_Apone , Craig Adderley / Pexels Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe you were that person’s sleep paralysis demon

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain So far cancer. I'm 21, when I was 20 I was diagnosed with bladder cancer. If you know anything about bladder cancer it is very very common..... In people who are 70+. In people my age or younger, it is exceptionally rare. So rare that from all of recorded Medical history until 2010, there was only 125 cases worldwide of bladder cancer presenting in a patient 20 and under. Now I can think of alot to explain why I got cancer, but even my doctor was baffled. It took 7 months to diagnose because all my doctors were like there's absolutely no way you have bladder cancer. It's unheard of. Fast forward to the same doctor telling me in all his years as a urologist and all the thousands and thousands of patients he's seen with bladder cancer, I was the youngest by a long shot. Nobody that came to mind has come close to being as young as I am with the disease. He wants me to take part in genetic testing so I can know to look out for cancer in my children one day and because the medical field knows so little about bladder cancer at my age, they might learn something from my case. The good news is, in just about every single case of bladder cancer at my age, including myself, it's literally almost ALWAYS curable, and may even be one of the easiest cancers to beat. During my fight with it I did a ton of research and I couldn't find not ONE case where somebody my age died with it. Not one. It was scary nonetheless but I am here about 6 months since my surgery and chemo, I had my 3 month checkup about a month ago and so far so good. I was told it's unlikely to ever return. Tldr the most unexplainable thing that's happened to me is getting an extremely rare cancer. Edit, I wanna clarify I am all good. It didn't spread anywhere, they cut all of it out in one go, I am 100% cancer free.

    Plumpshady , benjamin lehman / Unsplash Report


    On our first date, my now wife and I were hiking along a well travelled trail in a national park in TN. We had gotten turned about and ended up walking down a lesser travelled path that led to some primitive camping sites. It wasn’t until about thirty minutes down this path that she and I both stopped talking and started listening.

    See, we couldn’t hear anything beyond our walking. It’s a bright sunny day in the middle of spring. No birds chirping, no water running in the background, no wind rustling in the trees, and no insects buzzing around, just dead silence. She turns and looks at me as I am getting goosebumps and says, “I don’t like this, something is here.” We quickly turned around and power hiked back the way we came.

    A few minutes later it was like someone had flipped a switch, the sound came back all at once, birds, wind, insects, all of it. We hit one more spot later down the trail where everything stopped and the air felt heavy again. We noped out of there as fast as we could.

    If you are from areas around the Appalachian mountains, you know there are some things best left alone in the woods.

    Xanth939 Report

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    Zoe's Mom
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The stories I've heard about those mountains can curl your toes. The Appalachian seems to 'disappear' people. Glad this couple realized it was best to book out of there.

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Lost my ATM card, went to the bank to have it replaced. Told them what I wanted the PIN to be, and they told me that the PIN would be randomly assigned and mailed separately, and once I received both I could then change the PIN to what I wanted it to be.

    The randomly assigned PIN was the one that I wanted.

    1893Chicago , / Unsplash Report

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    Paul C.
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not sure why you would tell the bank what PIN you wanted. In the UK, at least, the card arrives separately from the PIN number, through the post and the first time you use it, you can change the number to one of your own choosing.

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain A couple things. One of them being a dream about an event that hadn’t happened yet, with people I hadn’t met yet, that transpired years later. And another dream that involved me talking to my dead best friend who was alluding to things that I didn’t know about my bf at the time that ended up being true. That s**t still f***s me up.

    rfantasy7 , Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels Report


    When I was a kid my family used to watch Jeopardy all the time, one night we were watching and saw a clue about the movie Click. My mom, sister and I all shouted the answer at the same time and the tv froze. We sat there for a few minutes waiting and then one of us eventually suggested we try saying “click” in unison again. We did and the tv unfroze. Freaked my dad out really bad.

    atcheish Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I was at my house after hanging out with my family all day. It was about 11 when I came in. I started taking my meds and heard a low creepy voice say fire, there going to be danger. (Meds are for acne). I was so scared I thought my dad was messing with me, but no one was in the house, absolutely no one. and the next day we hung out again. It was 12 when we came in to get more drinks. We all smell this horrible stench of smoke. We check every normal place, microwave/oven/fireplace. Nothing. We run downstairs and cannot find the fire. The smell is getting worse, it’s in the basement by density of smoke. We call the fire department and they find an electrical fire in our wall, it would have burned our house down if we went to bed and thought it was fine. Yeah, 12,000 in damages and it’s all fixed…. Never heard it again.

    countrykidincarhartt , Courtney Wentz / Unsplash Report


    Both of my parents (who were divorced) essentially died on the same day this past December. My dad was in a hospital in Detroit for a double bypass after his fifth heart attack and died from complications late on a Monday. Earlier that same day, around 4pm, I found out my mom had unexpectedly died in her home in a tiny town in upstate Michigan, four hours from Detroit.

    It’s about as s****y a situation as you could imagine.

    acgasp Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I was a roofer, highly skilled in the trade. I was loving life, working hard and planning my future.
    I had just set up a roofing business too. I woke up one morning itching everywhere, looked in the mirror and seemed a bit red. I went to work as usual thinking this sun burn itches so bad!

    Following few days I became slow and drearily, itching like my skin was on fire, as if thousands of bees were stinging me over and over. My skin had become covered with a hard disgusting rash . Then came the boils all over.

    After being to my GP and then being sent to a specialist, it turned out I became allergic to the sun. After 28 years of being a normal outgoing outdoors kind of person... Overnight unknowingly my life has flipped. No more going out in the daytime without major coverage and special sun cream.

    I've never been giver a proper answer to why this happened to me.. this "disease" or whatever it's classed as, has ruined my life. I was told to just "avoid exposure to the sun".

    This was so unexpected and unexplainable.

    I'm in a better place now, 4 years on since it happened. But not one day goes by without me questioning, why?.

    Mehowed_sausage92 , Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He answers his own question, he says "overnight" - so clearly it is a classic case of vapirism

    Debby Keir
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Allergy or sensitivity to sunlight can actually be an unwanted side effect of multiple medications, from certain types of antibiotics to antihistamines (anti allergy meds!) and including NSAIDS (ibuprofen type meds) List is long, so suggest OP checks what they took in the couple of weeks before developing this sensitivity.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please be aware that this could be indicative of another illness, such as lupus. This particular problem was the first symptom for a friend of mine.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Solar urticaria? It weird how allergies develop! I know people who suddenly became allergic to something they ate, even though they'd been eating it all their life.

    Isabel Galvez
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I got my allergies in my 30's. You only get allergies to something you've been exposed to. It can happen anytime.

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    Bob Brooce
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not unusual for allergies to start fairly abruptly, and probably more common to happen more slowly but you realize abruptly. In so far as you can be Allergic to the sun it sounds unusual, but not unexplainable

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I developed a version of it in my late teens. I got a beastly rash if I sat on the grass in the sun. I could sit on grass if it was cloudy and I could sunbathe sitting on paving. Luckily it went away in my twenties

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    Eric Amundsen
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Similar thing happened to me in my forties. It's been 10 years and I'm so careful about sun exposure that I don't know if I'm over it. I guess I'm lucky that I'm a cube dweller and don't spend my days out in the sun. When I do, I wear a lot of protection, SPF 50 shirts and pants.

    Skadi Lifdis
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Same thing happened to my sister in law. Out of nowhere, she'd break out in a horrible painful rash if she was in the sun at all. Then she started having severe reactions to smells, almost all chemicals and experiencing severe pain in her body. She basically became a hermit because she couldn't leave the house without a severe flare up. After years of tests, she was diagnosed with mast cell activation. Her doctor, after a lot of trial and error, got her on a medication regimen that has given her life back and she's almost well enough to go back to work. It's been so hard to know she was suffering and we couldn't visit or do anything to help her.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Autoimmune disease? I became very sensitive as well and get rashes, headaches, nausea from the sun. not sure if it's from the condition or the medication.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've got lupus sle and can't go into the sun or even sit under a bright bulb. It's very weird and I'm so white. I wearing glasses and gloves every time i go out

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    9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    wait when he said he was in a better place did he maen heaven

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thant happened to me, to, but after I returned to South Louisiana after living in Switzerland for a year.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Allergies come out unexpected and almost never during the first exposure to something. I've recently read about a young woman with a very rare allergy to water. She can only drink milk, and taking a shower is very painful and leaves her skin in very bad condition, she can only wash with water every couple of months to let her skin heal. Wiping tissues help but also contain water.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My old neighbor was allergic to the sun too. Her nurse didn't believe her and brought her out for a walk. OMG. Never heard my neighbor swear so much. I told one of her sons when he came over. Since she also had dementia, he just got rid of the nurse and brought his mother closer to his home in a nursing home. Best decision he ever made for her.

    P1 No-Name
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    PLE - my Mum had it, until we moved to Australia. It has something to do with the angle of the light rays.

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hells itch. My partner has this and I’ve said it was the worst pain he ever felt

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain Many years ago during my A-Level final exams, I panicked like hell in the lead up to the exam for one subject because I basically hadnt revised at all, and it was my weakest subject. I had gone through a phase during that school year of slacking off like mad, and it reflected in my grades all year - but realisation hit me in the week before this exam that I had severely screwed up. I wouldnt be able to pass, let alone get a good grade.

    I still cant remember a single thing about the day of the exam - my friends later said I felt a bit off, more quiet than normal, but "me".

    But I cannot recall anything at all about that day.

    I got an A on that exam. I still dont know how. I still dont have any decent knowledge of that subject.

    I walked into that exam room, wrote for 2 hours, and got an A.

    Known-Associate8369 , Jeswin Thomas / Pexels Report

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    Chicken Nugget
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    your identical twin drugged you, took your place in the test, and passed for you

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    My wife's car got reverse-robbed.

    I went out to my wife's car and found that everything inside had been tossed all over the place. I mean everything from every compartment just thrown all over the inside of the car.

    As we were cleaning up and putting everything back together, we found a $50 bill that neither of us could possibly have left there.

    GeoffreyTaucer Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Our house was robbed when I was a kid - they were scared off by the burglar alarm but left behind 4 cans of beer in the garden which our neighbours put in the fridge!

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain This happened 25 years ago before everyone had access to cell phones and you couldn’t find personal information online . Me and my friend were driving when she decided to take a short cut through an alley, all the sudden I heard my cellphone ring which I had just bought the week before , there’s was a lot of static noise coming from and all the sudden a woman on the side started telling me “ you need to get out of there , turn around and go the other way “ I just look at friend confused when all the sudden there’s was a man standing in the middle of the alley with a knife on his hands me and my friend panicked and started screaming as she put the car on reversed and got out there . Until these day I had no clue who called me or how they knew my number since I haven’t given out to anyone else outside my friend.

    Humble-Tourist-3278 , Matt Hardy Report


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain I was in high school at a friends birthday party. Her parents booked us a suite at a resort hotel, the kind with a mini water park you can use free if you’re staying in the hotel. It was a pool party/sleepover, and we got the whole suite to ourselves, though her mom was in an adjoining room. We were staying up late watching movies, one was a horror movie about a mu****er, and we were doing what teenage girls do, getting scared of nothing. Somehow we got it in our heads there was a k***er outside waiting to break in and m***er us. Me having to be the brave little skeptic decided I would prove to my friends we were safe by opening the curtains. There was a man standing right outside looking in through the window. I closed the curtains quickly, and we were all screaming. Her mom came rushing in, we told her what happened, and she checked outside but there was no man. To this day I wonder what that man was doing. Was he really a mu****er who got scared away by our screaming? Was he some guy passing by that happened to look over at the exact moment the curtains opened? Did we just imagine the whole thing from sitting up talking about how scared we were? Was he a peeping Tom trying to catch a glimpse of 14 year old girls in pajamas? Did he overhear our conversation and think it would be funny to play a prank on us? Spooky. lol.

    Faith-Family-Fish , Isai Ramos / Unsplash Report

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    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain When I was younger, (and everyone only had landlines), a friend gave me his number and I would call him at his house. I even talked to his family members. Stopped talking so much and lost his number. Tried to remember it one day and called the first number that popped into my head. He was there. But he was at a friend’s house that I had never met.

    Lumpy_Machine5538 , tommaso picone / Pexels Report


    I woke up from a nap, laughing explosively and uncontrollably. it was one the of the scariest things that’s ever happened to me. i couldn’t catch my breath and i rolled onto the floor clutching my chest, i got so scared and ran to my dad (WHILE STILL LAUGHING). i believe he thought i was joking around but i sat in the floor and it slowly stopped. never happened again.

    SlipCommercial5083 Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This, ironically, is the scariest one on the list, lol.

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    I was still living at my parents house and at around 2:30 AM our Rottweiler was sitting at the back door barking, wanting to go out to use the bathroom. I threw on a hoodie and sweatpants and walked to the back door where I found her growling, staring out the window. It was a little unnerving but because of the dog I felt safe enough to step out with her for a minute or two.

    As soon as I opened the door, she bolted to the corner of our property. On the side of the lawn she chose we had one standalone lamp post providing just enough light to get a rough idea of the landscape. I started making my way over to the dog thinking that she didn’t need to use the bathroom at all and just had the zoomies or something like that, so my plan was to just grab the dog and go back inside.

    Suddenly, the dog does a complete 180 and hauls a*s down our property line in the direction opposite of what I was facing. I turned around to start following her again and I stopped dead in my tracks. There was this tall and thin white figure levitating probably 5-6 feet off the ground in our yard. The fear flooded my body instantly. It didn’t appear to have any limbs (from what I saw in a panic), and it almost looked like it was moving in the wind. The dog was following it, jumping and barking in an aggressive manner.

    The adrenaline and fear coursing through my body gave me the strength to sprint over and scoop up this 80-90 lb dog and dead sprint to the back door. I told my family the next morning and they seemed pretty spooked but they also weren’t taking it super seriously. I have no idea what I saw.

    NSFWthrowaway0305 Report

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    Zoe's Mom
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Adrenaline is a wonderful thing when it comes to saving your life. Glad this person and their dog are okay.

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    Survived being born w sepsis and drs said wouldn’t make it, hydroplaned across busy interstate during rush hour and wrecks happening all around me, beat aggressive cancer they said might not make it, still here to type this 🤷‍♀️.

    enola007 Report


    At the YMCA camp in Missouri.
    At the little lake swimming cutout in the lake. They had everyone get out of the deeper water because an older man with Alzheimer's had gone missing while swimming.

    The staff at the camp were taking walking sweeps arm in arm to try and find him.

    While coming out of the water I felt a gentle tug at my ankle and looked down to find the coolest shell I'd seen that day, very unique white with a blue stripe.

    I was walking around the small deck area that surrounds the water in an area they had cleared and looked down to find an almost identical shell. Then I noticed something at the bottom of the water. The old man, wearing white trunks with a blue waist stripe......

    HeadFit2660 Report

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    About 10 years ago my brother and I owned and lived in an old two story duplex. While watching TV one time I heard what sounded like something dropping on the floor and then rolling across his living room. I texted him and asked what he dropped, his reply was nothing, but he heard the sound too, and it sounded like I pushed something against the ceiling. There is only about a foot of space between our two living rooms. A different time, I was camping with my wife and awoke around 2:30 in the morning with the worst headache imaginable, but it quickly subsided. My brother was planning on meeting up with us later the next day, but called me in the morning to let me know he wasn't feeling well. I told him about my headache and he went silent. He told me he woke up at the same time with a massive headache, too. Neither of us are the type to play practical jokes or anything like that. It was weird.

    MikeofLA Report

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    My daughter and I were standing outside of a shop in a strip mall in a very suburban area. A smartly dressed man in a nice suit was approaching us and, as he did, a squirrel approached as well. Strange place for a squirrel to be. The man smiled at us, we smiled back, the squirrel scurried closer to the man, the man fixed his gaze on the squirrel, and the squirrel scurried faster toward him as he started to panic and that damn squirrel ran up the man’s leg and around his body and that grown man let out a shriek I’ll never forget. My daughter and I just watched in horror as this poor man got assaulted by a crazy a*s squirrel. The squirrel finally took off and all three of us just stared at each other like what the f**k just happened here?! It was wild.

    LeaveWuTangAlone Report

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    I share a reoccurring nightmare with my twin about the Licorice man from Candy Land chasing after me (HER in her dream) in our high school. He would chase us for hours, trying to get the best of us. He looks nothing like the actual licorice man from the board game—he is made of licorice and it coils around him. The licorice looks a bit like ennard from fnaf… all wires. He had red glowing eyes.

    He would chase me into the bathroom and I’d hide in one of the stalls. He would slowly open one after the other until he got to ours. He already knew I was in the stall but wanted to scare me even more. He’d throw open the stall, grab me, and i’d start turning to licorice and wake up.

    My twin and I had this same nightmare for years without telling each other. We were terrified when we found out the other was having the same dream. My twin thinks it was a demon and she isn’t even religious.

    greenbldedposer Report

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    Was in a car accident where the vehicle rolled twice over a median into oncoming traffic lanes. Ejected from the car and walked away with a scratch on my forearm.

    I’m pretty strict about wearing my seatbelt and for some reason I didn’t have it on this particular day. I was told if I had it on, I more than likely would have broken my neck in the crash and would be dead.

    Felt very out of body for the rest of the day. I am still strict about my seatbelt, and ALWAYS wear it now despite the bizarre occurrence from the crash.

    Crazy part was there was 5 others in the car with the same circumstances as me, we all had minor to zero injuries.

    It felt weird and unexplainable to walk away from that situation.

    Full-Profile-1023 Report


    When I was 21 my at the time boyfriend (now my husband!) had moved to the outskirts of Pittsburgh. I was in the process of preparing to move there myself and came down for a visit. The first night when we were sleeping I was grabbed on the arm and pulled out of bed by a black figure. I screamed and fought and when I came to or woke up or whatever you call it I was standing out of the bed right where I had been dragged to.

    Everyone convinced me it was a nightmare and I put it out of my mind, until I moved into the house. I lived there for about a year and in that year I had this ame black figure come to me in my sleep multiple times. Sometimes they would stand at the other side of the room, sometimes standing right over me or grabbing me. Once they spoke and told me they wanted to bring me to hell.

    Eventually we did move and once we did I never had those “nightmares” again. No matter how illogical I cannot figure out how I would only have night terrors in one house without some supernatural explanation.

    sBeSnacking Report

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    When I was a sophomore in high school (17f) I was on an ice skating trip with a school club & happened to make a friend. Which I'm not really good at doing even now due to my often reserved nature as well as being on the spectrum lol. This new friend was super sweet, had similar interests to mine & seemed really excited herself to have made a new friend.

    Shortly after meeting on this trip she was eager to introduce me to her friend group, which I thought was great! She insisted on introducing me to one of her good guy friends after the trip as he was picking her up after.
    So were sitting & waiting behind the school for her friend as well as my own ride. After not long this tall & incredibly good looking guy shows up. This dude looks so out of place at our school & even in our town. He looked like he should be at model shoot in Paris or something.he looked some where between 19-22. This is a small town where even if you don't know everyone, you at least recognize faces & I had never seen this dude before. I most certainly would have remembered. Even the way he dressed was high end. Which this town certainly isn't.

    As my new friend begins to introduce me, he stops her with a raised hand & spoke to me directly, calling me by name. This new friend as far as I knew & could tell by her face at this moment she hadn't told him either & was just as surprised. I ask him how exactly he knows my name & claims we had met before & really didn't like me. I have no idea who this guy is & I'm certain I would remember someone who looked like him.
    He then starts rattling stuff out about me, stuff I have no idea how he could know any of this. Theres no way he could have gotten it from the new friend as he was talking about stuff I hadn't shared during our meeting. And this dude definitely didn't go to our school.

    I tried to ask him how he knew these things, who he was, as well as trying to apologize for whatever I had done to him. But all he would say is, "it's for the best you don't remember me, because I don't want you to & never want to be around you again." Him & my new friend then walked away.

    The girl & I remained cool for a while. I would ask her the next I saw her what his deal was & she just said she had no idea & he wouldn't tell her either.
    I never saw him again, ever.

    I still have no clue who he was or how he knew me so well even to this day, nor what I could have possibly done to him. I often kept to myself & rarely interacted with anyone except my next door neighbors. I'm still at loss.

    TLDR; I made a new friend. She tried to introduce me to a friend of hers, but knows everything about me, but I don't know him.

    TheOcean_isa_Beach Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Clearly the guy had changed since op knew him, and she was likely mean to him. She says he was gorgeous, yeah guess what people cab change their apperance, but not who they are inside.

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    When I was in my early 20s I was looking through magazines and saw an ad that had a cape cod house in it. I liked it and cut out the picture and put it in a small box I called my junk box. It had odd things like baseball cards, photos, newspaper clippings etc...

    About 10 years later, I'm married and my wife finds this old junk box and brings it to me to look at the stuff inside. We start taking the stuff out piece by piece and get to the picture of the house. My wife had never seen it and I hadn't seen it in years.

    We both get a WTF look. The picture of the house is our house we are living in. Not exact but so many similarities. The house was on a corner lot, cape cod, same color, same type driveway, same window shutters and some of the same landscaping in front of the house.

    Not sure what you call it but definitely can't explain it.

    vicki22029 Report


    I was taking a nap and had a dream I was at a festival sitting up on a hill just looking around. I noticed a storm was rolling in and even though I was sitting on the hill I could watch everything unfold, winds picked up, tents rolled all over the place, stage was falling apart and it was just chaos. I woke up from my nap and opened FB to find what I just dreamed had just happened at a Pukklepop. I have a lot of DejaVu happen but this one was the wildest of them all.

    I_got_rabies Report

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    Lorraine R
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pukkelpop is an annual music festival that takes place near the city of Hasselt, Belgium in mid- to late August. - Wikipedia


    “None Of The Doctors Have Been Able To Explain How”: 30 Disturbing Experiences People Can’t Explain My friends and I witnessed a bizarre canine like creature bounding around a field while out hunting. The thing was doing what can best be described as a search pattern back and fourth in the snow. We must have watched it for 45 minutes and still can't figure out what it really was.

    NPC261939 , Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels Report


    One time, I woke up in the middle of the night to find all the furniture in my room rearranged, despite living alone and having securely locked all the doors and windows before going to bed. It was truly baffling and left me questioning if I had sleepwalked or if something inexplicable had occurred.

    anon Report


    This doesn't exactly rise to an X-Files case but I have no idea how I got home from a bar one night.

    I was living on my own and went out with some childhood friends and my brother. The next thing I remember was waking up in my childhood bedroom in my parents' house.

    My brother and friends were freaking out because they had no idea what happened to me. They didn't really understand what happened. They said I had two maybe three drinks that got me really drunk then started making plans to leave when I disappeared. I drove to the bar that night so they went outside to see if my car was still there - which it was. My parents said 4 guys they had never seen carried me to the door then helped take me up stairs. My parents knew the people I was out with - including my brother. These were different people.

    About an hour after I woke up at my parents' house I got a message from one of the bartenders there I was friendly with. She told me she thought I was drugged. She said I had like two or maybe three drinks when I suddenly looked like I was black out drunk. The next thing she knew 4 guys she didn't know were helping me out the door.

    The crazy part though was the bar (and my apartment) was a solid 45 minutes from my parents' house.

    I have no idea who the guys were, what (if anything) was given to me, why something would have been given to me, or how they even knew where my parents lived. I don't believe anything was stolen nor was I injured in any way. My mom said the guys who took me to the door were normal looking guys about my age and perfectly polite to her. In the years since that's happened nobody has said "Bro, you were wasted that night we took you home".

    I just have no idea what happened.

    anon Report

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    Zoe's Mom
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would the friend; the bartender let 4 random guys take a friend out of the bar?

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    Sitting on the couch with my at the time girlfriend, stairs to the second floor covered by an adjacent wall. Suddenly we here what sounds like someone stomping/running down the stairs. Naturally I jumped up assuming someone had broken in, but there was nobody there. We checked every room upstairs, every closet, under every bed, nothing. We then went on to have a bunch of other weird and unexplained s**t happen the three years we lived in that house.

    Sawoodster Report


    I had a dream where I found out my my ex was cheating on me with a specific person. I kept it private, thought it was strange, but roughly six months later it came to fruition. Not in the way my dream had happened, but same person. Super weird.

    iranoutofideasz Report

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    Pewpie Diaper
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Perhaps your intuition about real world happenings, manifesting in your dreams to help you piece it all together.

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    I was outside at a park when i was 14 and an owl that was like half my size came flying down and tried to grab me on the head with its talons and then just flew away. i was so shook.

    crutonacrutona Report


    My dog has an intense ball obsession. It's a specific blue and orange chuck-it ball size S. Anyways, I've thrown it out of being annoyed very far, multiple houses.

    It always comes back.
    Our names are not on it, we don't have two. We've removed the squeak. It's absolutely the same ball, and it just reappears days after we tossed it.

    GoldenBarracudas Report

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    Heir of Durin
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    10 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’m confused. Something about the ball annoying them so they got rid of it by throwing it very far? I’m glad this pupper gets it back every time. Poor doggo.

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    I was waiting on a street corner and this random woman tapped me on the shoulder and just started going at me that I needed to stay away from her husband. When I said I had no idea what she was talking about, she said that she supposedly just saw me with him a minute before. I had just left my house and hadn't spoken with anyone that day, I was also like 19 and didn't know any married men, so I was confused as f**k. My mom picked me up as she was halfway through yelling at me and I never saw her again, but still to this day desperately curious what she thought she saw and what happened after to her and her husband. I know it could have been just d***s or something, but she seemed lucid enough. .

    Tricky-Elderberry142 Report


    This happened to my dad back in the 1960s. He smoked cigarettes one after another so he had ashtrays all over his remote farmhouse. He went out of the house for a few minutes and when he came back in, he couldn't find a single one of the many ashtrays he used. A few days later he found them all under his bed.

    Distwalker Report


    When I was maybe 5 I was alone sitting on the steps of my cousin’s trailer house, it was centered in the middle of these thick woods (humble tx) but there was a clearing for like a half mile radius. A bobcat ran up to me scratched me (harshly but it was such a small cut). I cried ran inside and told them what happened, and of course they didn’t believe me and thought it was just a cat. This animal was HUGE. It still feels unexplainable how the cut was so small.

    slayingcatdog Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At first I thought of the construction bobcat, not the animal lol

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    One Christmas when I was super young, I woke up slightly early and just laid awake in bed, thinking I'd hear reindeer on the roof. As I'm waiting, I listen to the faint whispering of my cousins in the living room, (which at the time I thought was elves,) They were still chattering, when I saw the most paralyzing thing. A black gloved hand quickly reached onto my doorframe, grasped it for a moment, then slipped away. I cannot describe the kind of fear I felt there. Somehow it was the only time I can remember being scared enough I couldn't react. I still don't know what happened, and my grandparents sold the house years ago. 

    Beneficial-Canary-47 Report


    That time I fell into a glass door and the only thing that broke was the keys in my pocket.

    Apprehensive_Way8545 Report

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    I was going to a family get together at my brothers. as i was driving I noticed this telephone pole and thought it looked really weird but I couldn’t really see it that well or tell why it did. when I got closer, the thing snapped in half and was slingshotting back and forth across the roadway, half the pole attached to the powerline. i was in a van and the line was right in front of me, i couldnt stop and ran right into it. it caught along the middle of my windshield, all the way across and I could feel it kinda pull my van back a little before sliding up onto my roof where it got caught in the cargo rack finally snapped in two. when i looked back there was fire on one side of the road. I had to pull over, because it nearly gave me a heart attack.noone was around, no one saw all this happen but me. when i finally got to my brothers my dad called in to report the line down and the fire,.

    SnooPandas8848 Report

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    I caught a BB gun bullet with my hand with no injury. Bounced off something and landed in my hand.

    needsbeer Report

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    I had a dream in roughly 2003/2004 where I was a third-party spectator as a woman walked through a snowy city crying in the night. Then, a bunch of scary looking people with dark eyes surrounded her out of the dark. She pleaded to God they they would leave her alone. One of the people looked at the sky and said, "There is no God," and then they k***ed her. In October of 2007, the movie 30 days of night came out, and that scene is in the movie, nearly exactly how I dreamt it. When I saw it in the movie, a chill went through my whole body and it was hard to breathe. I do know there is a comic book for the movie that was published in 2002. I bought it last year, but that scene wasn't in the comic from what I remember. And I was in grade 3 in 02, so I certainly didn't read it then. I attribute it to watching a ton of horror movies from a young age, and probably getting scenes mixed up in my head. My dad was legit showing me movies like the thing and pumpkin head when I was 5 lol.

    IllNefariousness8733 Report

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    I fell down the whole stairs at school and i was not injured.

    Thick_Butterfly_8286 Report

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    When Covid delayed the opening of the Major League Baseball season, my Milwaukee Brewers schedule fell off my work cubicle wall right at the time the opening pitch would have been thrown.

    holmen-2001 Report


    It's not so much unexplainable but by far the freakiest interaction I've had with a stranger.

    It was 2001. I was 14. I walked to McDonald's since it was five minutes from my house. Waited on line, got my bag of food and walked over to the soda machine to fill my cup and I realized they didn't give me a lid (this was one of those plastic souvenir cups so I couldn't use a lid in the dispenser near the machine).

    I walked back to the counter and waited for the worker to turn and help me when a guy waiting in line next to me said, "You better do something tomorrow."

    To set the scene, this man wasn't a vagrant or crackhead (at least, I don't think). He was fair haired, cleanly dressed, T-shirt, shorts, and wore a Mets baseball hat with big, thick eye glasses. Young guy, probably mid-30s, early 40s.

    It was the kind of wardrobe that held on for dear life in the late '90s, early 2000s if that makes sense.

    The McDonald's was crowded, so I didn't feel isolated that if I had to, I was going to make a scene either verbally or physically.

    I was jarred, though, because he was speaking forward but clearly talking to me. I said, "Excuse me? Do what?"

    He then turned to me and said, "He's on the way out."

    I was now creeped out because, like, who the f**k was he talking about? I then said, "What the f**k are you saying? Who?"

    I'll never forget the seriousness on his face before he said, "Run."

    Well, I left that cup on the counter, turned around very calmly, walked out of McDonald's, and proceeded to sprint home.

    I lived in that town another 4 years and never saw this guy again (it was a big, but small town, so I'm surprised.)

    The only thing I can think of is that he just decided to mess with some random kid that day, and it ended up being me. Or he was legitimately nuts. So maybe both.

    HouseofEl1987 Report


    Maybe not *that* weird, but definitely weirdest thing I ever saw:

    While hiking in the Olympic Mountains of WA, I saw two birds flying very *very* slowly, like in super slow motion, and they perched on a branch above my head. Hard to explain how unreal and bizarre it looked, but was right in front of me.

    There were no updrafts of breezes, no cliff edge nearby. They were flying very slowly, in ways that should defy the laws of physics.

    They flew off at regular speed.

    YgramulTheMany Report

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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe they were flying upward, and OP’s perspective was skewed?

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