I’ve been a concept artist (via photo manipulation) since before I started high school. I started using stock photos from deviantART and eventually began shooting photos myself just so I could own exclusive rights to some of my work. Then, a short time later, photographers and models started paying me to “spice up” their photos for them. I’ve even been published in more than a dozen magazines, which is pretty cool. As you can see, I favor science fiction and fantasy, but I can do just about anything upon request… within good taste. There is a lot more to see. Visit my website. I’m also on Facebook. Also, you can search for me with “Amelia Wysocki” and “#AmeliaWysocki”.


    Dark Cupid

    Dark Cupid II

    Oma the Barbarian Fae


    Oma the Barbarian Fae II

    Oma the Barbarian Fae III

    Omara the Wicked

    Shay’mal the Greedy Pixie


    She Has A Contract… And She Never Misses