It’s no big secret that exams are pretty stressful experiences, after completion of which, you only want to lie in bed, contemplate your existence, and perhaps nap. 

u/Zorrostrian, for instance, did get their victory snooze in the end – however, before finally getting the green light from their teacher to leave, they had to “mess” with him and play a game of blink-off. 

More info: Reddit


    Student finishes their exam early and is eager to go home

    Image credits: Jeswin Thomas (not the actual photo) 

    The teacher insists that they stay until the end – however, the author has another plan

    Image credits: fran innocenti (not the actual photo) 


    Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo) 


    Image source: u/Zorrostrian

    I convinced my teacher to let me leave class 2 hours early by doing…basically nothing” – this internet user took to one of Reddit’s most popular communities to tell its members a tale of how they maliciously complied with their teacher and got to leave early after completing their exam. The post garnered nearly 5K upvotes as well as 131 comments discussing the situation.


    Chances are, many of you have heard people say that school days are the best days of our lives, and for the bulk of us ex-students, it couldn’t be more true!

    Friendships and social bonds; clubs, sports, and other extracurricular activities; random events; exciting field trips; memorable teachers and mentors; graduations; never-ending bashes; oh, and learning, of course – what a wild and awesome time!

    Unfortunately, though, as with pretty much anything in our existence – it’s not all rainbows and butterflies.

    Studying is incredibly stressful and financially burdensome, and some educational institutions may use outdated curricula and generally offer a lack of real-world experiences.

    But! The number one headache of it all, ladies and gentlemen, is finals.

    You get a limited amount of time to answer, and preferably correctly, a broad range of material that, let’s face it, most of us only ever really studied for a day or two? Absolute horror.

    After all the coffees, energy drinks, and excruciating all-nighters, all you want to do is crack on, pray that the universe has got your back, and as soon as you’re done answering your last question – bolt and never look back. But life’s unfair, and sometimes, you get the pleasure of encountering teachers who won’t let you move until the time’s over.


    The pupil decides to eyeball their teacher until he gets uncomfortable and lets them go

    Image credits: Max Ficher (not the actual photo) 

    u/Zorrostrian, the original poster and trade school student with a killer attendance, recently had a bunch of finals, including an online one, a written one, and a quiz retake! 


    The student had absolutely smashed it and managed to finish earlier, and although most teachers were pretty lenient and would let students leave early – the OP found themselves in the opposite situation.

    The thing is, their teacher, or as they call him – “Mr. D,” insisted that the pupil stay until 12:30. However, instead of browsing the web for several hours, the Redditor decided to mess with the man until he, well, caved in.

    So, the netizen went back to their seat, pulled out their chair, and faced it towards the teacher. They sat down and challenged him to the ultimate staring contest, with a hint of creepiness that essentially drove the man insane.

    The plan worked perfectly well, and in less than 10 minutes, the teacher excused the student and let them get on with their so-called “victory nap.”


    What do you reckon, Pandas? Was it a good technique to use, or would you have done things differently? 

    Fellow online community members shared their thoughts and opinions on the tale