Controversial Illustrations By Spanish Artist Mirror The Ugly Side Of Society
While these images are safe for work, they’ll still make you feel dirty – and that’s because they reflect some of the dirtiest things about our society. Spanish artist Luis Quiles’ images are so powerful because they evoke deep visceral responses – be they arousal, terror or disgust.
Quiles gets down and dirty with topics like sexism, homophobia, exploitation and violence. He’s got more powerful works spread across his various profiles, but not all of it is safe for work (NSFW) or suitable for minors, so be warned!
More info: Facebook | Instagram | DeviantArt (h/t: sobadsogood)
Share on Facebookits disturbing because you dont want to face reality shown by these drawings
Load More Replies...oh wow! shouldn't be so shocking, but unfortunately thats our society today. This is our world now and were the only ones that can change it
Yes, we're the only ones who can change it. So long as we idolize $$$$$$$ as a society, people will oppress others to feel powerful.
Load More Replies...why isn't the male version as obscene as the female version of the ugly society?women aren't the only ones whoring for likes,guys do thattoo
The females in the photo's look 1) Young & 2) Pressured, or at least naive. The social networks, like porn and meds are all facilitate.....
societies pressures. i.e. The early sexualization and commodification of our young women.
Load More Replies...The child soldier seems to have more clothes on than all the woman combined. Only women are "whores" for social media? Sexist and untrue.
Why aren't the male version as obscene as the female version of the ugly society?It's not like women are the only ones whoring for likes
Most of these are true but Ur deliberately attacking a human being. Shame on you. But of course it's better to mention the name cr7 in an article or post to get more views. Talk about the ugly side of society 😒
Wow, they removed the sexual innuendo pictures for some odd reason. Shame on you for censoring!
I have to agree: it seems he's been exposed to an awful lot of porn. Also, what we see here is not THE truth; this is only how he sees life.
I'm offended. There is one image here that goes WAY too far. It is possible and pretty common to hate teletubbies without being homophobic.
Yea. Women using social media is the dirtiest thing about society, on par with child suicide bombers. -_-
It's really irritating to hear people saying how our society is so f****d up "today". As if it's never been worse or just as bad before.
Group sex , gang bang , rape scene ,fetish ,S & M ....is that's what in the author mind ? Definitely he or she watch a lot of Porn...a lot
Die Bilder sind realistisch und jedes einzelne Bild auf seine eigene Art und Weise sehr verstörend und schockierend.
Why are women the only ones shown in a sexual/abused context? Men are so extensively affected by abuse and gender roles and its never shown
That's just telling obvious things in a gross way. Putting penises and ugly faces everywhere doesn't make you an artist.
Very great depiction of the ugly and sexual side of humanity. It does control us Money Power Sex
Men are as manipulative as women.the ugly society concept should have reflected at them equaly..and you're wondering why feminists are angry
Those who are not ready won't understand or will ignore the message.
Disturbing, but very true. This artist is bold, you've got my respect Luis
It's are reality and what are world has turned into, I am glad an artist is trying to get the issue across so maybe people can see this ..
So religion for you is something that prevents you from getting it in the a*s? There is much to life than that
Thought provoking all. All with slightly different illustration styles, my favorite illustration is the tenth one.
La Edad Media aún no ha terminado. Solo ha cambiado la tecnología, ahora tenemos aviones y virus informáticos para jodernos mejor.
I honestly don't have a ton of respect for things done purely in the interest of shock value.
I don't have a whole lot of respect for things done in the interest of shock value...
Since it's Christmas time i believe we should try to help each other, our neibhoors , friends even a stranger in the street..
Unfortunately some of us have been desensitized towards these harsh realities at such a young age that its the norm. So feel lucky if disturbed
http://twentytwowords.com/13-dark-pieces-of-satire-to-make-you-stop-and-think/ Much better.
And then I decided to make everybody who had a problem with the first picture feel guilty by asking what the problem was with it. ^_^
Disturbing, but sadly spot on, thank God there is a good side of humanity as well...
This should be out everywhere! A picture says a trillion words so let youre inner self see what it needs to see and feel.
for obvious reasons truth will always be ugly, scary etc... But truth spoken out nicely and in such way all could understand. LIKE.
I'm sorry but Killing Teletubbies is a public service not homophobia since their very existence is a crime against humanity.
Great illustrations but sexist in thinking. White young women are not the only oppressed group. Young white men are also sexually oppressed
I feel deeply moved. This pen and paper really did illustrate the sick reality behind what the media rams down our throats.
The truth is ugly, the exposure of the truth is rewarding. We need to realize that corporate society is raping your individualism. EVERYDAY
Yea, because women using social media is the ugliest thing about society, on par with child suicide bombers. -_-
These pieces of art are Pictures that speak Volumes. However, although it is clear as day Many of today's society still will not Get it.
Dark view of reality he needs to display the people who are working hard to abolish those disgusting truths
Every negative post on this article proves exactly what this artist illustrates above. Quit the negativity and judgment. Be positive.
Very provocative stuff. I agree with the sentiment of all of them, but my view of what it means may be different from yours.
Change starts with you. Don't blame ppl, just lead by example. Difference between a boy and a man: boys ask questions and grown men answer.
It is satire and it is meant to make you think about life and what goes on in it every day and we all let it.
It makes me angry when people say that society is f****d up only in modern times. It's always been like this. We just have mass information.
The artwork was fun, but it's rather funnier to see how some people react about the truth and the DEFENDING of the society. LOL
Don't like it. What do you have against the christianity? Why you always blame it. People are bad and they viciate the religion.
The world is not consumed with evil. Not everyone is superficial, greedy and suffering or chasing a dream. Some people are happy in life.fin
Well. Evil men, helpless women, evil corporations and more helpless women. It is as far from controversial as it gets: conformist b******t.
Amazing work, glad that artist like yourself can still have the right to portray the reality of life, thank goodness the message is there!
This has given me crazy chills. I could write a thousand words for every picture.
There's nothing wrong with these illustrations. This is how the artist sees the world. This is the harsh truth.
It's the truth just swap out the items and it is the truth we are slaves to money, sex, media, and religion
I don't know why nobody told you How to unfold your love I don't know how someone controlled you They bought and sold you I don't know ho
I don't know how you were diverted You were perverted too I don't know how you were inverted No one alerted you
Load More Replies...These are all pretty c**p. Obvious symbolism, tacky shock value. Valid "observations" but s**t we've all known since we were 12.
Its disturbing because this is our reality and we are not doing anything about it. Its not enough to care, we have to take action too!
Its disturbing because this is our reality and we are not doing anything about it. Its not enough to car, we have to take action for good!
This is disturbing? Cringing at reality is not a sign of empathy, it's a sign ignorance. Also, some of his pictures are ignorant
This is disturbing? Cringing at reality is not a sign of empathy. It's a sign of willful ignorance.
It says more about him, than all of society... I just googled his Facebook page. He is fixated on demeaning women. Not my thing.
I totally understand where this artist is coming from and understand his meaning. Truth hurts but still the Truth
I see that Sméagol was inspiration for some of these bizarre artworks.
sounds like reality but actually part of us just read and do what the our show that must go on. so what must I do now ?
Es lo que está pasando,una realidad ficticia. Despertemos ,aun estamos a tiempo de cambiar esta forma de vida. Nos están manipulando .
... the reality of society at its best - ugly & ridiculous. Very good interpretations.
Shock pop art/Banksy imitation. There's 3 or 4 images that would be good political pics in the paper, but I wouldn't put them up in my home.
Hansen if they choose to go that far then they are to blame it is their own choice no one has a gun to their heads.
This is bang on with mainstream culture - not some darker subculture. It IS exactly the truth.
Good grief people! Quit all this petty squabbling & try to help amend the ways of this sick, sick society of ours! You're not helping. Stop!
Good grief people! Isn't the subject matter above enough to stop your squabbling? You're missing the point here. Wake up & smell the coffee!
There are a few I would love to frame. They are sadly, true!
this guy speaks only the harsh realities that we choose to ignore and reject
I think it lacks subtlety. I am not saying it's wrong. But it stays on the surface. Showing the obvious.
Some truth, a lot of opinion... But the "I'm going to control you with this for the rest of your life..." That's a hard sickening truth.
For me the best yet, yes the ugly side of society and it needs saying again and again and again. And again.
Excuse me for a sec.. What is so rampantly sexist and misogynistic about women just performing oral sex? People are into it FFS.
Nothing we haven't seen before and the worst part is that we are not going to do anything to change that, we are only getting used to it
He shows the stuff we would rather ignore or turn a blind eye to. Powerful graphic statement. Well done.
Raunchy expressions, but with impactful observations. The medium might overplay the message tho
The images with women are not from the artists POV or about girls craving "likes". lt's how society and specifically media treats women.
I think his picture with the priest representing sexism misrepresents religion. My religion has the largest women's organization in the worl
i don't see the point in this..just showing stereotypes..nothing extraordinary..and it doesn't explain anything at all..
i don't see the point in this..just showing stereotypes..nothing new.. and it doesn't explain anything at all in my opinion..
These are awesome, I love the puppet with the gun, the homeless evolution and the bomberman one..
the probability that everyone is pure with strong principles of righteousness from 7 billion ppl, is 0
thank goodness not all life is like this. The illustrations are powerful.
хахаха...Если бы не развалился СССР ,а капитализм во всем мире бы здох. То вы бы не рисовали подобных плакатов... Рисовали бы Карла Маркса)
love these more people need truth in News and really what direction humanity has turned
Its amusing how much his artwork portrays the whorish nature of humanity while embracing the same whore tendencies himself.
Exactly what Art should'nt be. will be quickly forgotten, pointless ugly work.
Powerful images. A chilling and disheartening look at what the whole world is dealing with these days...
He watches a lot of porn. Shows nothing new. Women have always been used, even when she doesn't know it. She's just seen more on screens.
Load More Replies...Why some people always see the worst of everything and try to give a message by caricaturing them..... Replacing c***s with phones...Really?
Its an illustration showing how attached we have become to technology. Its true and actually quite sad
Load More Replies...Brilliant. It is shocking but it wakes up from our boring, hundrum & sistematic lives. Congrats to another great spanish artist!
What an ironic liberal circle jerk and to pretend as if the mere identification of societal problems entitles the viewer moral superiority.
oh wow, that shouldn't be so shocking, but unfortunately it is the truth, its sad really
Too simplistic explanation for complex issues, but interesting way to display critique
What is this NSFW nonsense? If you are at work you should be WORKING!
its disturbing because you dont want to face reality shown by these drawings
Load More Replies...oh wow! shouldn't be so shocking, but unfortunately thats our society today. This is our world now and were the only ones that can change it
Yes, we're the only ones who can change it. So long as we idolize $$$$$$$ as a society, people will oppress others to feel powerful.
Load More Replies...why isn't the male version as obscene as the female version of the ugly society?women aren't the only ones whoring for likes,guys do thattoo
The females in the photo's look 1) Young & 2) Pressured, or at least naive. The social networks, like porn and meds are all facilitate.....
societies pressures. i.e. The early sexualization and commodification of our young women.
Load More Replies...The child soldier seems to have more clothes on than all the woman combined. Only women are "whores" for social media? Sexist and untrue.
Why aren't the male version as obscene as the female version of the ugly society?It's not like women are the only ones whoring for likes
Most of these are true but Ur deliberately attacking a human being. Shame on you. But of course it's better to mention the name cr7 in an article or post to get more views. Talk about the ugly side of society 😒
Wow, they removed the sexual innuendo pictures for some odd reason. Shame on you for censoring!
I have to agree: it seems he's been exposed to an awful lot of porn. Also, what we see here is not THE truth; this is only how he sees life.
I'm offended. There is one image here that goes WAY too far. It is possible and pretty common to hate teletubbies without being homophobic.
Yea. Women using social media is the dirtiest thing about society, on par with child suicide bombers. -_-
It's really irritating to hear people saying how our society is so f****d up "today". As if it's never been worse or just as bad before.
Group sex , gang bang , rape scene ,fetish ,S & M ....is that's what in the author mind ? Definitely he or she watch a lot of Porn...a lot
Die Bilder sind realistisch und jedes einzelne Bild auf seine eigene Art und Weise sehr verstörend und schockierend.
Why are women the only ones shown in a sexual/abused context? Men are so extensively affected by abuse and gender roles and its never shown
That's just telling obvious things in a gross way. Putting penises and ugly faces everywhere doesn't make you an artist.
Very great depiction of the ugly and sexual side of humanity. It does control us Money Power Sex
Men are as manipulative as women.the ugly society concept should have reflected at them equaly..and you're wondering why feminists are angry
Those who are not ready won't understand or will ignore the message.
Disturbing, but very true. This artist is bold, you've got my respect Luis
It's are reality and what are world has turned into, I am glad an artist is trying to get the issue across so maybe people can see this ..
So religion for you is something that prevents you from getting it in the a*s? There is much to life than that
Thought provoking all. All with slightly different illustration styles, my favorite illustration is the tenth one.
La Edad Media aún no ha terminado. Solo ha cambiado la tecnología, ahora tenemos aviones y virus informáticos para jodernos mejor.
I honestly don't have a ton of respect for things done purely in the interest of shock value.
I don't have a whole lot of respect for things done in the interest of shock value...
Since it's Christmas time i believe we should try to help each other, our neibhoors , friends even a stranger in the street..
Unfortunately some of us have been desensitized towards these harsh realities at such a young age that its the norm. So feel lucky if disturbed
http://twentytwowords.com/13-dark-pieces-of-satire-to-make-you-stop-and-think/ Much better.
And then I decided to make everybody who had a problem with the first picture feel guilty by asking what the problem was with it. ^_^
Disturbing, but sadly spot on, thank God there is a good side of humanity as well...
This should be out everywhere! A picture says a trillion words so let youre inner self see what it needs to see and feel.
for obvious reasons truth will always be ugly, scary etc... But truth spoken out nicely and in such way all could understand. LIKE.
I'm sorry but Killing Teletubbies is a public service not homophobia since their very existence is a crime against humanity.
Great illustrations but sexist in thinking. White young women are not the only oppressed group. Young white men are also sexually oppressed
I feel deeply moved. This pen and paper really did illustrate the sick reality behind what the media rams down our throats.
The truth is ugly, the exposure of the truth is rewarding. We need to realize that corporate society is raping your individualism. EVERYDAY
Yea, because women using social media is the ugliest thing about society, on par with child suicide bombers. -_-
These pieces of art are Pictures that speak Volumes. However, although it is clear as day Many of today's society still will not Get it.
Dark view of reality he needs to display the people who are working hard to abolish those disgusting truths
Every negative post on this article proves exactly what this artist illustrates above. Quit the negativity and judgment. Be positive.
Very provocative stuff. I agree with the sentiment of all of them, but my view of what it means may be different from yours.
Change starts with you. Don't blame ppl, just lead by example. Difference between a boy and a man: boys ask questions and grown men answer.
It is satire and it is meant to make you think about life and what goes on in it every day and we all let it.
It makes me angry when people say that society is f****d up only in modern times. It's always been like this. We just have mass information.
The artwork was fun, but it's rather funnier to see how some people react about the truth and the DEFENDING of the society. LOL
Don't like it. What do you have against the christianity? Why you always blame it. People are bad and they viciate the religion.
The world is not consumed with evil. Not everyone is superficial, greedy and suffering or chasing a dream. Some people are happy in life.fin
Well. Evil men, helpless women, evil corporations and more helpless women. It is as far from controversial as it gets: conformist b******t.
Amazing work, glad that artist like yourself can still have the right to portray the reality of life, thank goodness the message is there!
This has given me crazy chills. I could write a thousand words for every picture.
There's nothing wrong with these illustrations. This is how the artist sees the world. This is the harsh truth.
It's the truth just swap out the items and it is the truth we are slaves to money, sex, media, and religion
I don't know why nobody told you How to unfold your love I don't know how someone controlled you They bought and sold you I don't know ho
I don't know how you were diverted You were perverted too I don't know how you were inverted No one alerted you
Load More Replies...These are all pretty c**p. Obvious symbolism, tacky shock value. Valid "observations" but s**t we've all known since we were 12.
Its disturbing because this is our reality and we are not doing anything about it. Its not enough to care, we have to take action too!
Its disturbing because this is our reality and we are not doing anything about it. Its not enough to car, we have to take action for good!
This is disturbing? Cringing at reality is not a sign of empathy, it's a sign ignorance. Also, some of his pictures are ignorant
This is disturbing? Cringing at reality is not a sign of empathy. It's a sign of willful ignorance.
It says more about him, than all of society... I just googled his Facebook page. He is fixated on demeaning women. Not my thing.
I totally understand where this artist is coming from and understand his meaning. Truth hurts but still the Truth
I see that Sméagol was inspiration for some of these bizarre artworks.
sounds like reality but actually part of us just read and do what the our show that must go on. so what must I do now ?
Es lo que está pasando,una realidad ficticia. Despertemos ,aun estamos a tiempo de cambiar esta forma de vida. Nos están manipulando .
... the reality of society at its best - ugly & ridiculous. Very good interpretations.
Shock pop art/Banksy imitation. There's 3 or 4 images that would be good political pics in the paper, but I wouldn't put them up in my home.
Hansen if they choose to go that far then they are to blame it is their own choice no one has a gun to their heads.
This is bang on with mainstream culture - not some darker subculture. It IS exactly the truth.
Good grief people! Quit all this petty squabbling & try to help amend the ways of this sick, sick society of ours! You're not helping. Stop!
Good grief people! Isn't the subject matter above enough to stop your squabbling? You're missing the point here. Wake up & smell the coffee!
There are a few I would love to frame. They are sadly, true!
this guy speaks only the harsh realities that we choose to ignore and reject
I think it lacks subtlety. I am not saying it's wrong. But it stays on the surface. Showing the obvious.
Some truth, a lot of opinion... But the "I'm going to control you with this for the rest of your life..." That's a hard sickening truth.
For me the best yet, yes the ugly side of society and it needs saying again and again and again. And again.
Excuse me for a sec.. What is so rampantly sexist and misogynistic about women just performing oral sex? People are into it FFS.
Nothing we haven't seen before and the worst part is that we are not going to do anything to change that, we are only getting used to it
He shows the stuff we would rather ignore or turn a blind eye to. Powerful graphic statement. Well done.
Raunchy expressions, but with impactful observations. The medium might overplay the message tho
The images with women are not from the artists POV or about girls craving "likes". lt's how society and specifically media treats women.
I think his picture with the priest representing sexism misrepresents religion. My religion has the largest women's organization in the worl
i don't see the point in this..just showing stereotypes..nothing extraordinary..and it doesn't explain anything at all..
i don't see the point in this..just showing stereotypes..nothing new.. and it doesn't explain anything at all in my opinion..
These are awesome, I love the puppet with the gun, the homeless evolution and the bomberman one..
the probability that everyone is pure with strong principles of righteousness from 7 billion ppl, is 0
thank goodness not all life is like this. The illustrations are powerful.
хахаха...Если бы не развалился СССР ,а капитализм во всем мире бы здох. То вы бы не рисовали подобных плакатов... Рисовали бы Карла Маркса)
love these more people need truth in News and really what direction humanity has turned
Its amusing how much his artwork portrays the whorish nature of humanity while embracing the same whore tendencies himself.
Exactly what Art should'nt be. will be quickly forgotten, pointless ugly work.
Powerful images. A chilling and disheartening look at what the whole world is dealing with these days...
He watches a lot of porn. Shows nothing new. Women have always been used, even when she doesn't know it. She's just seen more on screens.
Load More Replies...Why some people always see the worst of everything and try to give a message by caricaturing them..... Replacing c***s with phones...Really?
Its an illustration showing how attached we have become to technology. Its true and actually quite sad
Load More Replies...Brilliant. It is shocking but it wakes up from our boring, hundrum & sistematic lives. Congrats to another great spanish artist!
What an ironic liberal circle jerk and to pretend as if the mere identification of societal problems entitles the viewer moral superiority.
oh wow, that shouldn't be so shocking, but unfortunately it is the truth, its sad really
Too simplistic explanation for complex issues, but interesting way to display critique
What is this NSFW nonsense? If you are at work you should be WORKING!