“I Wonder At What Point They Realized”: 45 Construction Fails That Might Make You Want To Laugh And Cry (New Pics)
Some construction work deserves an award for… the worst job ever seen. But it would be difficult to choose the grand prize winner. No matter how many uneven walls or doors leading to nowhere one has seen, there always seems to be more.
Quite a few of them end up on Reddit as phenomenal examples of how not to build things. As a matter of fact, an entire subreddit, called r/ConstructionFails is dedicated to such “marvels” of ingenuity. It’s hard to say if it’s lack of skill, negligence of safety protocols, or other reasons that lead to such results. But one thing is clear—a wolf would be able to huff and puff his way through most of the structures in the pictures, whether they’re built of straw, sticks, bricks, or any other material, for that matter.
Enjoy browsing this collection of exceptional work and make sure to check out Bored Panda’s previous compilation of construction fails.
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Every Angle Is Just Slightly Off
Some people develop a love-hate relationship with construction work. It’s a process that requires lots of time and effort, which might be tiresome. It also takes patience (and at least a bit of skill), whether it’s Lego blocks or home renovation.
The love part is the urge to build something nice or bring something back to life. Yet even with the best of intentions, some projects are not meant to be fulfilled. Research shows that only 39% of projects succeed in meeting all the requirements for deadlines, budgets, and required features or functions. That leaves over 60% of them either late, over budget, or boasting quality similar to what you can see in these pictures.
Kitchen Counter/Stairs Hybrid
Truck Crash Shifted The Bridge 6 Feet
Construction fails happen for all kinds of reasons. Some might be related to poor planning, others fall fully on the shoulders of the construction workers. Be that as it may, it proves how important every detail is in this hazardous industry.
Building Research & Information determined four factors most structural failures can be traced to. The first two relate to errors in the design of permanent structures and the design of falsework. The third refers to the lack of communication between the designer and the builder. The final one indicates poor construction practices.
Looks Great Guys, Keep Up The Good Work!
Bathroom Door — Peekaboo
When it comes to construction work, you might want to double check everything. And by everything, we mean everything, starting with who’s responsible for overlooking it. Hiring a reliable crew is crucial no matter the project, as the consequences might be pretty unfortunate. Or absolutely hilarious.
Finding the right people for the job might not be an easy task to do, though. Data shows that skilled labor shortage is the main challenge of the global construction industry. It is followed closely by labor disputes and a lack of confidence.
Owner Has One Leg?
I Wonder At What Point They Realised
Hydraulics Go Boom
Despite the difficulties in trying to find the right crew, construction workers comprise the largest segment of professionals in the field (17.3%), based on reviews by Finances Online. Carpenters take second place on the list (9.23%).
The number of professionals is likely to be on the rise with the growth of the industry. According to the aforementioned data, the annual growth of the US construction industry in the years from 2014 to 2019 reached 8.3%. Statista indicated that the number of production workers in construction increased in 2021 compared to 2020.
Saw This While Doing An Inventory At A Rental Property Today
Must’ve Been Blindfolded While Caulking This
That's A Nice Peaceful Dam You Got There
Employment data shows noticeable gender inequality in the construction industry. According to Statista, women comprised only around 11% of workers in 2021. That might be one of the reasons why female construction workers are still viewed as something rather unusual. As a consequence, they tend to receive commentary while working in this industry.
A survey conducted in the UK in 2019 showed that over 40% of women in construction received inappropriate comments from their male colleagues. In addition to that, as much as 72% of them experienced gender discrimination in the workplace.
My Old House Bathroom Cabinets
The Curb On This Straight Road Being Built
So Much Wasted Material And Manpower
As seen in some of these pictures, some construction projects happen to be a do-it-yourself kind of endeavor. People with different skill sets try their hand at fixing or building something, which happens more often than one might think. According to Comfy Living, 36% of Americans start a DIY project to make their home a nicer place to live. Moreover, 57% of homeowners feel their house is still in a “work-in-progress” stage, whether it’s decorating or things in need of repair.
The Installation Of This Door Under My Sink Always Bugs Me
I had one in a corner with a huge area of shelf space you couldn't get to because of the plumbing for the sink. When the kitchen was redone, we flipped the cupboard access round to be from the other side. This one looks difficult due to the door. A sliding door or big door and carousel/magic slider would work though.
Transporting A Big Glass Panel By Helicopter
that's there solely for someone having an airborne chase scene in a movie to crash into
Is This A Normal Practice
Whether it’s a DIY project or a problem that needs fixing around the house, people often turn to the internet for help. And to be fair, the online world can be a great source of information on how to repair or build things.
You can find all sorts of material, from instructions and manuals to people sharing their insights and advice from their own experience. However, it is important to properly evaluate your capabilities and leave certain things to the professionals. Or some projects might end up being as useful as stairs leading straight into a wall.
I Get That It’s Important To Keep Your Ppe Good As New, But This Is Ridiculous
A race against time. Will he get the job finished before he suffocates? Keep watching to see who wins this breathtaking battle 😉
There's nothing wrong with this. The top plate is cut out for the pipe and this is normal. The nail plates are put in place. This is correct. The truss is within one width of the stud, so it will bear in the stud. There may other issues, but it seems to pass code from this photo.
There Was An Attempt To Build A Deck
Construction work is one of the places where you really want to avoid any mess-ups. Work of poor quality might result in a disaster or harm your reputation at best. In some cases, however, people responsible for the mishaps manage to avoid any bigger misfortunes.
Their main worry in these situations is usually ending up online as an example of how not to do your job. And that’s what makes the internet not only a great source of information on how to fix things but a bottomless pit of documented attempts that have gone wrong as well.
When You Think You Can Get Away With A Lower Weight Limit… But You Can’t
Be Sure Not To Swing The Door Too Hard
He Kicked The Wall And It Came Down On Him
Let's Do Brainstorming, Let's Bring Different Ideas To The Table: What Is The Cause Of The Accident? Who Is One To Blame?
i guess the dutch? cause it look like the province of Utrecht
Brooklyn Super Special Part 2
Brooklyn Super Special
I Don’t Think They’ve Got Subgrade Problems. Do You?
Their Boss Won’t Even Pony Up For Matching Ladders
I’m Sure These Deck Posts Won’t Be An Issue Down The Road
If you can't see it, look at the post closest to the camera and then look at the bottom of the one just to its left. It's not a solid 2x4, it's three bits of 2x4 nailed together.
How Does A Roof With Only A Powdered Sugar Amount Of Snow Look Like That
Holly cow, there are no battens on that roof whatsoever? The roof is on rafters only?
Brick Laying On Top Of What? How Is It Staying Put?
If it was horizontal he wouldn’t even be able to build it, I guess there is a slight curve and if so it could be perfectly stable and sound. Think Roman masonry that still stands
I Think The Roofers Got My Siding A Little Too Hot When Torching Down A New Roof
Eh, here in NZ, the roofers managed to put the whole conference centre on fire in a similar way (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Zealand_International_Convention_Centre_fire)
A Normal Door In Ohio
The Water Pipe In My Appartment That Just Finished Construction
Had To Post These Amazing Steps Someone Pimped Out
The Floor Of Sibling's New Apartment Is Just A Tiny Bit Uneven
The slide was incorporated on purpose, to make dusting stuff into corners even easier. You don't appreciate a good design 🙄
Highway Pillar Hanging Out On Its Own
Good Luck With That Guys
Is It Petty To Judge Ugly Plumbing If They Reversed The Feeds?
Well, At Least It Has A Gap
You can't see it, but there's a tunnel under the left-hand platform. You're supposed to go down the stairs and keep going
Found A Love Outlet In The Wall
In A Working Day, Building Inspection. I Found This Art (This Work Of A Lazy Person)
Some "Professional" Framer Gore For You
Something Is Out Of Place. If You Don't Know What's Wrong With This Picture, Please Don't Install A Dryer At My Mother's House Again. Thank You
I have no idea what's wrong, but luckily the only installation of a dryer I have ever had to do is to plug one in
Oh&s Would Like A Word
Nothing, that is why all the fails. The ones that did think where thinking faster and cheaper means more money.
Load More Replies...Some of these people are actually being "paid" for their...talent? lol
Nothing, that is why all the fails. The ones that did think where thinking faster and cheaper means more money.
Load More Replies...Some of these people are actually being "paid" for their...talent? lol