According to Tim Antoniuk, an Associate Professor of Design Studies at the University of Alberta, we can all intuitively sense what good design is and isn't.
"Quite often, this relates to ergonomics and the usability or functionality of the products and services and systems," he told Bored Panda in one interview.
For Antoniuk, good design is "intuitive, [...] deeply sympathetic and empathetic to the user at all levels, and at some level, it is emotional."
So as much as we at Bored Panda like to make fun of crappy design, this time we decided to compile a different kind of list. Whether it's a space-saving Tetris cat tower or a skatepark shaped like bacon and eggs, continue scrolling and check out these prime examples of human ingenuity.
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Carpet Patterned Street
Itsukushima Shinto Shrine Appears On The Dish When Sauce Is Poured On It
Back in the late 1970s, Dieter Rams, a German industrial designer, was becoming increasingly concerned by the state of the world around him. He called it "an impenetrable confusion of forms, colors, and noises."
Realizing that he was a significant contributor to that world, Rams asked himself an important question: is my design good design?
His answer is expressed in his ten principles for good design.
This College Made A Water Bottle With A Map Of The Campus On It. It Also Shows Places Where You Can Fill It Up
That's a really neat idea! That way we wouldn't get too lost in the college
This Benjamin Franklin Mug I Just Got With A Slot To Make The End Of Your Tea Bag The Kite
1. Good design is innovative. Technological development is constantly offering new opportunities for innovative design; innovative design always develops in tandem with innovative technology, and can never be an end in itself.
2. Good design makes a product useful. People buy products to use them. It has to satisfy certain criteria, it has to emphasize the usefulness of a product whilst disregarding things that could lessen it.
3. Good design is aesthetic. The beauty of a product is integral to its usefulness because the products we use every day affect us and our well-being. A product can't be well-executed if it is not beautiful.
The Bollards Outside This School In Dublin Look Like Pencils
A Skate Shop & A Butcher Shop Are Located Next To Each Other. They Share One Sign
4. Good design makes a product understandable; it clarifies the product's structure. Better still, it can make the product "talk." If a product is designed flawlessly, it is pretty much self-explanatory.
5. Good design is unobtrusive. Products fulfill a purpose. They're like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art. Their design should therefore be both neutral and restrained, leaving room for the user's self-expression.
6. Good design is honest. It does not try to manipulate the consumer; it doesn't promise what it can't deliver.
7. Good design is long-lasting. It avoids fashion trends so therefore it never appears like an antique from the middle ages. Unlike fashionable design, good design lasts many years – even in today's fast-paced world.
The Logo On My Umbrella Only Shows Up When Wet
This Is Beautiful
8. Good design is thorough down to the last detail. Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance: care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the user.
9. Good design is environmentally friendly. It conserves resources and minimizes physical and visual pollution throughout the lifecycle of the product.
10. Good design is as little design as possible. You've heard it a thousand times, less is better. As cliché as it sounds, Dieter Rams believes it to be true. Good design concentrates on the essentials and does not place unnecessary burdens on the product.
Do you think Rams would like this list? Tell us in the comments!
This Crane Has Giraffe Print
This Bench That Looks Like A Book
I'm curious on what the text says tbh, but I guess I'll read on it later.
My Friend's House Key Is Shaped Like A Sword
My Raincoat Reveals A Floral Pattern When Wet
The Inside Of The Pizza Box Was A Tuxedo
This Bench Is Made From A Curled-Up Paving Stone
This is actually Newcastle upon Tyne outside the Laing Art Gallery. I've sat on that bench and can confirm that it is not very comfortable.
This Barbie Doll With Vitiligo
Great to see! Yeah, Barbie has been diversifying for quite some time now. Barbies-60...0db003.jpg
National Geographic Gallery Uses Its Logo As A Door Handle
It looks like they know how to handle things, including their building
I Have A Clock Where The Numbers Rotate Rather Than The Hands
My Space-Saving Cat Tower
This Brand Of Coffee Changes The Design For Decaffeinated Coffee
Astronomical Makeup Palette
The Air Vents On A Subway In Stockholm Have A Hidden Pacman Easter Egg
This Swiss Bottled Water
My Husband’s Fully Reflective Iridescent Rain Set
The Wolf On This Van Has Eyes Which Light Up With The Brake Lights
This Whale Tissue Dispenser
You Can "Light" And "Extinguish" The Flames On The Menorah
A Wet Floor Sign In The Shape Of A Shark Fin
There’s A Skatepark Shaped Like Bacon And Eggs An Hour Out Of Seattle
The Handle To This Knife Shop Door Is Also A Knife
Wouldn't want to know how the door handle of the sex shop nearby looks like. :)))
A Bench In The Library Of Alexandria
My Desk Notes Are On A Tiny Shipping Pallet
An Ashtray That Gives A Visual Representation Of The Negative Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes
The Pills Which Help Regulate My Heart Rate Are Shaped Like Hearts
Fork At The Eiffel Tower Is The Eiffel Tower
A Little Crab Pen Holder I Found In Tokyo
This Subway Train Has Clouds On The Ceiling To Look Like The Sky
The Blossoms On My LEGO Bonsai Are Small Frogs
This Jar Is Shaped To Look Like A Ziplock Bag
Here's A Street Lamp That Was Designed To Look Like A Paintbrush
Our Wedding Bands Are Laser Engraved With Each Other's Fingerprint
This Clock With Words Only
Spotted This Amazing Door Stop At Work
This Sugar Cube Shaped Like A Tea Pot
Somebody In My City Is Walking Around With The Prettiest Soles I've Seen So Far
Saw This Awesome Metallica Plate On The Freeway Today
My Local Bakery Has Started Putting BLM On Their Bread
This Lamp With Individual Switches You Can Turn On And Off
This Building In Chicago Has A Map Of The Surrounding Area With Its Own Location Marked
Also, phallic obelisk for scale :D (with glowing balls... whaaahahahaha !)
Cool Tables In Plymouth That Look Like It's Anti-Gravity
I was confused for a second, then I remembered chains don't normally do that
These Bollards Outside A School Shaped Like Pencils
Do you ever wonder about the number of readers who don't read the comments before posting theirs? And repeat someone's ideas? And repeat...
Arthur, they're copied and pasted from Reddit posts. Sometimes multiple different ones. Bored Panda only have few articles where people directly post stuff. They don't really care if they duplicate things. The site is to get clicks and sell advertising.
Load More Replies...He's talking about the comments, not the articles. I also like to read the comments, and sometimes 15 pandas comment the same thing. They don't read the comments because it's work to access them.
I'm the first one here an I am incredible pleased with this list.
I loved all these except one. Amazing how some people's minds work!!!
Do you ever wonder about the number of readers who don't read the comments before posting theirs? And repeat someone's ideas? And repeat...
Arthur, they're copied and pasted from Reddit posts. Sometimes multiple different ones. Bored Panda only have few articles where people directly post stuff. They don't really care if they duplicate things. The site is to get clicks and sell advertising.
Load More Replies...He's talking about the comments, not the articles. I also like to read the comments, and sometimes 15 pandas comment the same thing. They don't read the comments because it's work to access them.
I'm the first one here an I am incredible pleased with this list.
I loved all these except one. Amazing how some people's minds work!!!