50 Times People Took Halloween Pumpkin Carving To A Whole New Level And Created These Masterpieces (New Pics)
If you take a step back, it might seem a bit strange that every fall, thousands, if not millions of innocent pumpkins are carved up, just to give a room a spooky look. But there is no denying that a creatively carved pumpkin does add that little bit of spice to any Halloween decor. And some people really do take their decorations to the next level.
So people from all over the internet share the most interesting, cool, and spookiest pumpkins they have carved, designed, and decorated in the spirit of Halloween. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorite creations, and be sure to comment your thoughts and ideas below.
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This Year’s Pumpkin Worked Out
Pumpkin Carving Of Carving A Pumpkin
My Pumpkin This Year
The origins of the carved pumpkin (or jack-o’-lantern) are nearly as spooky as Halloween itself. The lights, if certain tales are to be believed, represent or were inspired by the will-o'-wisp, a creature out of European folklore. This creature or spirit, depending on which interpretation one goes by, can be “found” at night, trying to lure people off of paths.
After leading a person into a marsh or other remote, wild area, it disappears, leaving them lost. As per usual in European folklore, spirits, and creatures of the night are seldom around to help us humans. While the jack-o’-lantern isn’t exactly the same thing, its lights are supposed to represent these spirits.
Finished My Pumpkinpede
Instead Of Carving The Jack-O'-Lantern Myself This Year, I Poked A Bunch Of Small Holes In A Pumpkin And Stuffed The Holes With Peanut Butter
I then let the squirrels go at it for two days. The result is something truly disturbing.
A Very Easy Pumpkin With A Truly Haunting Result
While the pumpkin is currently the undisputed king of carved vegetables, in the past it was common to also use turnips and even rutabaga to make faces. These faces and “lanterns” were used to ward off evil spirits at the spooky time of year, although in some cases they would also represent said spirits, so it seems that different people had different relationships with the spirits.
Finished The Pumpkin Carving
My Pumpkin Carving For This Year
Carved By My Incredibly Talented Husband. Yes, It’s A Real Pumpkin. He Used Watered-Down Acrylics To Create The Aged Wood Texture
While the tradition originated in the British Isles, the actual pumpkin is a vegetable from the Americas. So it’s not surprising that the first mentions of a carved pumpkin in North America go all the way back to 1837. However, at the time, it was more a celebration of the harvest than anything to do with Halloween or spirits, evil and benign.
My Attempt At A Mera Mera No Mi Pumpkin
Second time ever carving a pumpkin and took 20+ hours so please be gentle with the critique.
My Boss Told Me My Pumpkin Was “Too Basic” To Be Entered Into Our Work’s Pumpkin Carving Contest
I Carved A Pumpkin Beholder
It would only be a few decades later when Americans would start to associate the carved and candle’d pumpkin with Halloween. Given that Halloween and the harvest aren’t that far apart, the connection seems pretty easy to make. After all, you can't have an abundance of pumpkins to carve without a harvest.
Poison Apple Pumpkin
Tried Something Different During Pumpkin Carving This Year. Pretty Stoked With The Result
Since the 1860s, the craft of carving pumpkins has only expanded, as well as the actual size of canvas. Just recently, the record for the world’s heaviest pumpkin was broken again by Travis Gienger, with a 1,226 kg (2,702 lb) pumpkin named “Michal Jordan.” One can imagine a skilled pumpkin carver looking at this massive “canvas” and being overwhelmed by the possibilities.
A Brigantine-Style Boat That’s Brimming With A Treasure Haul Of Pearly White Gumballs And Candy Gold Doubloons. No Tricks, All The Treats
Giant Pumpkin Geode
We carve/decorate a giant pumpkin for Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & Regatta every year for my company's Peapod Jewelry. This was our entry for 2022.
My Gandalf & The Balrog Pumpkin
Went LOTR for my second pumpkin of the year - Gandalf and the Balrog of Morgoth! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
Stencil creation: ~1 hour
Stencil transfer/prep: ~1.5 hours
Carving: ~6 hours
Certain North American towns take their pumpkin carving very, very seriously. For example, the inhabitants of Keene in New Hampshire worked together to carve, light up, and display a staggering 30,581 pumpkins in 2013, setting a new world record. While the individual quality of the pumpkins is questionable, there is no denying that quantity has a quality of its own.
I Won The Work Contest With This Guy
My Kid Is Obsessed With Sea Life. This May Be The Coolest Pumpkin I’ve Ever Carved
Stunning Tiger Carving
The art of pumpkin carving has expanded alongside technology. While in the past, people would be limited to candles or perhaps lanterns, access to better, more consistent lights now allow people to work with light like never before. At the same time, more accessible tools allow people to make more intricate carvings.
A Lil Over The Garden Wall Inspired Carve On 6.5” Michaels Foam Pumpkin. It’s A Pumpkinception
Kitty Cat Jack-O'-Lantern
Here's A Little Beetlejuice I Carved Recently On A 6.5" Foam Pumpkin
Add in paint, glitter, stencils, and other extras and a committed carver can turn a pumpkin into almost anything. As you can see in this list, some pumpkins, for better or worse, have strayed so far from their original form that they more resemble sculptures than anything else.
I Know Halloween Is Over But My Pumpkin Won 3rd Place In A Contest Tonight And I’m Super Stoked
I Was Proud Of My Maleficent Pumpkin Carving
Some Of The Floors Had A Pumpkin Carving Contest
It’s arguable that this has created a sort of pumpkin art escalation, as creatives vie with each other to see who is going to do something different with a pumpkin. Some don’t even bother with lights and instead treat the outer skin of the pumpkin as a sort of canvas, a sentence that out of context sounds as spooky as Halloween itself.
This Is The Wall Pumpkin
1st Butternut Squash Carving
Girlfriend's And My Pumpkins This Year
Regardless, every fall, we are treated to a bountiful harvest of cool and creative pumpkin art. So if you feel like seeing more, Bored Panda has got you covered. Check out our articles on expert-level pumpkin carving and our list from 2021 with some of the most eye-catching pumpkin-based art out there.
First Pumpkin Carving Of The Season
I Made An M. C. Escher Pumpkin. Had A Costume Too, But Most People Thought I Was Harry Potter
I Think I Have Arthritis Now... Done With All My Pumpkins For The Year
I Carved A Happy Little Bokoblin
oh my god I didn't expect to see a Zelda pumpkin! HES ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE
My Wheezing Jack-O'-Lantern That I Carved Way Too Early
I just carved a pumpkin for the first time in over a decade and it turns out a carved fruit doesn't do so well outside in Florida.
Carved Pumpkins By Danish Midwives At A Local Hospital
"Skeleton Drinking" - Me, Pumpkin, 2022
Vecna Pumpkin. Freehand Carved And Painted
Dragon/Basilisk Pumpkin With Shark-Style Double Row Of Teeth
Finished My Pumpkin For Halloween
I like the two side pumpkins in the top photo.
Friend’s Hocus Pocus Pumpkin Carving
Andromeda Proxy. Carved Into A Living Pumpkin
My Latest Carve
Carved A Pumpkin Into One Of My Favorite Witcher Monsters: A Leshen
This Is Tator Tooth. He Has No Eyes, I Don't Know If I Want To Ruin It Adding Eyes
Another Mini Pumpkin
I used a Dremel to get the skin off and then used an Xacto knife to cut all the triangles. I wanted them to be scallops (first row) but it wasn’t turning out right so I changed it. Too short for a tea light, so phone light it is.
I Carve Pumpkins. People Always Say I Should Sell Them, But I Just Do It For Fun
My Jack-O'-Lantern
I Won First Prize At My Company's Pumpkin Carving Contest This Year. Not Much Carving, But It Is More Of A Sculptural Piece
Happy Halloween Grounded! I Tried To Make The Scariest Pumpkin Possible
I like the ones not done by real artists. Give me the homegrown versions any day!
And the ones made with real pumpkins or gourds.
Load More Replies...I just had to upvote them all. Wonderful, all of them. Happy Halloween!
I like the ones not done by real artists. Give me the homegrown versions any day!
And the ones made with real pumpkins or gourds.
Load More Replies...I just had to upvote them all. Wonderful, all of them. Happy Halloween!