15 Very Different Married Couples Pose For The Photography Project “Dressed In Love”
More and more young people these days decide to not get married. A Russian company that creates wedding rings decided to create a project where couples celebrate their marriages, to show that marriage is not that bad. That it doesn't destroy individuality as many believe but strengthens it. The company "Ring Studio" told Bored Panda: "We love to say that our wedding rings are meaningful. Sometimes we evoke pleasant associations in people with our rings, but only their owners can give the jewelry real meaning. Mountain rings are chosen by those who have found love in the mountains. Cosmos Rings with each other's fingerprints are for those who seek individuality in jewelry."
The social project is called "Dressed in Love." "We called people who have a relationship, who choose a single partner and decided to get married and spend the rest of their lives together. Each pair is an individual and is very different." The project was participated in by 15 couples from 10 different countries. All the couples were from diverse backgrounds, religious beliefs, and ethnicities.
More info: ringstudio.ru | Instagram | Instagram
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Is he Vegan , Just encase you didnt see it on the eyebrow first
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Yaroslav and Tanya.
If they are only colleagues why are they showing weeding rings, or its not ? I'm confused.
“It Is Only With The Heart That One Can see rightly” (A. Saint-Exupéry
Daniel and Angelina.
This is miss-titled. Each of the individuals look like their partner... Like gendered bookends.
I took it as individuality relative to society, not to each other? Like trying to say marriage is not just for sheeple? Not sure. Had to think about it though as I agree with what you said!
Load More Replies...am i really the only one struggling with showing only the ring finger? either it's my Hand or it's really difficult
This is miss-titled. Each of the individuals look like their partner... Like gendered bookends.
I took it as individuality relative to society, not to each other? Like trying to say marriage is not just for sheeple? Not sure. Had to think about it though as I agree with what you said!
Load More Replies...am i really the only one struggling with showing only the ring finger? either it's my Hand or it's really difficult