30 Buildings That Have Such An Evil Aura That They Could Be Supervillain Headquarters (New Pics)
If you've read The Shining, seen Poltergeist, or played Amnesia, you know that a house can be more than just a place to live—it can be a source of horror.
The subreddit 'Evil Buildings' and its 1.1 million members regularly share examples of architecture that embodies this sinister vibe—whether it's a structure that could be chosen by a supervillain as their lair, could serve as the headquarters for a wicked corporation, or simply looks so creepy that it feels as if it's alive and watching you.
Enter if you dare.
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An Abandoned Mansion In The Swamps Of Louisiana
Perhaps The Evilest Of Them All?
Profit, profit, and profit while everything else is secondary...
Frank McAndrew, who is the Cornelia H. Dudley Professor of Psychology at Knox College and an elected Fellow of several professional organizations, including the Association for Psychological Science (APS), says that the portrayal of cinematic haunted houses has remained remarkably consistent over time.
"From a psychological point of view, the standard features of haunted houses trigger feelings of dread because they push buttons in our brains that evolved long before houses even existed," McAndrew writes. "These alarm buttons warn us of potential danger and motivate us to proceed with caution."
The Fifa Boardroom Looks Like The Perfect Place To Hold A Super Villian Meeting
Lighthouse In Michigan After An Ice Storm
I Can See Why People Think Prague Is Full Of Vampires
Haunted houses give us the creeps not because they pose an obvious threat to us, but rather because it is unclear whether they represent a threat or not.
"This ambivalence leaves you frozen in place, wallowing in unease," McAndrew explains.
For example, it would be considered bizarre and embarrassing to run screaming out of a house that makes you feel uneasy if there is nothing to fear. But on the other hand, it could be perilous to ignore your intuition and remain in a place that feels dangerous.
This Building Looks Cartoonishly Evil
Qatar’s Crescent Tower Looking Even More Evil This Morning
The Bailong Elevator. (Supervillain Lair Vibes)
If I understand Wikipedia correctly it's actually twice as tall as it looks here. The bottom half is inside the mountain.
Under S 204m Tall Brutalism Architecture TV Tower, Serbia. Blade Runner Vibes
Think of it this way: if you’re walking through the woods alone at night and hear something rustling in the bushes, you’ll respond with a heightened level of arousal and attention. You’ll behave as if there is a willful "agent" who plans to harm you.
If it turns out to be a gust of wind or a stray cat, you lose very little, if anything, by overreacting. But if you fail to activate the alarm response and a true threat is present, the consequences of your miscalculation could be very high.
Literally Evil
Sure blends into its surroundings, doesn't it? You hardly notice it's there.
This Building Is Up To Something For Sure
Ok no one finds this evil. It just a building giving side eye lol 😆
Vlasov Roman Is An Architect For Supervillains
Temelin Power Plant With Eyes Projected Onto The Cooling Towers, For Some Reason
"We have evolved to err on the side of detecting threats in ambiguous situations," McAndrew says.
"Things that activate hypervigilance for malevolent supernatural (or natural) agents abound in large, drafty old houses: rattling or creaking sounds in upstairs rooms; the sighing and moaning of wind passing through cracks; ragged curtains fluttering in the breeze; echoes; and cold spots."
German Observation Tower At Guernsey
This Is On A Whole New Level
Spotted On The Amtrak To NYC
The Remains Of A Concrete Apartment Building In Kirovsky, Kamchatka
"Research has consistently shown that we need more personal space while seated than while standing, more space when we are in the corner of a room rather than in the center of it, and more space in rooms with low ceilings," the psychologist adds.
"We feel uncomfortable when our personal space is violated anywhere, but especially so in situations where we feel as if escape will become difficult."
Such feelings of discomfort are symptomatic of the fact that we are constantly—even if unconsciously—scanning our surroundings and evaluating our ability to flee if it should become necessary.
Consequently, evil buildings are our worst nightmares.
A War Memorial In Serbia
Gateway Arch In St. Louis At Night
Cologne Cathedral Last Night
The Oldest House In France Has Been Standing There Since 1478
As you may have noticed from looking at the pictures, the older a place is, the more likely we are to perceive it as haunted. McAndrew believes this is because there’s been much more time for tragic things to have happened.
"Stimuli such as moldy odors, antiquated Victorian or Gothic architecture, wood interiors, and old portraits on the wall reinforce an ambiance of great age," he says. "Assuming that the house is no longer occupied, signs of life suddenly interrupted and frozen in time only amplify the fear factor."
When You Design A Building That Looks Evil Yet Gorgeous
Nordic Brutalism By Isaac Zuren
Washington D.c. Temple Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints
Eye Of Sauron, Doest It Count?
At the end of the day, whether or not a building can be labeled as evil depends upon more than the physical features of the house. Just as important are the expectations of the person exploring the area. To continue your investigations, fire up our first article on the subreddit 'Evil Buildings.'
Evil Has Taken Root!
Frankenstein's 21st Century Laboratorium (Habsburgwarte, Vienna)
Central Bank Of Iraq(The Scheme Provides A 172m-Tall Tower On Top Of A 200 X 100m Podium Box)(414x414)
Brutslism In Applachia
No One Likes Ohio But Maybe That's A Bit Much
Poll Question
Which type of architecture do you find most eerie?
Supervillain lairs
Wicked corporation headquarters
Haunted mansion
Abandoned industrial sites
I know a lot of people hate brutalism, and it's a very hard style to pull off, but I think that when it's done well it creates a very powerful image.
True. I actually find something poignant about the look of aging Brutalist buildings; the patina I guess. But it could be that a lot of Brutalist buildings were fairly new and modern looking when I was young.
I've always thought that Predjama Castle in Slovenia would make a good supervillain HQ. It's a castle built into a cave mouth. It was featured in Season 3 of The Witcher.
I know a lot of people hate brutalism, and it's a very hard style to pull off, but I think that when it's done well it creates a very powerful image.
True. I actually find something poignant about the look of aging Brutalist buildings; the patina I guess. But it could be that a lot of Brutalist buildings were fairly new and modern looking when I was young.
I've always thought that Predjama Castle in Slovenia would make a good supervillain HQ. It's a castle built into a cave mouth. It was featured in Season 3 of The Witcher.