Corgi breed dogs are The Queen’s favorites and not without reason. Corgis are known to be very affectionate towards their owner and family; they just love to please their humans and never get bored of following them around. They are also one of the smartest dog breeds, making them highly trainable. Now, with such a great dog, who wouldn’t want to implement a Chichuachua by adding some of the Corgi gloriousness to it?
Now, we are not advocating a deliberate making of the crossbreed dogs, because on the one hand, the creating process of a dog breed is a hard and very long process, and the dogs used for that are only the most significant specimens.
On the other hand, you can always adopt a mutt from a shelter. But sometimes pooches run off answering the call of nature and mixed breed dogs do happen.
Ever seen a Corgi mix with a Siberian Husky? Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of owning a Corgi crossed with a Beagle? Whatever type of Corgi breed mix you prefer, you’re sure to find your favorite in this adorable list compiled by Bored Panda. The collection contains Corgis mixed with everything from Dachsunds and Jack Russells to German Shepherds and Golden Retrievers. Which one do you like the best? Let us know in the comments section, and don't forget to vote for the cutest!
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Corgi + Australian Shepherd
Usually, when I see something cute, my voice rises three octaves. Let's just say if I keep looking at this picture, I'm gonna break the windows.
Corgi + Pomeranian
Corgi + German Shepherd
Corgi + Shiba Inu
Corgi + Siberian Husky
Corgi + Chow Chow
Corgi + Australian Shepherd
Corgi + Golden Retriever
Corgi + Golden Retriever
Corgi + Dalmatian
Corgi + Shetland Sheepdog
Corgi + Miniature Schnauzer
Corgi + Shetland Sheepdog
My heart is melting...okay, I can't just keep saying that...but it IS! And I'm a CAT person!
Corgi + Australian Sheppherd
Corgi + Samoyed
Caroline Smith's dog! You are as cute as all the puppies in the world x10!
Load More Replies...I think this is actually a Borgi, which is what I have. Corgi + Border Collie
This can't be a Samoyed because it doesn't have the right traits, I am sure this is a Border Collie
Yes that is a mix with a border collie, samoyed dogs are white or biscuit color but never black
We have one!
We have these and they are so cute!! Two available! Smorgis-Board on facebook IMG_0082-5...e26f64.jpg
Corgi + Alaskan Malamute
Corgi + Red Heeler
Corgi + Australian Shepherd
Corgi + Beagle
So I was going to make a kegel joke, spelled: keagle...yeah...NM. Thanks Google! Learn something new every day.
Corgi + Boxer
Corgi + Siberian Husky
Corgi + German Shepherd
Corgi + Labrador Retriever
Corgi + Beagle
Corgi + Greyhound
Corgi + Pitbull
That's a goofy looking mix. Even goofier than my own goofy pitbull lovebug! 😂
Corgi + Pomeranian
Corgi + Toy Poodle
Corgi + Chihuahua
Corgi + Pug
I love this one -- fixes the pug's bulging eyes and flat face (both of which cause health issues). If this mix keeps the pug's lovely personality, it ought to be a breed on its own!
Corgi + Australian Shepherd
Corgi + Shiba Inu
Corgi + Shar-Pei
that looks pretty damn awesome. let's replace the whole Shar Pei breed with Cor Pei's
Corgi + German Shepherd
Corgi + Australian Cattle Dog
Corgi + Doberman Pinscher
Corgi + Chow Chow
Corgi + Pomeranian
Corgi + Boxer
Corgi + Dalmation
Many of these dogs doesn't have corgi in them. Just because a dog has short legs, doesn't mean it's a corgi mix. Neither corgis nor dalmatians have mustaches e.g, so this one, is either a (short legged) wire haired dog + dalmatian mix, or a mix between several breeds.
It probably results in healthier dogs than pure breeding generally does.
Load More Replies...We have a Corgi German shepherd mix and it happened naturally. My friends female Corgi was visited my her neighbors male gsd. We love our dog, she's unique and quite silly. She has the perfect mix of features and personality!
Can't we just enjoy looking at cute dogs without having to make it about the morals of owning a dog?
I don't think all of them were created just to please us. It's unlikely that this sort of breeding will continue because of a few posts
Load More Replies...I'm really hoping the corgi was the male when a lot of these breeds were mixed lol
This is my "cojack" (corgi + jack russell terrier). Externally, he resembles a corgi, but in the head it is all cracked russell terror. <3 IMG_3229-5...130c56.jpg
We had a Queensland Healer years back .One day I looked out the window to see the neighbor's tiny Jack Russell having sex with her! She was laying down to make it possible! The difference however,is we took her to the vet had the (very early) pregnancy terminated ,got her spayed and didn't try to sell the results as a designer "Breed" .Some crosses work ,we now have a Labradoodle ( labrador/standard poodle) a clever,sweet,non shedding dog (I have sever allergies) and I am not a fan of "line breeding" i.e interbreeding in pedigree dogs,that can cause terrible health issues to be perpetuated in the breed.But deliberately creating more and more badly crossed dogs (Corgi/German Sheppard,Corgi/Golden Retriever ?) when there are thousands of dogs put down in shelters every day,because there are no homes for them,is irresponsible and cruel.
But it’s ok to cross breeds to suit your situation? How hypocritical
Load More Replies...My mixed corgei is also handsome doggydog :) the most beautyful !!! corgi-591d...f4581e.jpg
Some of these dogs probably develop health conditions in later life... Selective breeding in my opinion is cruel, and although the dogs are adorable, our perceptions of of what is cute and what is not is wrong, as most selectively bred dogs suffer...
These are horrible, what a mean thing to do to these large breed babies
Corgi + Yorkie. Natural mix - rescue dog - sweetest dog we could ever dream of having! buckles-59...d2261f.jpg
Our Jill was 1/2 border collie, 1/2 Corgi. Gave us 15 years of joy and love. An accident on the farm was our delight!
This is cruel. Crossbreeding is actually good for dogs, as mutts are the healthiest forms of dogs. BUT crossbreeding small dogs and big dogs results in short life spans and back issues. This kind of thing sickens me because these dogs are being sold for lots of money while other crossbreeds are dying in shelters because they aren't 'cute'.
This was my Corgi Chow mix. He was a wonderful dog! 384-5921d9...c95b3e.jpg
Marmalade, the corgi + blue heeler (aka cowgirl corgi) -- with one ear that goes up and one that goes down marmalade1...70627e.jpg
No one bred these on purpose. These were accidents. Dont blame breeders for these. No breeder in there right mind would ever mixing any of those dogs.
There's no such thing as a breeding accident. Someone failed to fix the dogs.
Load More Replies...I mean it's not like it's dangerous or bad for their overall health to have some random and extreme mixes /s/
Er, yes it is. If the mother is the corgi and the father is a large breed, the mother will likely have problems carrying her pups to term because they will be too big for her body. Why put both mother and puppies lives at risk just so you can have a random breed mix?
Load More Replies...Wow, corgi genes are strong!! Every one of these looks predominantly corgi, not halfway in between
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww🥰🥰🥰🥰 Just so cute! I know it’s wrong but just so cute!
They left the best out Corgi and Border Collie 100_0774-6...014217.jpg
All of these people under me think that "oh this is dangerous breeding other dogs with corgi!¨ Well.. Its really not. They say It hurts fro them to give birth to!" And thats not right either. These people think they know anything and everything about breeding. Gaurentee they are either 10 year olds who have no idea what the f**k they are saying, or overaged 40 year olds who dont know how to use a damn keyboard properly. My point is, most of you all are wrong. I work for a JeffersonTown animal clinic, and we have corgi mixes all the time! No health problems, they all live a healthy and happy life here. So needless to say, either do you damn research, or get a job, or just shut up. (And the picture is Dasher. He is a Corgi-Beagle mix. He lives a healthy and happy life.) 41809709_3...9d6ac4.jpg
You don't show a corgi X border collie (which I have). Having said that, I somewhat agree with concerns about designer dog breeds and mixes that end up in shelters. While I always neuter/spay my dogs and would never breed them intentionally, my experience is that the 1st generation "mutt" is one of the finest "breeds" around. Many issues have more to do with the owners than the dogs themselves. 'Nuf said!
My Sweetie is an almost 15 year old rescue Corgi Jack Russell Terrier.
I havr a Chorgi, Corgi+ Chihuahua and he is adorble but a menace lol
Many have cute faces, but are hard to judge, because the photos don't show the length of their legs and back.
Judge both for instinctive appeal, and for health.
Load More Replies...We have a corgi/min pin rescue. Black and tan like a Doberman, short and long with huge corgi ears. She's our baby girl!
I have a Corgi & A Border Collie mix. Wish I could post a picture. He's a very handsome dog!
Some of the mixes look incredibly unhealthy. The short body of the shibu/corgi mix will probably result in major health issues down the line. I have no problem with strays or mixed breed dogs - however please learn about genetics, traits of specific breeds and the health issues of each breed, before actually combining said breeds. Science is your friend!
We just got two puppies that where accidents... Miniature Pinscher and Corgi.. Ella and Finder! They are so smart and super sweet.... 😍
I had a corgi x cavalier called Ella she was a sweetheart
Load More Replies...No one does while the shelters overflow and dogs are being destroyed for this garbage.
Load More long as we are talking about xross-breeding let's just remember that PITBULLS were made by us.So can we please stop blaming the dogs! Instead of killing all of them why not work with them and train the dogs AND THE OWNERS?!
In the Humane Society in AZ they had tons of lab/pit crosses. Couldn't find homes for them. Many were put down. Fix your dogs!
Load More Replies...yea they might be cute but ever thought about the health issues? I have many a corgi in my kingdom that practically live in the royal hospital.
Obviously corgies are charming to many other breeds as well :D the larger the better
i like most of them but not all breed some more oh and put them doing sex please i have a boxer mix this is him wallpaper-...978364.jpg
THAT PEOPLE NEED TO START FIXING THEIR DOGS!!!!! obv these dogs are adorable, and some of them are "accidents" which usually just means human irresponsibility. the ones intentionally bred, NO NEED for this. people just need to get over their OWN "needing", and find the ones REALLY in need, the dogs already born who are equally as lovey, and waiting for someone to adopt them...... hey YOU ASKED ha haha
and I may add, I am a sitter by trade, and I completely appreciate selective responsible breeding (trust me, I watch some AWESOME deerhounds), to preserve breeds. there are just so. many. animals. put to death unnecessarily : (
Load More Replies...People going on like it’s only people who cross breeds that do it for profit. Just because a pedigree dog comes with papers & a kennel name doesn’t mean they aren’t the product of greedy breeders. They are often inbred which causes no end of problems, & even show dogs are kept cooped up in cages much of their lives so they don’t get injured or ruin their coat by playing & being allowed to be a dog. While I agree with people saying animal shelters are full of dogs so there’s no need to create more, that should apply to ALL dogs not just x breeds. Don’t be fooled by a fancy kennel name, prize winning background & pure breed price tag As those are sometimes the biggest culprits of breeding for profit 🤔
Can be, but that's not a responsible breeder. Do your research. Dogs shouldn't be in cages. That's a puppy mill
Load More Replies...I rescued a corgi/pit mix, he was returned to the shelter 3 times before we got him. He was dangerous from day one but was always very well behaved at home so we kept him for 3 yrs, loved him to death, by far my fav dog... A few weeks ago I had to have him put down because he started trying to turn on me and i have two young girls and I could risk them getting hurt. I was heart broken, lost my best friend because of a bad mix.
Im not being disrespectful but is that a bad mix or maybe a lack of training?
Load More Replies...I'm thinking they are all adorable and how sweet, etc. I was thinking this happened naturally but I'm reading lots of comments that lead me to believe I'm naïve! Well, I guess this isn't the great story I thought! So sad but they are all pretty darn cute.
STOP all breeding! Get all your pets spayed or neutered. Until the shelters are empty, the world doesn't need one more puppy!!
“Don’t let adorable animals breed by choice, it’s cruel to not make amazing creatures eventually go extinct because they’re all neutered and cannot have offspring resulting in decline of population”
Load More Replies...If you don't think dogs should interbreed, what about people?. Only white with white? No orientals with europeans? Be careful what you think!
Many of these dogs doesn't have corgi in them. Just because a dog has short legs, doesn't mean it's a corgi mix. Neither corgis nor dalmatians have mustaches e.g, so #39, is either a (short legged) wire haired dog + dalmatian mix, or a mix between several breeds.
those where all so cute I had some friends looking over my shoulder and awing at them all
THis is not "pawsome". I can PROMISE you these dogs, especially those crossed with larger breeds, suffer SERIOUS back, leg, and joint problems, especially if they get even REMOTELY obese. Just another ploy by DISGUSTING BACK YARD GREEDERS and PUPPY MILLERS to sell STUPID PEOPLE dogs. Want a Corgi mix? ADOPT ONE.
Boo!! These are not toys to fiddle with. Dogs are persons. And indiscriminate breeding is a big problem. There are health concern when you mix capriciously like that.
looking at the Corgi mixes seems just because you can or they ,you some times shouldn't though husky mixes were cute ...
I know a lot of people like them, but I have never met a corgi that wasn't a rotten tempered little snapper. I know there are a gazillion people here who will howl and yell at me about their wonderful dogs....but like Poms, I've never met a nice corgi.
haha I’ve never had a dog and I’m horribly allergic and yet I still have yet to meet an unpleasant corgi…
Load More Replies...It probably results in healthier dogs than pure breeding generally does.
Load More Replies...We have a Corgi German shepherd mix and it happened naturally. My friends female Corgi was visited my her neighbors male gsd. We love our dog, she's unique and quite silly. She has the perfect mix of features and personality!
Can't we just enjoy looking at cute dogs without having to make it about the morals of owning a dog?
I don't think all of them were created just to please us. It's unlikely that this sort of breeding will continue because of a few posts
Load More Replies...I'm really hoping the corgi was the male when a lot of these breeds were mixed lol
This is my "cojack" (corgi + jack russell terrier). Externally, he resembles a corgi, but in the head it is all cracked russell terror. <3 IMG_3229-5...130c56.jpg
We had a Queensland Healer years back .One day I looked out the window to see the neighbor's tiny Jack Russell having sex with her! She was laying down to make it possible! The difference however,is we took her to the vet had the (very early) pregnancy terminated ,got her spayed and didn't try to sell the results as a designer "Breed" .Some crosses work ,we now have a Labradoodle ( labrador/standard poodle) a clever,sweet,non shedding dog (I have sever allergies) and I am not a fan of "line breeding" i.e interbreeding in pedigree dogs,that can cause terrible health issues to be perpetuated in the breed.But deliberately creating more and more badly crossed dogs (Corgi/German Sheppard,Corgi/Golden Retriever ?) when there are thousands of dogs put down in shelters every day,because there are no homes for them,is irresponsible and cruel.
But it’s ok to cross breeds to suit your situation? How hypocritical
Load More Replies...My mixed corgei is also handsome doggydog :) the most beautyful !!! corgi-591d...f4581e.jpg
Some of these dogs probably develop health conditions in later life... Selective breeding in my opinion is cruel, and although the dogs are adorable, our perceptions of of what is cute and what is not is wrong, as most selectively bred dogs suffer...
These are horrible, what a mean thing to do to these large breed babies
Corgi + Yorkie. Natural mix - rescue dog - sweetest dog we could ever dream of having! buckles-59...d2261f.jpg
Our Jill was 1/2 border collie, 1/2 Corgi. Gave us 15 years of joy and love. An accident on the farm was our delight!
This is cruel. Crossbreeding is actually good for dogs, as mutts are the healthiest forms of dogs. BUT crossbreeding small dogs and big dogs results in short life spans and back issues. This kind of thing sickens me because these dogs are being sold for lots of money while other crossbreeds are dying in shelters because they aren't 'cute'.
This was my Corgi Chow mix. He was a wonderful dog! 384-5921d9...c95b3e.jpg
Marmalade, the corgi + blue heeler (aka cowgirl corgi) -- with one ear that goes up and one that goes down marmalade1...70627e.jpg
No one bred these on purpose. These were accidents. Dont blame breeders for these. No breeder in there right mind would ever mixing any of those dogs.
There's no such thing as a breeding accident. Someone failed to fix the dogs.
Load More Replies...I mean it's not like it's dangerous or bad for their overall health to have some random and extreme mixes /s/
Er, yes it is. If the mother is the corgi and the father is a large breed, the mother will likely have problems carrying her pups to term because they will be too big for her body. Why put both mother and puppies lives at risk just so you can have a random breed mix?
Load More Replies...Wow, corgi genes are strong!! Every one of these looks predominantly corgi, not halfway in between
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww🥰🥰🥰🥰 Just so cute! I know it’s wrong but just so cute!
They left the best out Corgi and Border Collie 100_0774-6...014217.jpg
All of these people under me think that "oh this is dangerous breeding other dogs with corgi!¨ Well.. Its really not. They say It hurts fro them to give birth to!" And thats not right either. These people think they know anything and everything about breeding. Gaurentee they are either 10 year olds who have no idea what the f**k they are saying, or overaged 40 year olds who dont know how to use a damn keyboard properly. My point is, most of you all are wrong. I work for a JeffersonTown animal clinic, and we have corgi mixes all the time! No health problems, they all live a healthy and happy life here. So needless to say, either do you damn research, or get a job, or just shut up. (And the picture is Dasher. He is a Corgi-Beagle mix. He lives a healthy and happy life.) 41809709_3...9d6ac4.jpg
You don't show a corgi X border collie (which I have). Having said that, I somewhat agree with concerns about designer dog breeds and mixes that end up in shelters. While I always neuter/spay my dogs and would never breed them intentionally, my experience is that the 1st generation "mutt" is one of the finest "breeds" around. Many issues have more to do with the owners than the dogs themselves. 'Nuf said!
My Sweetie is an almost 15 year old rescue Corgi Jack Russell Terrier.
I havr a Chorgi, Corgi+ Chihuahua and he is adorble but a menace lol
Many have cute faces, but are hard to judge, because the photos don't show the length of their legs and back.
Judge both for instinctive appeal, and for health.
Load More Replies...We have a corgi/min pin rescue. Black and tan like a Doberman, short and long with huge corgi ears. She's our baby girl!
I have a Corgi & A Border Collie mix. Wish I could post a picture. He's a very handsome dog!
Some of the mixes look incredibly unhealthy. The short body of the shibu/corgi mix will probably result in major health issues down the line. I have no problem with strays or mixed breed dogs - however please learn about genetics, traits of specific breeds and the health issues of each breed, before actually combining said breeds. Science is your friend!
We just got two puppies that where accidents... Miniature Pinscher and Corgi.. Ella and Finder! They are so smart and super sweet.... 😍
I had a corgi x cavalier called Ella she was a sweetheart
Load More Replies...No one does while the shelters overflow and dogs are being destroyed for this garbage.
Load More long as we are talking about xross-breeding let's just remember that PITBULLS were made by us.So can we please stop blaming the dogs! Instead of killing all of them why not work with them and train the dogs AND THE OWNERS?!
In the Humane Society in AZ they had tons of lab/pit crosses. Couldn't find homes for them. Many were put down. Fix your dogs!
Load More Replies...yea they might be cute but ever thought about the health issues? I have many a corgi in my kingdom that practically live in the royal hospital.
Obviously corgies are charming to many other breeds as well :D the larger the better
i like most of them but not all breed some more oh and put them doing sex please i have a boxer mix this is him wallpaper-...978364.jpg
THAT PEOPLE NEED TO START FIXING THEIR DOGS!!!!! obv these dogs are adorable, and some of them are "accidents" which usually just means human irresponsibility. the ones intentionally bred, NO NEED for this. people just need to get over their OWN "needing", and find the ones REALLY in need, the dogs already born who are equally as lovey, and waiting for someone to adopt them...... hey YOU ASKED ha haha
and I may add, I am a sitter by trade, and I completely appreciate selective responsible breeding (trust me, I watch some AWESOME deerhounds), to preserve breeds. there are just so. many. animals. put to death unnecessarily : (
Load More Replies...People going on like it’s only people who cross breeds that do it for profit. Just because a pedigree dog comes with papers & a kennel name doesn’t mean they aren’t the product of greedy breeders. They are often inbred which causes no end of problems, & even show dogs are kept cooped up in cages much of their lives so they don’t get injured or ruin their coat by playing & being allowed to be a dog. While I agree with people saying animal shelters are full of dogs so there’s no need to create more, that should apply to ALL dogs not just x breeds. Don’t be fooled by a fancy kennel name, prize winning background & pure breed price tag As those are sometimes the biggest culprits of breeding for profit 🤔
Can be, but that's not a responsible breeder. Do your research. Dogs shouldn't be in cages. That's a puppy mill
Load More Replies...I rescued a corgi/pit mix, he was returned to the shelter 3 times before we got him. He was dangerous from day one but was always very well behaved at home so we kept him for 3 yrs, loved him to death, by far my fav dog... A few weeks ago I had to have him put down because he started trying to turn on me and i have two young girls and I could risk them getting hurt. I was heart broken, lost my best friend because of a bad mix.
Im not being disrespectful but is that a bad mix or maybe a lack of training?
Load More Replies...I'm thinking they are all adorable and how sweet, etc. I was thinking this happened naturally but I'm reading lots of comments that lead me to believe I'm naïve! Well, I guess this isn't the great story I thought! So sad but they are all pretty darn cute.
STOP all breeding! Get all your pets spayed or neutered. Until the shelters are empty, the world doesn't need one more puppy!!
“Don’t let adorable animals breed by choice, it’s cruel to not make amazing creatures eventually go extinct because they’re all neutered and cannot have offspring resulting in decline of population”
Load More Replies...If you don't think dogs should interbreed, what about people?. Only white with white? No orientals with europeans? Be careful what you think!
Many of these dogs doesn't have corgi in them. Just because a dog has short legs, doesn't mean it's a corgi mix. Neither corgis nor dalmatians have mustaches e.g, so #39, is either a (short legged) wire haired dog + dalmatian mix, or a mix between several breeds.
those where all so cute I had some friends looking over my shoulder and awing at them all
THis is not "pawsome". I can PROMISE you these dogs, especially those crossed with larger breeds, suffer SERIOUS back, leg, and joint problems, especially if they get even REMOTELY obese. Just another ploy by DISGUSTING BACK YARD GREEDERS and PUPPY MILLERS to sell STUPID PEOPLE dogs. Want a Corgi mix? ADOPT ONE.
Boo!! These are not toys to fiddle with. Dogs are persons. And indiscriminate breeding is a big problem. There are health concern when you mix capriciously like that.
looking at the Corgi mixes seems just because you can or they ,you some times shouldn't though husky mixes were cute ...
I know a lot of people like them, but I have never met a corgi that wasn't a rotten tempered little snapper. I know there are a gazillion people here who will howl and yell at me about their wonderful dogs....but like Poms, I've never met a nice corgi.
haha I’ve never had a dog and I’m horribly allergic and yet I still have yet to meet an unpleasant corgi…
Load More Replies...