40 ‘Cool Guides’ People Shared On This Group That Contain Information They Don’t Teach At School (New Pics)
Whether we're talking about politics or the animal kingdom, learning something new can require a fair amount of time and effort. Luckily, we don't always have to read lengthy scientific papers. Some people do it for us. And not only that — they narrow down everything to a few bullet points and illustrate them to help our minds remember.
And if you want a place that stores these effective tools, look no further than the subreddit r/CoolGuides. As the name suggests, it collects picture-based reference guides for pretty much anything and everything.
"If it seems like something someone might print, physically post, and reference then it is a good link for this sub," its moderators write in its 'About' section.
Continue scrolling to check out some recent posts that garnered a lot of attention within this online community and if you find yourself hooked, fire up Bored Panda's earlier publication on it too.
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Opossums Are Our Friends
How To Treat People With Dementia
Dana Jandhyala, who has had a long career as an educator where she has taught in different schools and institutes, believes that visuals hold more appeal than plain text to curious and intuitive minds.
"Till date, several studies have been conducted which prove the power of visual aids in eLearning," she wrote. "And there are some interesting results drawn from them. Such as, learners respond to visual information faster as compared to text-only materials. Also, visuals help improve learning tremendously and on multiple levels. Hence, around 65% of the population comprises visual learners."
This Library Hung A Dewey Decimal Reference Sign For “Everything You Want To Know, But Don’t Really Want To Ask”
That really made my day, just love this - especially the sentence at the bottom. 🙏
Simple Trick For Calculating Percentage
I usually think of what 10% would be and then multiply it in my head. So 30% off an $80 dress would be 10% (8) x 3 = $24 off. Weird how our brains all come up with our own math coping mechanisms.
Jandhyala said there are several advantages of visual aids:
They help store information longer. "Images are the simplest and the most effective way to make sure that the information gets stored as long-term memory. As per Dr. Lynell Burmark, an education consultant, our short term memory processes words and can only retain about seven bits of information. Whereas, images are directly processed by our long-term memory, where they get indelibly etched."
They make communication quicker and simpler. "Information listed in bullets is no doubt simpler to process. But, that same information in the form of an image or a video is processed even more quickly."
As per the Visual Teaching Alliance:
- Of all the information transmitted to the brain, 90% is visual;
- As opposed to text, visuals are processed 60,000x faster;
- Humans are capable of getting the sense of a visual scene in less than 1/10th of a second;
- 40% of nerve fibers are linked to the retina;
- Our brain can see images that last for only 13 milliseconds;
- The human eye can register 36,000 visual messages every hour;
- Hence, the eLearning programs which incorporate suitable visuals gain a higher preference over.
A Bee’s Life
The 3/3/3 Rule
And if there has been abuse of any kind it may much longer to complete phase 3...
It's Either This, Or Pupper Mittens. Bernie Votes Mittens
Visuals aid better comprehension. "They help learners grasp concepts easily by stimulating imagination and affecting their cognitive capabilities. Besides, the visual language is also known to have the potential to stretch 'human bandwidth' – which comprises absorbing, comprehending and analyzing new information."
Visuals act as stimulators for emotions. "Emotions and visual information are processed in the same part of the human brain. Visual stimuli and emotional response are linked in a simple way and these two together generate what we call memories. Hence, powerful images and visual metaphors create strong impressions and lasting memories in learners."
They drive motivation. "Most of the students struggle with some of their subjects because they find them uninteresting and hence lack the motivation to put in the required efforts. Visuals are the best bet in such scenarios. Captivating images, engaging videos, interesting infographics, etc. help learners fight the boredom and motivate them to do better."
So it very well might be that the things you'll learn from these guides will stay with you. At least for a little while.
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How To Retain Employees. A Lot Of Companies Need This Guide
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Where's the educational flier for the police? 1. Do not violate a person's civil rights. 2. ....
A Guide To Cat Body Language
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This what millions of antivaxers are experiencing right now. They feel informed because they did internet research. Or because they are a nurse. Or because they know someone who backs up their opinion. They don't even know how much they don't know. To me, the scariest part of being in the US right now is how willing people are to take their opinion as a fact and use groupthink as a form of confirmation. Thousands of people who studied the subject for 8 years and currently work in the field are saying one thing while the other side has Timmy, the YouTube video maker talking to a guy that used to work at company and got fired is saying another. And somehow the thought process is the video is right. That is scary
Interesting Visual About Genetic Similarities
Well, let's face it, there are many times we feel like mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed s**t!
Know Your Wetlands. Posted To A Wildlife Management Facebook Group Probably Posted Somewhere Else Before But Not Here
Tally Marks Are Different Around The World
How Taxes Work
Guide To Celsius For Americans
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I Spent Forever Looking For A "Grid Pattern" Shirt Before I Found This
Plant Watering Guide
Not true. It depends on the type of plant. If it's a deciduous plant, you risk drowning it with overwater / waterlogging. Similarly if it is a succulent. You need to look at the leaf type to determine how much water to provide. Assuming a pot plant: waxy leaves, thicker than paper: 1 cup every three days papery thin leaves, dry/papery surface: ½ cup every two days or ¼ cup every day thick fleshy leaves: ½ cup once a week etc.
Acronym Guide For Reddit
The Name Of Things , You Probably Didn’t Know
Great One If You're Starting To Learn Music Notation
Saying "I Ain't Doing That For Free" Differently
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A Guide To Proof-Reading Marks
Cool Wavelengths
Here’s For Understanding What Your Car’s Trying To Tell You
My son once asked me what the jellyfish meant. High beams, he was talking about my high beams XD (he was 6 at the time).
Mohs Scale Of Hardness
Figure Out How Much Yarn You Need For A Project
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Know Your Window Types!
I've always loved a bay widow, would be nice for a good book nook.
The Amount Of Snow It Takes To Cancel School By County
How To Choose Your Colour Palette
Map Of The Us States That Pays More Tax Than What They Receive From The Government, Courtesy Of Cgp Grey
Isn't it amazing that the states that take more tax tend to the ones with the most conservative voters...except Texas & Florida, which was a pleasant surprise.
Estimated Caffeine By Type Of Drink!
Bored Panda is just a content aggregator to generate ad impressions. They didn’t create any of these.
Load More Replies...Bored Panda is just a content aggregator to generate ad impressions. They didn’t create any of these.
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