1year ago
80 Pieces Of Creative Graffiti That People Found And Shared On The Internet
Ah, there you are, fellow street art enthusiast! We recognized you as soon as you clicked on this post — you’re the one who can’t resist pausing during your daily commute to snap a pic of that remarkable piece of creative graffiti that appeared overnight on the once-bare wall of a crumbling building.
If there’s something that links all cities in the world, from the smallest to the most populated, it’s the flourishing street art at every corner. Be it Tokyo or Paris, Moscow or Cape Town, you’ll find graffiti masterpieces gracing buildings, sidewalks, street signs, and even trash cans. Urban art has evolved into a worldwide culture, with prestigious art museums and galleries that have taken notice, welcoming and displaying the works of gifted street artists.
With this thought in mind, we realized how many incredible and unique wall murals are out there, eagerly awaiting the admiration of more than locals and occasional tourists. And thus, our quest began to curate a collection of the best graffiti finds, the ones we believe have the potential to spark your inner Banksy or Blu!
These urban art showcases are like little love letters to the cities and neighborhoods they inhabit, reminding us that behind every concrete jungle lies a tapestry of stories, cultures, and emotions. As you scroll through our street art discoveries, we hope you’ll also experience a sense of connection with your fellow citizens, realizing that urban art is much more than splattered paint on a wall. It’s the silent companion in the background of our daily lives, whether we’re waiting for the bus, enjoying some music, or simply lost in thought, and as such, it should be much more appreciated. And who knows, perhaps one day we’ll bump into each other on some graffiti-adorned street corner, our eyes sparkling with the same sense of wonder and delight!
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My Dog Yawned At The Exact Moment I Took A Photo Of Him In Front Of The Graffiti That Looks Like Him
Baby Yoda By Sock.wildsketch
Fanakapan Does Some Unreal "Balloon Graff" 3D Realism
I really love the Pixar movie: UP, but lately Pixar movies have gone rather downhill.
Amazing Graffiti
Is something like this really graffiti? I think it goes in the Art in Public Places category.
This Graffiti
Perfect Simpsons Graffiti
Lust, By Adam Fu
This Cool Simpsons Piece In Brighton
How I’m Feelin’ Lately…
Somewhere In Czech Republic
Outdoor Seating With A Side Of Graffiti
Disk Piece Inspired By Artist Hajime Sorayama
Found This By The Thames Way Up A Dead End Path Behind A Sewage Treatment Plant
Graffiti Under A Bridge In Lancashire, UK
Action In Germany
From Dublin
French Graffiti
Beaney Lane, Melbourne
Cool Piece Came Into Our Yard
My Most Recent Piece In My Favorite Spot. Whatcha Guys Think?
Melbourne Graffiti
Bologna, Italy
3D Illusion By Aakash Nihalani
Minneapolis, MN
Press F
I'm Not Your Buddy Friend
This Respectful Graffiti Artist Used Plastic Wrap For An Easy To Clean Up Tag
Could be someone who is learning, and they do that and then throw the bad ones away? When you learn to ice a cake, you start with a cardboard cut out so you aren't wasting a lot of cakes...
Deef Version Of JP Version Of Dilophosaurus
Kansas City, MO
Painted A Faux Neon Piece Yesterday
Anime Graffiti At Mumbai, India
Used All My Remaining Scrap Paint
Boog, Not Mine But Dope
To Each Their Own
Something I Painted Yesterday
Shoreditch Street Art
Did An Octane Graffiti
Edgerunners Graffiti In Budapest Hungary
Rei Ayanami Graffiti En Arica
Creative Graffiti
The people who have to catch this train wont't be happy with this grafitti. Painted windows is not the way to travel.
Stinky Pinky. What Y’all Think?
I Have No Words
Melbourne, AU
Not true, adults are very honest about everything that's wrong with growing up, at least we are on BP!
Creative Graffiti
Interesting Graffiti
Pikachu And Bulbasaur
Zaer, London, UK
Washington State, Beaumont TX
San Diego ️
There... Yellow
Bluey, He’s The Most Annoying Graffiti In The World
Some Simpsons Art I’ve Seen Come Into Where I Work
Duel Ris Spotted In NYC
Morning Traffic
Kings Highway - Brooklyn, NYC
Orcas Philly
Lacy - PDX
Creative Graffiti
I am an old timer. I remember when graffiti was all words. The inclusion of art only pieces in this category is a new one for me. What do others think about this? Also--I am sure this is something of a moot point, but-- I can remember when graffiti was mostly about causes. Like Vive la Revolucion or Eat the Rich or Skateboarding is not a Crime, etc. Seeing that most of these are just someone's name or tag, even the beautiful ones, makes me think that people are just into self promotion these days.
I am an old timer. I remember when graffiti was all words. The inclusion of art only pieces in this category is a new one for me. What do others think about this? Also--I am sure this is something of a moot point, but-- I can remember when graffiti was mostly about causes. Like Vive la Revolucion or Eat the Rich or Skateboarding is not a Crime, etc. Seeing that most of these are just someone's name or tag, even the beautiful ones, makes me think that people are just into self promotion these days.