Over two thousand years ago, the great Roman philosopher Seneca said "To err is human", and with this phrase in particular immortalized his name. Now we don’t know exactly on what occasion the legendary thinker put it this way, so we can only guess. Here is one of these guesses - given that in Seneca's notes a lot of attention is paid to delicious food, it is quite possible that the philosopher was simply upset by some unsuccessful dish, his own or someone else's cooking.
Yes, we all make mistakes, including when we cook something. Cooking is like art - an extra drop of sauce or oil, and now a new ingenious recipe is ready. However, it is much more likely that because of this very extra drop, something really disgusting will come to light, which will forever ruin your culinary reputation, even in your own eyes.
It is believed that the key to a successful stand-up is funny jokes about yourself, because people like irony. This is probably the main reason for the popularity of the Reddit community under the self-explanatory name "Cooking Fails", where there are already more than five hundred people sharing images of their self-created cooking disasters, accompanying them with some witty comments.
So Bored Panda has put together a selection of the funniest, most unexpected and absolutely incredible food fails for your own enjoyment, so please feel free to scroll this list to the very end, mark the submissions you like best - and the next time after failing at the stove, rather than being angry with yourself, just remember this post, and it will definitely help you perceive everything through the prism of humor. Bon appétit (but not exactly)!
More info: Reddit
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Just Learned The Hard Way That Curcuma + Hot Water + Rice Noodles = Satan's Pasta. I Shrieked
I Dropped The Cheesecake While Unmolding It
A Friend Writes: "Apparently I Bought A Brining Bag Instead Of A Baking Bag"
Expectation vs. Reality
I Baked A Cake
I Tried To Make A Churro, But I Made Chookies
Pickled Avocado. Good Lord It's Bad
Nop, nop, nop, Im from Madeira island, and we do a lot of stuff with avocado, like cut it in half sprincle a bit of sugar and eat it like a grape fruit ( realle really good ) or cut it in thin slices and eat it with bread ( also great ), but that.....
My Mom Cooked Some Eggs In The Oven At 400f For 30 Minutes, And The Top Was Almost Plastic In Texture, With A Dry, Hard Centre
Cooking A Egg With Worcestershire Sauce. Ended Up Making Dog Turds
This looks exactly like my old cat's throw up. I miss you, Blackie Sue, but I don't miss cleaning up after you tried to eat my plants.
Macaroon Gone Wild
I Tried
Someone Bakes These Cupcakes For Our Pta Halloween Party.... Something Just “Semen”ed A Little Off
I Somehow Managed To Fail At Cooking Pop-Tarts!
Carrot Cake - It Doesn’t Just Look Bad , It Also Tastes Bad
You're supposed to finely shred the carrots, not cut them like French fries.
I Tried To Make A Mug Cake. Something Somewhere Went Horribly Wrong And It Exploded In My Microwave
When Your Coworker Put Too Much Hot Sauce In The Mixer Lol
The One On The Right Is My Friends Christmas Cake. The Left One Is My Absolute Failure Of A Cake
Forgot The Toast In The Panini Press :(
Tried Making A Mug Cake
My “Alfredo Sauce”
My 12yo Made French Toast For The First Time This Morning
My Mother In Law Served This For Lunch. Luckily I Was At The Park With My Son And Warned Not To Return
Guess What This Was...🥲
We Tried Making Cookie But This Happened... Tastes Pretty Good Though
That looks like old roast beef that was left in the fridge
Pesto? More Like Pestoh No! Tried Making Homemade Pesto And It Turned Out More Like Avocado
Só Im not a cheff by any means, but last time i checked pesto is preety much a liquid, that guacamole.....
I Tried Making A BBQ Pizza Because I Was Really Hungry. Tastes So Bad I Literally Regurgitated The First Bite
My Grandma Tried Making Bread Using A Slow Cooker Epic Fail
OMG, I can almost feel the knife losing it's tip .... don't eat it you'll lose teeth.
Yummy Glass
I Tried Making Cookies-
I could forgive someone for accidentally leaving out pretty much any ingredient EXCEPT for the flour. How did you manage that?
Y'all Know That Bread Machine?? Well, I'm Not Sure Why, I Didn't Work This Time
My worst was a fruit cake. The recipe said to stir in a whisked egg while the mixture was warm. Unfortunately, mine was a bit too warm. The egg scrambled and the whole thing turned to toffee. Toffee with scrambled egg was not a good combination.
I think my absolute worst was when I was below 10 years old (possibly a couple years younger than that) & wanting to be helpful, I decided to try & make coffee for my older sister. Unfortunately, I didn’t realise that I had used GRAVY granules instead of coffee granules; so I added milk, hot water & sugar, stirred it up & gave it to my poor sister, who probably thought “Oh, how nice! My little sis just made me a nice cup of coffee!”. Then she took a big swig … & 💩 hit the fan; almost immediately, she retched violently & ran for the bathroom like a true Olympian! LOL. Deep down, I felt so bad about making my sister physically ill, but as I was just a child, her reaction had me in a fit of giggles (even now, I only have to remind her about the time I made her a “beef gravy coffee with milk & sugar” & she’d retch so hard)! 😂
PS - I’m not the only one in my family who has confused the gravy/coffee granules, as my mum did the same thing a few years back. She was trying to make gravy to go with white rice & kept complaining that she couldn’t get it to thicken up, no matter what she did. She ended up serving the rice & “watery gravy”. Maybe it was payback for what happened to my older sister, because I felt sick for the first mouthful, so I had to tell my mum that she had used coffee in the rice (& she immediately realised that she had confused coffee granules for gravy ones, just like I did in reverse), much to her embarrassment. In the end, she ordered delivery takeaway to make up for it, so it worked out okay in the end; & I got some refreshing Coca-Cola to wash away the taste of coffee. Totally worth it! 😄
My worst was a fruit cake. The recipe said to stir in a whisked egg while the mixture was warm. Unfortunately, mine was a bit too warm. The egg scrambled and the whole thing turned to toffee. Toffee with scrambled egg was not a good combination.
I think my absolute worst was when I was below 10 years old (possibly a couple years younger than that) & wanting to be helpful, I decided to try & make coffee for my older sister. Unfortunately, I didn’t realise that I had used GRAVY granules instead of coffee granules; so I added milk, hot water & sugar, stirred it up & gave it to my poor sister, who probably thought “Oh, how nice! My little sis just made me a nice cup of coffee!”. Then she took a big swig … & 💩 hit the fan; almost immediately, she retched violently & ran for the bathroom like a true Olympian! LOL. Deep down, I felt so bad about making my sister physically ill, but as I was just a child, her reaction had me in a fit of giggles (even now, I only have to remind her about the time I made her a “beef gravy coffee with milk & sugar” & she’d retch so hard)! 😂
PS - I’m not the only one in my family who has confused the gravy/coffee granules, as my mum did the same thing a few years back. She was trying to make gravy to go with white rice & kept complaining that she couldn’t get it to thicken up, no matter what she did. She ended up serving the rice & “watery gravy”. Maybe it was payback for what happened to my older sister, because I felt sick for the first mouthful, so I had to tell my mum that she had used coffee in the rice (& she immediately realised that she had confused coffee granules for gravy ones, just like I did in reverse), much to her embarrassment. In the end, she ordered delivery takeaway to make up for it, so it worked out okay in the end; & I got some refreshing Coca-Cola to wash away the taste of coffee. Totally worth it! 😄