If you're new at participating in this couples thing or have just caught yourself in love, just looking into your beloved's eyes might seem like the greatest thing ever. You know, just sitting there together, wordless, soaking in the vibes radiating from each other. However, sooner or later, you will want to talk about something, at least in the short periods of time between excessive PDA. And, if you'd like to turn your conversations into a fun little game, why not try these couples' trivia questions that we've rounded up here?
Of course, this couple trivia isn't only designed to be played by those newly coupled. You could also give these fun questions to each other each passing year and check if the answers are still the same. After all, it is fun to see how both of you are changing yet are still the same starry-eyed lovers you once were. And, if you're wondering if these trivia questions for couples will be suitable for your taste, rest assured that they encompass a myriad of topics, out of which you are sure to pick the ones that both of you like. There are interesting questions about movies, things to ask about personal beliefs, and just some silly notions purely there to make you laugh.
So, ready to enroll in a couple's trivia game? Of course, you are! The questions are a bit further down, just where they usually are. Once you are there, be sure to rate this trivia for couples so that the best questions will find their way to the top of this list.
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What holiday do you like the most and how do you like to celebrate it?
When a certain neighbour go on their holiday then the whole street can relax. Relaxing Is celebrating
What is the funniest thing you ever witnessed?
Do you think I like your friends?
What is your biggest kitchen fail?
Leaving aside the meat cooked to oblivion, I guess that will be the apple pie with herb pepper in place of cinnamon. I had been so disappointed people did not like it until I tried it myself.
Where did you go on your last vacation?
Where would you like to live if you could choose anywhere in the world?
Would you rather write a message or make a call?
What did you think about me the first time you saw or met me?
Do you think first impressions matter?
Do you like to make people laugh?
Did you have a happy childhood?
Does your partner like the job they have currently?
What is the most sensitive part of your partner’s body?
If I ever felt like answering a dumb question like that, I'd make sure to provide the most embarrassing answer the OP ever heard.
What do you like to do on a rainy day?
Do you prefer to swim at a public beach or at a private swimming pool?
Would you rather live in a luxury apartment or a cabin in the woods?
Do you try to be sensitive to other people’s feelings?
Do you think that money can buy happiness?
Did you ever blame someone else for something you did?
Have you ever lost anyone really special to you?
Do you consider me your best friend?
Have you ever turned a skill or talent into a hobby?
Is there anything coming up that they’re dreading, or find a little daunting?
What’s your partner’s favourite season? Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter? And why?
What irritates them about their own family?
What’s one thing you wish your partner knew about themselves? Or realised more?
Did your partner ever fail a class in school and, if so, what was it?
Who is their biggest celebrity crush now?
What worries them the most day-to-day?
What is the most embarrassing moment from high school?
When did you get drunk for the first time?
What has been your partners top 3 favourite dates with you so far?
What is your favorite meal to cook for yourself or others?
Do you think I am too affectionate, not affectionate enough, or are you happy with how affectionate I am?
When you are having a bad day, do you prefer to be left alone or for me to do something to cheer you up?
Do you have any fears about our relationship and, if so, what are they?
Is there anything I do that irritates you and that you wish I would stop doing?
How did your parents punish you when you were a child?
Do you talk to your parents about us and, if you do, what do you say?
How do you deal with things that have hurt you in the past?
Is there anything you have always wanted to do, but lacked the time, money, or motivation for?
Can you sleep just about anywhere or only in your own bed with your own pillow and blanket?
Is there anything you are scared of?
Is there anything you ashamed of?
Do you consider yourself understanding and empathetic when dealing with others?
Do you feel happy with where we are in our relationship?
Are you able to tell when someone needs you?
Are you able to keep a secret?
Can you tell when I need to be with you?
Do you think you do a good job communicating your feelings?
Do you think you swear a great deal?
Do you like to go clubbing?
Have you ever tried on clothes you have no intention of buying?
Do you learn from your mistakes?
Should a cheater be forgiven?
What has taken up too much time of their life?
What’s their favourite sport or activity?
And what’s the weirdest dream your partner has ever had about you?
What are your partner’s plans for the future?
Does your partner prefer to travel by car, train, or plane?
What was your partner’s favorite subject in school?
Is your partner into video games and, if so, about how much time do they spend each day playing?
Does your partner have any brother or sisters and what age are they?
Does your partner enjoy playing or watching sports, and, if so, what is their favorite team?
When your partner was young, did they go to camp and, if so, did they like it?
Has your partner ever broken any bones, and if so, which one(s) and how were they broken?
Has your partner ever been engaged or married?
What are the political views of your partner?
Is there a social issue or cause your partner has a particular interest in?
Who does your partner act nice to / is polite with, but secretly dislikes?
How has your partner fallen out with friends in the past? What over?
How about 3 top experiences on their wish-list, that they’re itching to do?
If your partner could live anywhere in the world, where would they live?
What’s one thing they’d struggle to accept, if they didn’t / couldn’t have it in their life?
If your partner could do any job, what would they do?
How did your first date ever go?
Who is more likely to forgive easily?
Are relationships meant to last forever?
Does your partner want to get married?
Who instigated the first kiss? When? And how?
Do you think our money should be separate or together?
Are you happy with the amount of “me money” you get to spend each month?
Do you think you are more like your mom or dad and in what ways?
Would you take your children if you had an opportunity to travel around the world?
Which of your family members do you feel the closest to and why?
Do you prefer hair long or short, natural color or dyed?
Do you have any tattoos, what do they mean, and do you plan to get more?
Do you see yourself staying pretty much as you are or changing a great deal as you grow older?
Did you ever get into trouble at school and, if so, what for?
What was your favorite childhood pet, if you had one?
What do you do when you get really angry?
How long do you think a couple should date before they marry?
Do you consider yourself religious?
Do you think regrets can ruin a life?
Do you think you should still honor and obey your parents even though you are an adult?
Can you tell when I feel satisfied?
Have you ever listened to a conversation when you should not have?
Do you think one is a giver and one a taker in any relationship?
Do you think there is life after death?
Have you ever broken something intentionally when you were angry?
Did you ever call in sick at work to take a day off?
Did your parents give you a curfew?
Do you believe in yourself?
Did your friends ever influence you to do something you normally wouldn’t?
What would be their idea of the greatest gift they could receive?
Do they prefer waking up early or going to bed late? (Early bird or night owl, essentially!?)
What keeps your partner up at night? And how easy do they find it to fall asleep?
How often does your partner dream about you?
Does your partner like to travel and do they prefer to travel alone or in a group?
Does your partner like to cook and do they consider themselves a good cook?
Are your partner’s grandparents still living and do they have a good relationship with them?
Has your partner ever been arrested, and, if so, for what?
Has your partner ever met anyone considered famous and, if so, what was the circumstance?
Has your partner ever quit a job or fired, and, if so, what were the circumstances?
Did your partner continue their education after high school and, if so, what is the highest level they completed?
How superstitious is your partner? What things do they believe in or are wary of?
What’s their favourite boy’s and girl’s baby name?
When was your first argument / fall out and what was it about?
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
What is the worst habit you have and have you tried to break it?
What do you think is your best (worst) personality trait?
Do you think white lies are acceptable in a relationship?
Are you willing to change your opinion if someone proves you wrong?
Is your partner close to his family and do they get together frequently?
Has your partner ever sneaked food into a movie theater, and, if so, what type of food was it?
How and why did your partner’s last relationship end?
Are there any foods your partner cannot or will not eat or that they are allergic to?
What have the occupations or professions of your partner’s family members?
Why was your partner given the name they have?
Does your partner prefer to participate in indoor or outdoor activities, i.e., would they rather have a picnic or eat inside?
What’s been the biggest betrayal they’ve ever experienced?
How about the worst emotional or mental anguish they’ve endured?
Does your partner think they’re a good judge of character or not?
How close would your partner say that they are with a) their parents? and b) their siblings?
What would they like to have achieved in their career in two – five – ten years time?
When did you first know that you were in love with each other?
This list is a bloody minefield, anyone reading this - please do hesitate asking any of this, anyone..