Sure, there are a ton of different cosplay tutorials out there, but how do you decide which character you want to dress as? Presenting–our list of 11 awesome cosplays for you choose from!

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    Harley Quinn has been wreaking havoc in Gotham alongside The Joker since 1992. She’s the craziest character that people love to hate. Thanks to Margot Robbie’s performance in Suicide Squad, fans have been reintroduced. However, her classic costume is the most recognizable.

    Look like you stepped straight out of Arkham Asylum with the help of this Harley Quinn cosplay tutorial.


    Liberty Belle is here to save the day! She’s got quite the target on her back when she steps into the ring to fight the other Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling. It might be because she’s the walking embodiment of the American Dream, but it’s more than likely her holier-than-thou attitude. But there’s nobody else who can protect the world from Zoya better.

    So suit up in your own Liberty Belle cosplay and let freedom ring.

    D.Va puts her professional gaming skills to good use when she pilots a state-of-the-art mech to defend her homeland. Her tank is known to do some serious damage, and she’s even streamed her combat operations. She’s known for getting the job done.

    If you too are looking to play to win this con season, suit up in this D.Va Bunny Cosplay.


    Everyone has been able to live their dreams of becoming a Pokemon trainer with the premiere of Pokemon GO. The augmented reality game has gotten kids and adults alike out of the house to capture Pokemon and battle gym leaders.

    Now you can look the part with this Pokemon Trainer cosplay tutorial. It’s the perfect way to catch all the attention at the conventions.

    When the X-Men came face-to-face with Apocalypse, the thousand-year-old harbinger of darkness, he wasn’t alone. He chose Four Horsemen to aid him in his quest to take over the world. Psylocke was one of those four mutants. With her telekinetic powers and mastery of swordsmanship, she’s a formidable adversary for Professor X’s team of mutants.

    Take over the convention floor with this help of this Psylocke Cosplay Tutorial.


    We couldn’t make this list without this other member of Teen Titans. Raven is an extremely powerful telekinetic born from a demon overload and a human mother. Also known as Rachel Roth, Raven has managed to find solace with her other friends in the Teen Titans.

    Thanks to Teen Titans GO! To The Movies, you’ll be sure to see many more Raven cosplays at the conventions this year.

    Whether you consider her abilities a blessing or a curse is up to you, but Rogue is undeniably a badass. This former villain has become a staple member of team X-Men over the years thanks to her development from the comics to the movies. She possesses the involuntary ability to absorb and sometimes also remove the memories, physical strength and superpowers of anyone she touches.

    Embody the essence of this southern belle by suiting up as her with the help of this Rogue cosplay tutorial.


    Edward Scissorhands has lived his whole life misunderstood. It can’t be easy living with blades for fingers. He did his best to use the hands he was dealt to his advantage, so who wouldn’t want to dress up as him this convention season?

    Check out this fierce female Edward Scissorhands cosplay for a full tutorial. This cosplay was inspired by an incredible piece of fan artwork by Guillermo Meraz!

    There’s no denying that Starfire is one of the most popular of the Teen Titans! Koriand’r was born on the planet Tamaran but here on Earth, she’s known as Kory Anders, the model. She possesses the ability to convert ultraviolet radiation into energy which makes her pretty powerful.


    That’s why we think Starfire is the perfect Teen Titan cosplay to sport this convention season.

    Even the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling need a villain and that villain is Zoya The Destroya. This Russian beauty is out to ruin Liberty Belle’s life, and sometimes she succeeds. Step into the ring this convention season as Zoya and you might take home the crown.

    Make your own costume with the help of this cosplay tutorial.


    Supergirl has been saving Earth for many decades now. With all the same abilities, and weaknesses, as her cousin Superman, Kara Zor-El kicks some serious butt. Supergirl has made the transition from comic books to television, where she gets to save the world weekly and even gets to team up with the other heroes and vigilantes The CW has to offer.


    Suit up in style with the help of this Supergirl cosplay tutorial and hit the convention floor with confidence!

    If starting from scratch still seems a little outside of your wheelhouse, have no fear. You can take one of our Halloween costumes and add some special upgrades to jumpstart your venture into cosplaying. No matter which route you take, there’s no denying you’ll be a hit at your next convention.

    Did you recreate one of these looks by Uncanny Megan or Yuffie Bunny? Or have you recently created a cosplay of your own? We’d love to see it. Connect with Costume SuperCenter on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and show off your latest character. Connect with us on Pinterest too!