35 Times People Spotted Such Stupid Copy-And-Paste Fails, They Just Had To Document Them
Bland. Soulless. Generic. Robotic. Totally and undeniably fake. The last thing you want is to have someone waste your time with impersonal mass-marketing emails or messages. It’s bad enough having them fill up your inbox. It’s even worse when they’re not even proofread! If you don’t care enough to at least glance over your message before hitting [SEND], why should we care about what you’re offering?
The r/copypastegonewrong subreddit is a small but fantastic online community that has been gently poking fun at some of the biggest copy-and-paste fails to ever grace the net since 2018. Professors accidentally adding an embarrassing link in their emails and job recruiters failing to write your friggin’ name are just the tip of the Iceberg of Awkwardness.
We’ve collected some of the r/copypastegonewrong subreddit’s members’ best posts to share with you, Pandas. It’s a reminder to always, always, ALWAYS reread what you wrote. (And then do it again!) Scroll down and upvote the fails that made you feel secondhand embarrassment.
Bored Panda has reached out to the moderator team running r/copypastegonewrong, and we'll update the article once we hear back from them.
This post may include affiliate links.
Please Do Not Open The Other Link
Maybe Bruce Was Just Celebrating Too Hard
Well done Bruce. Great job. And also WOOHOO GO [Insert winning team logo here] !!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
Is There An Mlm For Books? I've Known Her Since Elementary School And She's Never Messaged Me Before...something Tells Me She's New At This
Bored Panda also got in touch with Lisa McLendon, Ph.D., for a chat about writing, editing, and proofreading text. McLendon is the William Allen White Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications and the Bremner Editing Center Coordinator at the University of Kansas, and she was kind enough to answer a few of our questions. You'll find our interview with her below.
We were curious about the kind of attitude needed when editing and proofreading text, as well as what writers can do to ensure that they won't embarrass themselves down the line.
"The right attitude is that everything needs an editor!" Professor McLendon, from the University of Kansas, told us.
"Writing and editing are two related but different skills, and having a fresh set of eyes on something you’ve written can help spot not only typos but inconsistencies, repeated text, unclear sentences or structure, potentially biased or offensive language, and questions the audience might have that aren’t answered in the piece," she noted why it's so vital not to ignore editing as a whole.
It Really Feels Like She’s Trying Connect With Me On A Personal Level
I don't have time for your dramatics, let's get down to business
How Do I Delete Someone Else's Discord?
I have several questions and no answers but that’s probably for the best
Admit It Marissa, You Admire The Tenacity
The professor highlighted that writing and editing are different skills, therefore, it's difficult to compare them in terms of which one is 'more difficult' or 'easier.' However, professionals tend to have preferences.
"Many writers bristle at editing, and many editors find writing a chore. Both are necessary for any writing intended for an audience," McLendon explained to Bored Panda.
"If someone is unwilling to edit their work, they’re risking readership. I like to put it this way: You’re asking readers to give you their time and attention (and maybe their money!), so you owe those readers the courtesy of the clearest, cleanest, most engaging writing you can give them." It's something that's worth keeping in mind for everyone whose job might be related to writing in some way or form (odds are, it is!).
Analog Click
Tinder Fail
Statistically a boy, though --- at least almost all famous Sidney's are, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_(given_name)
We Appreciate You, Associate’s Name!
The woman on the right looks like a cardboard cutout. Enjoy trying to unsee that 😁
Finally, we were interested in what a world without the copy-and-paste function on computers would look like.
Here's what the professor told us: "There was plenty of dull writing before copy and paste; blaming the tool isn’t really fair," she said.
"Copy and paste makes revision a little easier since you can move blocks of text around to get the best flow. But as with any tool, proficiency and thoughtful use brings about the best results."
Tired Of People C&p’ing My Status
I Love How (Characteristic) You Are!
Name Of The Group And Much More
Oh, don’t get us wrong, everyone makes mistakes in their line of work. Nobody’s immune to this. You might be overworked, exhausted, and unable to focus. You might have double and triple-checked every single thing that you did, but an error slipped through the cracks. In times like these, we feel that it’s best to admit to your mistake.
Don’t let your embarrassment turn into shame and definitely don’t try to run away from the fact that you’ve made a mistake. Own up to it! It’s uncomfortable, but it’s what helps us grow as working professionals.
On the flip side, some of the people sending out unedited messages might be completely lazy and not give a flip about their jobs or their potential clients, for all we know. You’d have to dig deep to figure out exactly what went wrong in each particular case.
Bad Time To Copy And Paste Your Sales Pitch, Hun
“No One Will Notice,” They Said
When Your Textbook's Author Can't Copy-Paste Well
However, the moral of the story is pretty darn clear. In order to avoid copy-paste fails like the ones that get shared on r/copypastegonewrong, you ought to care enough to slow down and put more effort into what you send. Take the time to go over the text. Edit some sentences to make them shorter, clearer, and more reader-friendly.
Check whether all of the links you’re sending actually work and, well, go where you want them to go. And please, please, PLEASE take the time to notice if what you’re sending is at least a personalized piece of text, instead of the formulaic chunk of word-dribble your company prepared for you in advance. Don’t go into auto-pilot mode!
It’s weird to realize just how much we rely on the copy-and-paste function in our daily lives. For one, it shows how ubiquitous computers have become in the workplace, and how widespread smartphones are, too. Whether you’re sending your friend a link to a funny article or retweeting/resharing a post you agree with, you’re essentially duplicating data and then plopping it down in a different context.
Make That Your Post
R/Moon: Articles, Photos And Discussion About The Planet Mars
I Finally Caught One In The Wild! Total Copy/Paste Job With Forgotten Beginning Quotation Mark
Life would be very different without copy-paste ever existing, that’s for sure. Everyone would have to type everything out while duplicating funny cat pics would become impossible. As a result, we imagine that everyone would take a slower, more nuanced approach to how they share data and send messages.
Ideally, in a world without copy-pasting, people would be more descriptive and personal in what they write. Realistically, though, internet users would probably just copy things word for word, just without the added safety net of duplicating things as they are. You might actually end up with more typos and errors than you do now!
You're Invited!
Oh I forgot about that event!, I wanted to go that day to that city.....
This Is Why It Is Always Important To Read Before You Copy And Paste
Insert 3 Genuine Traits
If you’re going to be that obnoxious the least you could do is join a company better than Arbonne.
After all, it’s easy to write a lot: you start typing and you keep typing until you’ve got all of your surface thoughts on the (digital) page. It’s incredibly difficult to edit your thoughts into something coherent, entertaining, and informative. Who enjoys cutting out their own words when they’ve put so much time and energy into the entire writing process? But if your job is related to communications, editing is a must.
I'm Getting Used To The Generic Job Rejection Email... But This Is Just Lazy
Making An Interesting Exam For The Students
Dear (Customer),
There’s another argument to be made for (re)writing and (re)typing things out word by word instead of relying on copy-pasting information over and over. Researchers found that passive learners, who simply study the information provided to them instead of taking notes, end up with the ‘illusion of competence.’
Turbotax - Where Copy/Paste = Clarity
Spam Subject Line Should Read:
Jimmy’s Copy/Paste Skills Explain #6
They forgot to include "Jimmy Johns founder, Jimmy John Liautaud, is a disgusting trophy hunter who posts horrible photos of himself posing with the animals he's killed."
Passive learners believe that they’ll outperform note-takers, but actually end up remembering far less information. Rewriting information commits it to our memory far better because we’re more engaged with the material at hand. Copy-pasting the info your professor gives you into a text document will give you far, far worse results than actively taking notes on what you’re reading or listening to.
Copy-pasting is incredibly useful, yes. But it can force you to switch your brain off. Just like relying exclusively on spellcheck software.
Reddit Promoted Post Fail
Insert Product
Sprint Social Customer Care Just Copy And Pasting From A Script
Found In My Spam Folder
Amazon Trying To Save Me Money
I was hoping to replenish my dash with a discount_percent% but I’m not sure what a consum_simple reorder is
The Artist Formerly Known As Antoni
Strange position in bed with the head near those books and a big tv? Also, who wakes up with that creepy smile? I bet someone who is eager to say the name.of his favourite coffee brand :)))))
They Don’t Realize Their Copy Paste Has Two Different Os Phones Screenshots
Stolen From Facebook — The Mlmer Didn’t Adjust The Copy/Paste When She Posted It To A Group
Agreed, this kind of list really appeals to my [INSERT THREE PERSONAL TRAITS HERE].
My email is setup with a particular way of doing the name, so people I'm actually dealing with will say "Hi Myname", and people who are just spamming always go "Hi mYnAmE" because they're C&Ping.
"Propercase" is so easy; the spammers might be the ones who get it right and the ones you presume are spammers might be the ones being responsibe to the way you like to capitalize your name. Seriously, I work where we send out newsletters people specifically ask for: so many people use all lower-case letters to fill out forms, we just propercase everything.
Load More Replies...I used to send out cards for a small insurance agency. My template for the accompanying letter started with Dear . I once forgot to run mail merge and sent it to a customer.
Agreed, this kind of list really appeals to my [INSERT THREE PERSONAL TRAITS HERE].
My email is setup with a particular way of doing the name, so people I'm actually dealing with will say "Hi Myname", and people who are just spamming always go "Hi mYnAmE" because they're C&Ping.
"Propercase" is so easy; the spammers might be the ones who get it right and the ones you presume are spammers might be the ones being responsibe to the way you like to capitalize your name. Seriously, I work where we send out newsletters people specifically ask for: so many people use all lower-case letters to fill out forms, we just propercase everything.
Load More Replies...I used to send out cards for a small insurance agency. My template for the accompanying letter started with Dear . I once forgot to run mail merge and sent it to a customer.