With the autumn blues slowly creeping in, the wet weather rolls in yet again. It starts as a whispering in the air, hiding the bright sun behind a curtain of dark clouds looming in the sky. Sometimes it blows like a gentle shower, inspiring you to curl up in a cozy blanket with a hot beverage and a good book. Other times, it falls in big fat drops, leaving you spellbound as a thunderstorm pummels outside the window.
Everyone has a different outlook on a rainy day. But whether you love or hate it, it's hard to deny the therapeutic effect it has on you. Here's where the 'Raining' subreddit comes in — "a cozy place to enjoy the rain." This online community unites over 413k pluviophiles, aka lovers of rain, aka people who find joy and peace of mind during rainy days. They rejoice when raindrops start to fall from the sky and share this delight with everyone online.
Below, we at Bored Panda have gathered some of the most relaxing, healing, and soothing posts from the group that might work like a band-aid for your overstimulated mind. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the views as you scroll through the list. Be sure to upvote the photos you find most comforting and share them with anyone who's in great need of some inner peace.
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Took A While To Get This Shot
This has to be higher in the rankings! I know the difficulty of a perfect shot. A thousand thumbs up!
Not Only People Love It
Ah, rain — so we meet again. There’s nothing like hearing raindrops on your roof or window when you’re all tucked up in your cozy home while the weather rages outside. On these gloriously gloomy days, your mind begins to wander, and the chaotic thoughts steadily cool down and then disappear altogether. Suddenly, you feel at ease — and hope it continues forever. If scrolling through this list conveys this sense of calmness and safety into your hectic life, you’re not alone in feeling this way.
"All things related to rain are welcome," the moderators state in the description. "Want to post a weather forecast? A puddle? A raindrop on a window? Does it look like it might rain soon? Or it just finished? We love the rain, and we welcome it all." And clearly, the members share the same passion.
It Rained So Hard, The City Became Like Blade Runner
The crosswalk also gives me some resident evil vibes...but 10/10 will walk here in the rain.
At the time of writing, more than 413k people unite the 'Raining' community with a few dozen rain-dancing in their feed at any given moment. This refreshing outlet is the perfect place for people to express their love for rainy weather. Members share some of the most beautiful and comforting rain-related pictures ever found online, looking for refuge in this overstimulated world.
The community itself has been around for quite some time now. Ever since the first drizzling post graced the forum in 2013, it has been steadily growing and attracting rain lovers from far and wide. This unique tribe of lovely people has set out to spread the message that when things in your life seem a tad much, you have a place of solace to unwind.
Fallen Leaves After The Rain
Enjoying The Rain And Thunder After A Tiring Day At Work
Unfortunately, rain is a word that is frequently used pejoratively. After all, when people complain about bad weather, they are often referring to rain. "It’s raining again," they mumble while crawling out of bed, feeling how everything suddenly became far more demanding than it should. Weather forecasts look gloomy and show there is absolutely no good news on the horizon. And what about the days-on-end deluges that flood the yard and the streets? Let's be honest, rain isn’t something many of us celebrate.
A View Of A Rainy Day From My Dorm Room
Capybara Family Waiting Out The Rain
A Rainy Street In Kyoto
According to a blog post on WebMD, rainy days can impact our moods. Feeling down during a downpour is not just your imagination, as bad weather can affect your emotions. "When it gets dark and dreary out, some people definitely have more susceptibility to feeling lonely or down. It’s pretty common to see a change in mood — such as feeling sadness or lower self-esteem — when it’s rainy outside," clinical psychologist Tecsia Evans, Ph.D. explained.
If you can relate, it’s best to avoid shutting off the lights and crawling back into bed during a rainstorm. Evans suggested turning the lights on instead: "There has been research that light can boost serotonin, which elevates the mood."
On A Rainy Day In Worcester, England
Staying Inside
Nothing Cozier Than A Rainy Autumn Day
Another thing that could lift your spirits is to engage in pleasant activities that generally make you feel better, like watching your favorite movie or playing a game. Most importantly, if the rain gets you down, don’t isolate yourself in rainy weather, Evans warned. "When people are by themselves, it can feel like things are worse than they really are." Reach out to friends and family instead of hiding from the drizzle alone indoors. This way, your spirit is bound to get brighter — no matter how dark and bleak the weather may be.
Sleep Peacefully
Omg No Words
We Enjoyed The Heavy Showers On Our First Day Together. Hopefully The First Of Many
However, for people who combat anxiety and depression, the soothing sound of the rainy static can serve as an antidote and allow their busy minds to find calm. "Rain has a regular, predictable pattern," Emily Mendez, MS, EdS, told Healthline. "Our brain processes it as a calming, non-threatening noise. Which is why there are so many relaxation and meditation videos that feature the sound of rain."
The pitter-patter of falling rain is a universally adored sound. Marianne Rizkallah, a music psychotherapist and director of North London Music Therapy, explained it has a lot to do with rain’s rhythmic qualities. It’s nature’s version of a white noise machine. It is quite consistent, predictable, and non-threatening — qualities that allow us to experience full relaxation.
A (Very) Rainy Day In Nikko, Japan
My Painting Needs To Use Its Wipers
This Is What I Need
"Like how music affects both the autonomic and limbic parts of our nervous system (that look after our heartbeat and emotions respectively), rainfall’s consistent, predictable sound can help regulate our nervous system’s responses," Rizkallah said. "Our minds become accustomed to the rhythmic pitter-patter quickly. It’s not too loud and doesn’t come with any big aural surprises — both things we know our brains are sympathetic to."
Rain On The Walk Home In Oslo, Norway
Very nice setting for a romantic comedy where they start running from the rain and takes shelter under an eave below the warm yellow light. Dripping wet and a little cold but the happiest they have ever been....you know...that kind of story. Lol
Irma Refugee
Swimming In The Rain | Photo Of The Day Winner National Geographic
It appears that stepping outside the comfort of your home during rainfall can also lead to a huge change in your mood — and a positive one. This might be due to negative ions, otherwise known as the odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules floating around in the air in certain environments. Think of finding yourself in the mountains, waterfalls, beaches, or in a thunderstorm.
According to an article on Healthline, research supports that exposure to negative ions can reduce symptoms of depression for some people, have an activating influence on some body systems and cognitive performance, and promote antimicrobial activity. A 2018 review even found that negative ionization has positive effects on different facets of human health, such as regulating sleep patterns and mood, reducing stress, and boosting immune system function.
Playing Games On A Rainy Day
Loving this room, looks beautiful and cozy. I would resting on the couch and listening to the rain, may pet the cat...
Rainy Street In England
Tropical Rains In Palawan
There are many ways that rainfall affects human behavior, but there's no denying its calming effect. We would love to hear what thoughts went through your head as you scrolled through these beautiful pictures. Do you share this enthusiasm for rainy weather? Feel free to share your takes in the comments, we'd love to hear them!
This Japanese Restaurant During Last Night's Storm
Staying In Bed
My Cats Enjoying The Downpour
Rainy Night In Amsterdam
A Nice Grey And Rainy Day In York, UK
I love grey skies. There are so many subtle shadings that people just dismiss.
The Diner Next To Where I Work
London In Its Natural State Of Rain
At My Girlfriend's Grandparents' House In The Ga Mountains. No Better Way To Spend The Weekend
Saw You Guys Liked One Of My Rain Photos That Was Cross-Posted Here Yesterday. So Here's My Favorite Rainy Photo
Guys, this is Times Square. We have a lot of conversations about it on BP and what the big deal is. This is big deal. This is how it looks lit up in the evening. Except on a much larger scale and obviously brighter IRL. You only need to see it once if interested, never if not, and you avoid it like the plague if you're in the city regularly.
Caught My Local Train Station In The Rain
Rainy Saturday In Hamburg, Germany
From My Studio's Window In Korea
These make me want to enjoy a nice long thunderstorm while being nice and cozy.
I love thunderstorms, especially when lightnings run on the bottom of cloud, and make those nice, tree-like figures.
I would have loved these under any circumstances but living in an area with an ongoing drought and temperatures in the 100s all summer, including today, makes me even more appreciative. I've got fond memories of rain.
These make me want to enjoy a nice long thunderstorm while being nice and cozy.
I love thunderstorms, especially when lightnings run on the bottom of cloud, and make those nice, tree-like figures.
I would have loved these under any circumstances but living in an area with an ongoing drought and temperatures in the 100s all summer, including today, makes me even more appreciative. I've got fond memories of rain.