Halloween is coming up, which means that we will finally be able to enjoy pumpkins in forms other than just lattes. The legendary orange fruit — yes, that's right — will make its way onto everyone's porches.
Part of why it's among the stars of the spooky occasion is its versatility. So no matter if you're a passionate craftsperson or a curious beginner, Bored Panda compiled a list of the most creative Halloween pumpkin carvings that should inspire you to pick up the knife.
Continue scrolling to see all the beloved fictional character portraits, creepy spiders, and even famous painting reproductions!
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We Did Some Pumpkin Carving Last Night So Of Course I Had To Make A PUMPkin
I Carved Pumpkin Puppers
I try to carve 1-2 pumpkins as an annual tradition. This year I carved my sister's dog Axton (left) and my dog Orvi. They both are Australian Cattle Dogs. They are carved into a 19" and 15" diameter Funkin brand foam pumpkin so we can put them out every year. Happy Halloween!
This is pretty sweet if you have little ones you don't want to scare. I like the scary ones but there was a time when my grandkids were little it was hard to get them to go to the bathroom by themselves because I had a wooden mask hanging on the wall in the hallway. The scary stuff would have likely scared them but they would have loved these.
To learn more about current trends, we contacted Ryan Lisson, the owner and master carver at Pumpkin King Creations, a business specializing in unique and artistic pumpkin carvings.
"From a general Halloween perspective, it seems like Beetlejuice is very popular with the movie coming out this year," he told Bored Panda.
"I've also seen a lot more vintage Halloween decorations and themes popping up, which is cool."
My Pumpkin Carving For This Year, Happy Halloween
First Time Going 4 Pumpkins Tall. What Do You All Think?
A Ton Of Work
Of course, as with any creative endeavor, you need to push yourself and step out of your comfort zone if you want to get better at it.
"For me, the most challenging part of pumpkin carving is knowing when to stop!" Lisson said.
"I can always find one more detail to add or something to edit slightly, but at some point, you just get lost in details. It helps to step away, take a break, and come back to it with fresh eyes."
"Euphoric Frankenstein"
OK, I believe we are about to be treated to some "next level" pumpkin carving here. Bring it on!
Halloween Is Upon Us! Happy October, All. It's Actually Kind Of Remarkable What A Good Sculpture Medium Pumpkin Can Be
That's Next Level
"Is he made of house or is the house made of his flesh? He screams for he does not know the answer"
So it's important to progress at a moderate pace and don't overwhelm yourself too much.
"I always tell beginners to start with simpler patterns and get used to a variety of tools (I use mostly clay sculpting tools)," Lisson explained. "As you get more comfortable, you can take on more advanced patterns and styles."
"As with anything, it just takes practice, patience, and a bit of grace. If you're not making mistakes, you're probably not advancing your skills either!"
Another Day, Another Scream
Frog King
I Thought I'd Kick Off My Halloween Pumpkin Pics With This Handy Fella
Sadly, Halloween pumpkins are also synonymous with waste. For example, a 2020 poll of 3,000 adults in the UK, carried out by the food charity Hubbub, revealed that of the 24 million pumpkins bought, around 12.76 million are carved without the flesh being used.
Hubbub has warned this adds to the country's mountain of avoidable food waste and is urging consumers to experiment with new recipes.
“Pumpkins are a valuable source of food and are not just for decoration,” said Tessa Tricks, the head of food programmes at Hubbub.
“Even if it’s labelled a carving pumpkin, you can still eat it and it will taste delicious with spices like chilli, ginger or cumin."
This Pumpkin Will Leave You In Anticipation. I Just Finished This Carving Of Frank-N-Furter On A 9-Inch Foam Pumpkin
This was carved using various rotary bits, X-ACTO blades, and some light sandpaper. These pumpkins were from the year after Joann stopped selling Funkins and started to make their own similar style. I prefer Funkins due to their wall thickness and more natural-looking shape. These foamkins carve well, but their shape is hard to work with for portraits. Their circumference is oval-shaped, with a wider carved face on the side with the seam running right through it. I misjudged where I placed my reference photo and ended up having that seam run right through it. I think it still looks good, but the lesson is learned.
This Is A Crescent City House Of Flame And Shadow I Carved For My Girlfriend
It's Time! "Eye Of The Storm"
Pumpkins possess a lot of nutritional and medicinal benefits.
Rich in various essential nutrients and relatively easy to grow, this hardy, drought-tolerant crop is often underrated.
It contains antioxidants that help prevent various cancers. Nutrient-dense but with a low calorie count, this water-rich fruit is a great source of vitamin A. The fruit is also rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and folate, all of which strengthen our immune systems.
This Was One Of My Favorites At Last Year's Trail Of Carved Pumpkins Hosted By My Local Zoo. There Were Roughly 5000 Carved Pumpkins Along The Trail, And It Was Such A Magical Night
It'sike sand sculpture and other medium where wonderful creations can be made but they can't last. Beauty is fleeting. Enjoy today.
Mario With Bowser Projection
Shocked Goblin
Pumpkin seeds have a high magnesium content, and they also contain tryptophan, an amino acid needed for growth in infants, and maintenance of the body's muscles and proteins.
The aforementioned research from Hubbub also suggested that after Halloween, 2 million of the discarded pumpkins in the UK will end up in general household bins. Therefore, people who can't find any use for theirs are advised to compost their carved pumpkins, put them out for birds, or dispose of them in the food waste collection.
My Pumpkin Carving This Year. Happy Halloween
The Tank Is Surrounded By 2 Other Pumpkins, Sealing The Unlucky Pumpkin Inside! We Made This For A Hospital. Hopefully, The Patients Will Get Some Enjoyment From It
I Woke Up, Drove To The Farm, Went Home, And Started Carving. This Is Who Looked Back At Me When I Finished
Halloween is big. In 2024, American consumers are expected to spend around 11.6 billion U.S. dollars on the occasion, including nearly 4 billion on costumes and outfits alone. While it feels nice to give pumpkins a spooky makeover, let's try to remember to put them to good use afterward!
Moon Landing
Happy Halloween! Voldemort For Today
Not A Painting, No Photoshop. This Is A Real Pumpkin Carving. Happy Halloween
October Fridges Be Looking Like
I Carved A Pumpkin Inspired By The Movie "Mars Attacks!"
I recently finished this carve of Lisa Marie’s Martian imposter girl character from Mars Attacks! This was hand-carved on a 13” foam pumpkin using X-acto knives, a variety of rotary bits, and a few pointy things.
This model of foam pumpkin is one of the “Time & Place” pumpkins from Joann from a few years back as they were transitioning away from Funkins. These particular pumpkins were honestly kind of bad to carve when I first bought them. The skin would peel off really easily, which made it difficult to get tiny details of high contrast. However, a few years of sitting in my attic seems to have done the trick. These are much better now. Who knew curing foam pumpkins was a thing?
Here Is SpongeBob From One Of My Carvings
Quick Pumpkin I Did Today
Pumpkin I Did Today
My Painted Pumpkins
I Decided It Would Still Look Pretty Cool If I Stuck A Couple Of Ears On It
This Pumpkin Burger That I Saw
The Details Are Breathtaking
Made A Scary Pumpkin Carving, Apparently Too Scary. The Kids Banned It From The House
Halloween Pumpkins That I Made
I Have No Caption For This One. He Looks Like He Has Questions
This Is The First Time I Have Ever Painted A Pumpkin
Check Out These Incredible Entries From Our Children's Pumpkin Carving Competition This Past Weekend
Another Fun Pumpkin I Made Today
My Little Crawlers. I Liked The Cute Little Baby Ones I Did Too
Halloween Pumpkin Decorating Contest
Even The Grinch Can't Say No To Spooky Season
My First Time Trying Sculptural Pumpkin Carving
You did excellent. I wish I was this creative and talented.
My Kid's Elementary School Had A Pumpkin Decorating Contest. I Was Very Impressed With The Creativity. Here Are Some Of My Favorites
My Pumpkin Is Done
I wouldn't be able to figure something like this out. People who can do this I am amazed.
Check Out How These Pumpkins Have Progressed Over The Years. Do You Have A Favorite?
I Made A Pumpkin Cottage Today. I Used Foraged Materials (Except Candles, Paint, And Hot Glue)
My Attempt At The Eyeball Pumpkin
This Year's Pumpkin
Poll Question
Which type of pumpkin carving would you prefer to have on your porch?
Beloved fictional character
Creepy spiders
Famous painting reproduction
Traditional spooky face
Came here to say the same thing. I would love to have this creativity and skill.
Well. there definitely a skill here that I do not possess. Great job.
Bored Panda should make a policy if they are going to keep publishing AI images that try to pass for the real thing or not. It's a different thing to intentionally publish a post consisting of AI images and publish a post of what's supposed to be about amateur art that's riddled with AI scam pics.
A few seem Ai, I admit, but a lot of the realistic ones have been posted here before
Came here to say the same thing. I would love to have this creativity and skill.
Well. there definitely a skill here that I do not possess. Great job.
Bored Panda should make a policy if they are going to keep publishing AI images that try to pass for the real thing or not. It's a different thing to intentionally publish a post consisting of AI images and publish a post of what's supposed to be about amateur art that's riddled with AI scam pics.
A few seem Ai, I admit, but a lot of the realistic ones have been posted here before