Safety and quality above everything, right? Alas! That’s not how the real world works. Caution, common sense, and genuine effort are sometimes completely ignored during construction projects, replaced by speed, shoddy workmanship, and risking your neck (sometimes very literally).
Whether due to a lack of skill, budget constraints, or a complete disregard for safety protocols, some construction workers spook the internet with the fruits of their labor. The very worst of the bunch end up on the r/ConstructionFails subreddit. This online community shames everything that’s related to construction gone wrong. Things that would probably make OSHA or any structural inspector mad and sweat with worry.
Whatever you might be thinking of, dear Pandas, we assure you—it’s a lot worse. Scroll down to see just how bad things can get. If we’ve got any architecture and design professionals in the house today, make sure you don’t faint. And don’t forget your hard hats!
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To Install An Air Conditioning Unit
Why.......just Why?
Created back in early 2017, the ‘Construction Fails’ subreddit has grown to a community of 19.8k members.
Anyone hoping to join the community should know not to spam the sub with any promotions for products or services. There’s also to be no trolling (memes are still fine, but they have to be tasteful), and any photos or videos or fatal accidents are absolutely not allowed. The mod team also asks members to be kind and civil towards each other.
What Could Go Wrong
We Call This One, “The Landlord Supremo”
Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time that we at Bored Panda have seen this sort of reckless attitude towards building safety. A while back, we spoke to the team of structural inspectors at Alpha Structural, Inc., who shared their thoughts about safety, shoddy repair and building jobs, and contractors.
“There are many factors that can affect the repair of a home such as budget constraints, timing, accessibility of workspace, etc. For the most part, we would put the responsibility on the contractors that were hired to do the work,” they said.
The Stairs On The Side Of This Building
I would take about an hour to climb those, while sobbing and trying to cling onto the wall.
Neighbors Attempting To Reinforce Their Stone Wall With….spray Foam Insulation
Bro Think Your House Is Separating From You
“Most homeowners are not aware of the repair ‘methods’ used, especially when the work is under the home. For example, we’ve seen brick foundations that have been ‘retrofitted’ by bolting the framing to the brick walls. However, this doesn’t serve any purpose as the bricks can’t hold these bolts. Many times, the homeowner had no idea that there was any problem performing this type of retrofit on a brick foundation. Without trying to sound cliché, we can say the old maxim, ‘you get what you pay for’ holds true when selecting a contractor to repair, or upgrade your home’s foundation,” the Alpha Structural team explained to Bored Panda.
"Construction Is My Passion" 2.0
Hey Boss, Tucked The Light Switch In The Corner Like You Asked
I just wanna boop it with a single finger nudge and watch it move so very very slowly. I'm going to hell for that, ain't I?
“I would say one of the worst homes we inspected was back in 1992. We went to a 3 story hillside home located in Playa del Rey. The condition of the soil supporting the home was so bad that, during our assessment, we found that the home was cracking and actually moving,” Ben Reinhart, from Alpha Structural, told Bored Panda.
A Friend Just Bought New Construction
Fan Go Bonk
“We are not alarmists in any sense but this was the first time we had to evacuate. Temporary shoring was put in the next morning to prevent the home from collapsing. The complexity of the repair required, getting a large rig on a steep hillside to excavate a 55’ deepened foundation, made this one of the worst and most challenging in our long history. Let’s just say if we were on a reality TV show, this episode would’ve been a season finale,” he shared the experience.
That's One Way To Do It, I Guess
No Problems Here
There Must Be A Better Way
“Basic maintenance will keep your home strong for a long time to come. Our advice would be to clean out gutters, ensure you have downspouts that direct water away from your foundation and see that the hardscape (walkways, patios, etc.) and landscape grade away from the home,” the structural inspectors shared how to take care of your home.
Used The Wrong Template?
Bathroom At Local Bar…
Who Needs Wall Ties
“Most foundation problems are caused by water and poor drainage. If you look under your home, check to see that there is no earth to wood contact. Not only will moisture from the ground get to the wood and cause rot, it also allows for wood-destroying organisms to get to the framing of your home. Additionally, earthquake retrofitting is a cost-effective upgrade encouraged by not only engineering communities, but also local and state officials,” they told Bored Panda.
No1 Rule In Construction!!
Who Do You Blame For This?
Well Somebody Screwed Up
Looks like they had a gap there and made some use of it as a wardrobe - it seems to JUST be able to have it (and the door) open still? Not elegant but useful?
“In order to be a structural assessor, it is required you have years of experience in the field of construction. They must be familiar with all types of building construction and must understand current building codes and hillside building codes,” Alpha Structural said.
“Remember, we are not dealing with new construction, we deal with existing structures that may have had many repairs over the course of their life. As far as values, we require that no one is an alarmist and honesty is key,” Ben, from Alpha Structural, said what it takes to be a structural inspector.
My Brother Was Painting A House And Sent Me This. Corner Cutting At Its Finest
When The Roofers Decide To Take Creative Liberties
Load Bearing To Boot
“All homeowners have options when repairing their home. Our job is to explain all of those options and let them choose what they want to do, it is their home after all. We recommend that when buying a home, get all of your inspections done. This would include a general home inspection, foundation, sewer, plumbing, etc.”
My Friend Is Having Trouble Finding Good Contractors For A Garage Conversion. Saw This Yesterday
No One Will Ever See
I’d be fine with that if I did it myself… but not if I paid someone to do it properly
Atleast The Chiropractor Is Nearby
He continued: “If you own a home and think there might be foundation or structural issues, make sure that the contractor you decide to hire is reputable and knowledgeable. Due diligence would include looking at their reviews online and checking their status with the CSLB to verify that they are licensed for the work they are performing.”
Which photos horrified you the most, dear Readers? Were there any that shook you to your very core? Have you ever seen something as bad or even worse? Tell us what you're thinking and feeling right now. Go on, we promise the comment section is built on a firm foundation.
Why Poop Alone When You Can Poop With Friends
Spirit Level Not Needed
Shower Bench Failure At Less Than 3 Years
What’s The Point In This Balcony
It's so you can stand up there and dictate your orders to your family below.
Looks Straight To Me
I think "the last 6 steps" are flat like a pallet, but it's still screwy.
When iI looked really fast, I thought the drill was a man with a yellow jacket, black pants and one screwed up leg!!
Lunch Poured In A Beam
No Ac? No Problem
Several Roof Trusses Anchored Together. Came Down Like Dominos. Even What’s Still Up Is Warped All To Hell. Hire Professionals Kids…
Courting Disaster
Nailed It
Preventative Maintenance Is 3x Cheaper Than Reactive Maintenance
Doing The Roof With Concrete Blocks
Ehhhhhhm, to be honest I suspect that's simply the lines from the concrete boxing. If the roof's underside is not going to be visible, the boxing is often done using quite rough timber, leaving lines.
5 Boxes = 5 Times As Safe?
‘Boss, We Need A Bigger Partition.’ ‘Make It Work.’
This is why you not only hire pros, but get some dang-nabbed references!
My sister could do better and her best construction skill is paying for the materials she's told to buy. My dad would've disowned us if we ever did something remotely like any of these and we both just work in offices with no professional building skill; just have sense and levels
This is why you not only hire pros, but get some dang-nabbed references!
My sister could do better and her best construction skill is paying for the materials she's told to buy. My dad would've disowned us if we ever did something remotely like any of these and we both just work in offices with no professional building skill; just have sense and levels