A non-disclosure agreement, or NDA, is a legal document that keeps the lid on any sensitive information. Think of it as a way to keep things like secret recipes, proprietary formulas, and manufacturing processes under wraps. NDAs can be used to protect innovative ideas, maintain a competitive advantage, but also to cover more shady aspects of a business.

So when someone asked “people who have signed NDAs that have now expired or for whatever reason are no longer valid, ‘What couldn't you tell us but now can?’” on r/AskReddit, the thread blew up with 54k upvotes.

Employees of all industries are now spilling things that were not supposed to come out in broad daylight. Let’s see some of the most interesting corporate secrets right below.


People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I worked for a popular national pet store chain. We told our customers that we got our puppies from 'reputable breeders and not puppy mills'. We got them from puppy mills, and I can't express how many came in on the back of a large, pitch dark freight truck, malnourished, scared and sick.

We also adopted the cute kittens from the local sheltered and charged customers outrageous amounts of money. Most of whom just felt bad for the kittens.

Don't support national chain pet stores that sale puppies that do not come from local shelters folks.

1ilypad , nWevurski Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I was a model for a few big name/well known make up companies. I did several print ads for magazines and a few television commercials.

    The makeup artists do use the product advertised, but MINIMALLY. Like that mascara they're touting? It's over REALLY GOOD fake eye lashes and they also used another brand of mascara along with the one they're trying to sell you.

    Also - the clothes in the ads you see are pinned to high heaven on the model. They fit nothing like they look. It's not you. It's not your body. It's fake advertising. Most of us models look just like you wearing that cr*p without all the pins and tucks and double sided tape.

    Bella54330 , LOFT184 Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I was a translator (contractor) for the US military. I also translated Marvel comic books. Marvel had tighter security.

    NPC_forsale , US Embassy Kabul Afghanistan Report

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    Samantha Power
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is very interesting, why such tight security for Marvel comics?

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I work tech conferences so I have to sign (agree to) NDA's all the time.

    I saw the Google Chromecast before the public did, chrome books, phones, Apple phones, MacBooks, Nvidia shield, even some games like Call of duty, Titanfall, and have sat in some meetings with the worlds richest .01% or fundraisers with celebrities.

    Most of the time it's boring the best one I can remember was meeting Robin Williams, he was at fundraiser for the local zoo, the biggest donor got to spend the day with just Robin in the zoo, and name their new baby Tiger. So I mic up Robin, he jumps up on stage and says let's start the bidding on naming the new baby Tiger, come on folks think about it, how many times do you get to officially name a pussy!? If I remember correctly the highest bidder got into a bidding war, Robin is running around getting the crowd pumped up and laughing their asses off as only Robin could do and the highest bid ended around $50,000.

    It was one of the most memorable and fun things I've ever got to do at an event was work with magnificent man.

    SoulMechanic , Steve Jurvetson Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Signed an NDA when I worked as a fit model for Katy Perry’s shoe line. Basically a fit model is used for their good proportions to test out the fit of garments. I’m a solid size 7.5 so hooray for being average. I was hired on two occasions and got to hang out and give her my opinion on the fit, feeling, and comfort of different shoes.

    Didn’t think she’d actually be there but both times she was present and totally running the show. Super nice woman in person and remembered me when we met again.

    okbyeokbyeokbye , marcen27 Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) “House Hunters” guest checking in, I never made the show because I didn’t close on the house.

    1: I had to have a house under contract before going on the show.

    2: They would select the other houses we were “interested” in.

    3: I was assigned another SO who was more “interesting” than my actual SO.

    delicious_tomato , HGTV Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I used to work at Frisch's as a hostess/busser/drive-thru attendant, that place was filthy and corrupt as f**k. No one in the kitchen wore gloves and the cooks loved making people eat old food/food that had been dropped on the disgusting floors. The manager loved to steal the waitresses tips and blame the customers or the sketchy looking bussers. The most corrupt thing the awful manager did while I was there was around Christmas time. He would take $100 out of each of the new/younger employees cash drawer, call your parents saying that their kid stole the money and they needed to be brought in to be questioned. When I went to work the next day I found out the same s**t happened to a few of the others, we all got pissed and snagged the key that locked the box to the camera controls, re-winded to the following day and watched until we saw the f***er start doing his thing. Every single one of us reported his a**. He got insta-fired. It was glorious.

    BrittneyRageFace , Mr. Blue MauMau Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I worked at Dairy Queen, the collection box supporting children with cancer hanging out the drive-thru window was a discontinued charity, my manager pocketed all the donations. Disgusting in a different sense.

    ChiefQueefer , Raysonho Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Why would this be nda, they could have reported this just based on it being a discontinued charity.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Most American Idol contestants have agents that got them on the show, and 90-95% of it is pre-cast before the “audition tour”.

    brenton07 , Josh Hallett Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That shouldn't be surprising but still disappointing somehow

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) When I was a kid, I visited the dentist for a cavity. While there, the dentist slipped while drilling my tooth and drilled a hole under my tongue. My mom saw me tense up, and my dentist said “oh, nicked her there a bit so you might see a little blood.” I got home and after an hour, my entire neck was swollen up like a frog and my voice was squeaky because of the air pressure. A pocket of air was pressing against my heart... dirty air, at that, because of the bacteria in my mouth. I was admitted to the hospital as a “code 4,” with a “code 5” being dead. When my mom tried to sue the dentist for damages, he claimed I was kicking and screaming and “out of control” during the appt, even getting his secretary to vouch for him and testify. (Total BS.. I liked the dentist, and I was a people pleaser. Also, laughing gas). My mom’s lawyer was super pessimistic and told her just to settle and sign an NDA because she had a “small chance” of winning. So my mom settled, being naive and scared to take on an office full of liars. She could never disclose who the dentist was, and we’ve heard other horror stories throughout the years about this dentist effing up other people’s’ mouths. It sucks because every lawyer we’ve talked to after-the-fact says we had a very strong case and it’s likely we would have won. Like really won.

    s1ng1ngsqu1rrel , pololofreack30 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Should've sued the shïtty lawyer for the bad legal advice

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) R Kelly's lawyer was on his death bed and told reporters R Kelly is "guilty as hell" regarding his child p*rnography case.

    The NDA was still valid but he was given a short time to live and I guess as a lawyer, you need get this stuff off your chest.

    SlattBaker , Mike Nerheim Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't know the case but what I know is that advocates protecting paedophiles is totally effed up

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I was actually an actor in that commercial that said I wasn’t.

    VivaSpiderJerusalem , Intel Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) A huge part of The Bachelorette was scripted. The company I worked for at the time was a major tourism service provider and featured prominently in one of the seasons. We were all pulled into meetings with the higher up managers, given a speel about what was in our best interest... and spilling any secrets was punishable by a $5mil lawsuit, "Please sign here".

    The "Bachelorette" herself was clearly there to further her public profile or "acting" career. The scenes were always "set up" before filming. Behind the camera nothing was happening. The cast were told where to go, what to do and how to do it.

    If half those guys weren't on their phones texting their real girlfriends most of the time, I would be surprised.

    So fake... so 100% fake.

    FlyAdesk , ABC Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I was an extra on Murder on The Orient Express, for the Istanbul scene (over a week of filming, and it's literally about 20 seconds of the film)

    Michelle Pfeiffer had to be fed her line reading on each line by Kenneth Branagh, which I thought was weird. Like every line, she'd be like 'how do you want me to say this?'

    And then at one point Johnny Depp snuck onto set the day before he was due to film with a baby doll's head in his hand and snuck up behind the car Michelle Pfeiffer was in to try and scare her with it. Weird dude.

    ZeldaZanders , 20th Century Studios Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The Johnny Depp thing doesn't seem too weird. He seems like a fun guy trying to pull a joke on a coworker.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) The fajitas sizzle because we pour oil and water on a hot plate not because we grilled anything.

    THE_CHOPPA , Sarah Stierch Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Worked for a self-storage place in Rocklin, CA. They made every customer sign a "lease agreement" that said that you wouldn't hold them responsible if your unit was broken into and things were stolen. I found out that we had 7-8 burglaries a year. The owners would get sued but they would always get off because they'd produce the "lease agreement" in court and the judge would dismiss the case. One day I came in from vacation to pick up my paycheck, and I found the owner and the manager loading up a truck with the contents from a unit that wasn't theirs. I went around the corner to an area where the fence allowed me to look in, and saw that they went to another storage space, cut off the lock, and proceeded to load up the truck with a telescope, big screen tv and some power tools. I came back the next day and asked one of my co-workers. He told me that the owners of the storage space would sell the stuff they stole from renters, and that the manager and owner did the same thing with another property that they owned in Granite Bay. I quit to go back to Sac State. I called the Rocklin cops to tell them what the owners were doing, and they said that there was nothing they could do unless they were caught in the act.

    guido_pilot , Mike Mozart Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I was in the first test screening audience for John Wick 3 (and I think the NDA has expired since the movie is now out). The visual effects were still unfinished (and several scenes had just placeholder cards that described what occurred in the missing scene). It was really interesting being able to see the animal handlers running along with the animals, wearing full-body black spandex suits, before they were digitally deleted from the final film.

    I thought it was really interesting and it's just not something you'd think about being there.

    TheFoxAndTheRaven , Lionsgate Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) My boss refuses to hire anybody but white women, and he uses rubbing alcohol to wipe the expiration date off of product if it expires. He just puts it back on the shelf. Including dairy product. I hate him.

    lessadessa , Ben Schumin Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm sure they could anonymously report the boss to the authorities. So I don't know who is the bigger jerk here.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) A small-business owner for whom I worked several years ago kept deducting the employees' health insurance premiums but never sent the payments in to the carrier. After 2-3 months of this, our insurance was cancelled, right before one lady's teenage son was in a fairly serious car accident. She finds out at the emergency room, during what is of course an extremely stressful time, that she has no insurance whatsoever when she and her dependents had been fully covered.

    The next day she went into his office, very upset, to find out what happened. He gave his usual song-and-dance and made excuses for not having been able to send it in, and this normally mild-mannered lady picked up a stapler and threw it at him! (He wasn't even injured.) While doing that was of course unacceptable, I totally understood her frustration with this weasel. He spent thousands of dollars a month of company money (coding it to company expenses) at Sam's Club on groceries and big-ticket items for his house. On top of his already generous salary.

    Then to top it all off, he actually TOOK HER TO COURT for the stapler-throwing incident. After hearing the story, the judge dismissed the weasel's case and made a comment to the effect that if he were in the same position as her, he probably would've done the same thing.

    crazykitty123 , pxhere Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aren't there any laws to prevent him from doing that? Where I live you can have your business closed for good, among other things, for not paying your employees benefits.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I worked for a gelato shop that made us dig through the so-called "RECYCLING" bins to fish out used plastic cups and spoons to wash and give to new customers. Even if the spoons had bite marks from other customers and were coated in chewing gum, we were told to wash them up and only throw them out if they were really unpresentable, because "these things are expensive!" Furthermore, all the other stuff in the "recycling" bin that people so good-heartedly placed there.. yeah, ALL of it got thrown in the dumpster. Customers ATE IT UP and told us regularly how GLAD they were that we are a "Green" business who "cares about the environment enough to recycle". It didn't take long before I just couldn't keep doing this with a clean conscience, and I turned them in to the health inspectors, who were absolutely horrified this was happening. About two months later, I got laid off and the business closed it's filthy doors forever. :)

    queenbeecharmer , hojene Report

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    fire bug
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Technically washing and reusing is recycling. Obviously this isn't ok but they did recycle. :)

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I did some research on small scale agriculture in South Appalachia. As part of living with and studying the community I stayed with, I was sworn to secrecy for five years after submitting my research to the happenings and names of those I lived with.

    I saw arson of federal property, and impersonating officers of the law and clergy. Grand theft auto, meth cooking and moonshining. Cockfights, kids getting coerced into pr****tution, dogs getting shot full of rocksalt for laughs. I had to sleep in a junkyard for a few nights and found dried human scalps hanging in an old bus, ate rotting meat from a dumpster and had to hide for my life from shotgun-wielding thieves in the dead of winter.

    Its not all horror shows in the hills; theres good people, tightly knit communities, and beauty in nature I've never seen since. But whats there is very much real and very much a danger. When I finally returned, I submitted my write up and dropped the project at the advisement of my sponsor, delivered over a bottle of mezcal.

    Sticky_Paws , Willmeyer1020 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Respecting that agreement after seeing/experiencing all of that says a lot about a person, though. I wouldn't have. Not after seing children forced into prostitution.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I work in designer clothing retail. The clothes are quite expensive and the assistants are required to only wear full priced garments. So we (the whole team) just pick clothes off the rack, wear them all day (including lunch and bathroom breaks) and at the end of the shift, replace the tags and put the clothes back on the shelf for the customers to buy at full price.

    I know I was grossed out my first day there.

    Liquid_Sky , Edgars Kisuro Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Must be some high quality clothes if you can neither see nor smell that somebody wore it a whole day before.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I worked for a vet in Vancouver and I ran a whole month of raffles, nail cuttings for donations and pet pics with Santa for the SPCA. When we added up the last of the money from the month, I put it in the safe. The practice owner's wife deposited the money and bought herself some new chanel makeup. W.T.F. I quit in disgust.

    DieZauberflote , Austin Community College Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) A friend of mine got a job at a prominent local distillery that makes an extremely popular flavored whisky. They literally buy whisky from a 3rd party distillery and dump torani flavoring syrup into it.

    bobethy , Lovely2912 Report

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    Stein-Inge Kummeneje
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Someone needs to take a whiskey course. This is common practice and a known fact. It's also common to mix liquors from different distilleries. All to get that certain taste.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) A government, in 1972, identified a terrorist by his wife's breasts.

    From satellite images.

    points_of_perception , pxhere Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Common knowledge now, but in early 2000's Hewlett Packard would have their inkjet printer cartridges turn off even though they weren't empty.

    Each cartridge was put in a machine and a memory chip glued to it. The machine would make all the nozzles 'spit' on a piece of paper, a camera would look at it and then correction parameters would be programmed into it (some nozzles don't work, spit too little or too much, spit off to the side, etc.) The correction parameters were read off the chip and the printer would adjust the voltage and timing for the highest quality print. It was also trivially easy to write 'disable' to the chip after 4,000 pages and it wouldn't work in any HP printer. To ensure high print quality yadda yadda yeah right. And of course, only 'genuine' HP cartridges will work in the printer.

    Got taken to court and lost which is why you can now buy much cheaper cartridges on eBay. But if you buy a used printer from the right years it still won't work with cheap ones.

    ConspTheorList , Akinom Report

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    Nat Hedley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Pretty sure this is still going on. I got tired of having to replace so many cartridges on my Epson printer (4 separate cartridges, blue, yellow, pink and black) so I set up to print just monochrome as it's just business paperwork. A couple of weeks later it notified that the blue had run out and wouldn't print the monochrome print job until I replaced the blue cartridge, which audibly sloshed when I shook it. OKAY THEN.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) That we can see you,

    I look after instant photobooths remotely, I see all your stupid faces, all of them, everyday.

    MrWigglemunch , Eric Dickman Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Previous pharmacy chain I worked for. Always at risk of robbery for opiates, and we are always taught to give the robber what they want with no questions asked. Have heard of times that pharmacists instead gave bottles of oxy with Tylenol in it instead and other things that were reckless and dangerous due to possible retaliation when and if they figure out they have been duped.

    New policy and nda comes out where specific opiates were placed in safe with GPS tracker and charger so when it is removed from radius of origin, it issues remote notification to third party that tracks location and works with local LEO to find the wanted party.

    DumperdRx , Ciell Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, lets warn the thieving drug addicts/pushers so they don't get caught...seriously this helps no one but the bad guys.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Worked store security - there are peep holes above the ladies changing rooms at several major retailers. Supposed to be for female security agents to monitor the dressing rooms, but we had no female security agents. Lots of creepy voyeurism/ fapping going on.

    Angrymanspokane , WestportWiki Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    And that you did not call the police day one makes you as bad. Some of these are just vile.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I just want to say that if you have ever worked at a water park, it will turn you off of visiting any kind of public pool or park for the rest of your life. The s**t we pulled out of those filters, man... no. Just pour so many chemicals into the water that literally nothing can live in it and call it a day.

    thebloodofthematador , 魯班 Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Mini Cooper/BMW replaced our car because the high pressure fuel pump failed 6 times within 6 months. However, the recorded reason for the replacement of the car was because of “stained interior from dirty mechanic hands”, so it wasn’t replaced via the lemon law.

    anticipatory , Tokumeigakarinoaoshima Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This means they will sell the car again with a clean title

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Early spy drones (large petrol powered remote control helicopters, back then), deliberately covered in a wire mesh with lights to make them look like UFOs, when up in the air. Tested in populated areas at night.

    Well known base, in the north of Scotland.

    AnnaVeepeen , Will Porada Report

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    Tracy Costa
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a better conspiracy theory than the government is hiding UFOs. The government disguises high tech aerial weapons as UFOs to keep them secret because no one is going to believe that UFOs are just casually flying by.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Amazon made me sign one when I worked with a company that painted their airplanes before the public knew they had them. (I did the FAA paperwork.)

    I was literally only one of like 7 people to see their airplane fully purple with their logo on it.

    I was actually taken off of the project for a day because they thought I lied about not having a facebook.

    They meant business

    Delanorix , Patrick Feller Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) In 2009 my professor was doing some consulting work for Blackberry and told us 'This doesn't leave this room, but Blackberry actually actively slows down the release of new products, because they are developing them so fast that they want the customer market to keep pace with the rate of change.'

    toxicbrew , Plage67 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's what all manufacturers of electronic devices do, because otherwise they would become too expensive. They've go to recoup the development costs of every model and you can't do that when you release an improved new version before you sold all the old models.

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    My dad did some top-secret contract work for the DOD back in the 1960s, and he signed a lifelong NDA as part of that job. He's dead now so I guess it's safe to talk about it. The thing is, he never did break the NDA in any context; the strange part was that the NDA specifically prohibited him from using certain words ever again. The trouble is, some of the words are common vocabulary and it became obvious over the years which words he did not use. Words I know he could not say (because he would find other ways of saying them instead) included ball, balloon, briefcase, bomb, and nuclear. It would have made more sense for him to just say "There's a balloon," instead of "There's an inflatable latex object," but you gotta do what you gotta do. Eventually he did gradually stop avoiding those words for the most part, although he would not discuss the NDA.

    Eclectix Report

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    Google doesn’t hire direct support employees, they open small projects in the US, hire up to 250 contract employees of varying support positions for the project. Once they get the stats needed to run everything efficiently, they have mass layoffs and outsource their jobs to a country (Philippines/India) that’s willing to accept much less than their US counterpart. At the same time Google rakes in a huge tax cut because they’re ‘creating’ jobs in the local communities.

    Dave_Van_Gal Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Big Lots hires large numbers of employees who get 20 hours a quarter so BL can get tax breaks for creating so many jobs.

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    Not me, but a guy I know was on Cash Cab. A lot of it was faked. He was told he would be on a travel food show and would get picked up by a fake taxi at a certain location at a certain time. There were camera crews all over outside the taxi and there's no way on earth you might mistake it for a real cab.

    Bran_Solo Report


    Worked at a matchmaking company... it’s all bulls**t it’s just throwing darts at a wall until something sticks. There’s no science or magic to it alt all.

    I didn't work for a internet matching company, so they may have a different process. What we did was get a paid client and set him up on dates, the dates we found were from a pool of women and we would just keep picking one after another. I quit because I felt like the women were just being used, and I became uncomfortable profiting off of people's hopes.

    daveyhh Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I worked at one in the late 80s for a few days, it wasn't women being ripped off it was men, I quit when i was sent to the bank with a male client to get his sign up money, not only was it so shady but not a crime that I saw, just men taken advantage of. Then 6 months later I sat watching tv a current affair type show reporting on them for massive fraud.

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    Used to sell cars at a major dealership. The unofficial sales contest was to see how much over [manufacturer's suggested retail price] they could sell the car for by confusing the customer on the price with payments/financing, manipulation of trade value, and sometimes outright [manipulation] (like promising manufacturer rebates, then not applying them.) The "winner" for the two months I was there was over by $10K; selling a car that should've been [approximately] $20K for over $30K. The sad part is, the customer might never even know because they still got the PAYMENT they wanted.

    Please do yourselves a favor and don't shop solely based on payments, and if you are financing, then make sure you are aware what the final selling price of the car is. There is a major difference between $400/month at 60 months at 0% interest and $400 per month at 84 months at 0.9%.

    katobean Report

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    Sue User
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They tried to do that on a mortgage refinance for my house. Had paid off 10 years on a 30 year. It would reset to 30 years. " But your payments are lower". Yeah, 75 a month. Told the guy , I can do math.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I was in the Super Bowl half time show as one of the extras when it came to my state. Let me just say that the two weeks prior to the week in the stadium were fine, they just tried to teach a bunch of marching band kids how to take even steps for two weeks. The week of rehearsals in the stadium was hell. They promised to feed us but had nothing for people with allergies (me) or diseases like celiac (my friend) or other dietary restrictions. They gave us these hand held radios so we could listen to instructions but it ended up being six hundred high school students sitting in the stands listening to the music while they talked with the star and guests. They constantly changed what jobs we had and no one knew what was going on. The part I was in required us to run off the stage, out underneath the stadium, all the way to the back gates and to the outside. This run was about a half a mile and we practiced it fifteen times a day (minimum) for the entire week up until the game. Oh, and the shark (yes the one from the meme) was only there for the actual performance, the person in the suit missed all the practices and I felt bad for them when it became a meme.

    PonchoPie , Huntley Paton Report

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    Brandy Grote
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't feel bad, they were the ones who missed rehearsal. Either they didn't care enough to do them, or they don't care they're a meme now!

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) Tim Horton's Smile Cookies

    Pay an extra dollar for a chocolate chunk cookie with a smile drawn on it "all proceeds go to local charity". Unfortunately store owner would just go into the system, void all cookie sales and replaced with regular chocolate chunk cookie sales.

    brendananananaykroyd , Sikander Iqbal Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Disgusting. Also that head office would not realise no donations were happening and not be suspicious sucks.

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    I'm not really sure if what I saw was declassified or expired so I can't give specifics.

    I participated in arming and training some militia groups in Iraq to fight ISIS that had highly questionable motives and very little vetting done on them. I'm pretty sure that if we didn't need the cannon fodder for the siege of Mosul that we would probably be bombing and drone striking some of the groups that we were busy passing out guns to.

    Also I once had an IED dog alert on a truck that had a highly concerning amount of brain matter in/on it. I mean yeah, any amount would be suspect, but there was like 5 or 6 peoples worth of brains there (I've seen head-pops and know how much brains get around, and there was a lot more than that present.) We had dragged him from the vehicle and were preparing to conduct a more thorough search. We were ordered via radio to stand down and let the guy (who was eerily cheerful about driving a truck plastered from bed to hood in human brain matter) continue on his way. He gave me a pack of smokes, smiled, and said he took no offense to our search and understood how troubling the situation must appear, that he felt that we were welcome guests in his country, and that he hoped we had a nice day, then drove off.

    No clue wtf that was about.

    Vict0r117 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    its a simple fact the iraq war was just a cash cow for america. heres a load of money to rebuild your country we bombed back to the stone age, but you can only hire american companies. the so called world bank is just as bad. poor countries get given massive loans they can never repay so they get foreign military bases instead of the help they need

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    When you call for tech support or customer service at APPLE or AT&T/Verizon/T-mobile (and many others), if you answer negatively to ANY question on the post call survey/email survey, it affects the rep you were speaking with negatively, even if the question had nothing to do with the rep, or if you answered rep-releated questions positively. Also not doing the survey eventually impacts the rep negatively since they're scored on the average of amount of surveys taken as well.

    The entire Customer Service/Tech support telecommunication sector is an absolut

    tsukichu Report


    We have a roach problem. And gnats are everywhere. Customers can see the gnats flying around the salads, fruits, and pies we have out, but I guess it doesn't disgust them enough to not come back. More than a few times, customers have complained about bugs in their drinks that ended up there after they [passed] in our ice machine. The worst was a live cockroach in someone's salad that was on the fork as they went to take a bite. Whole cooked turkey breasts and roast beefs have been dropped on the floor and served without any of the managers and employees giving two f*cks. I've realized most restaurants are so much more dirty than shown, but I've eaten out my whole life. I guess my consolation is that I'm probably building up some immunities to all the ickies out there!

    LilyElene Report


    Recycling company would throw away a lot of stuff. They collected the money from government subsidies, while leaving the employees to a s**t salary in a hazardous workplace that included having dirty syringes (thank god I didn't get stabbed by one!) where people would sort the materials.
    It was awful.

    Brock2845 Report

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    Lauren Caswell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know for a fact that recycling trucks dump recycling onto the tip face, the part that is restricted access. That's all I can say (I don't have a nda but still)

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    I'm pretty sure the company is bankrupt now, since it's been almost 15 years and the product hasn't seen the light of day. I was interviewing with a company that was working on a new design for a public toilet that was going to change everything.

    It consisted of the following:

    - A pair of toilets, back to back. One would rotate up into the wall, where it would be thoroughly cleaned, and then rotated back down so the other (recently used) toilet could be swung up into the wall for its turn in the washer.

    - The toilets wouldn't have the traditional water pool, but would instead have a conveyor belt that would carry the poo (and whatever else) back to an open pipe. Clog free!

    I quickly saw that this product was going nowhere, so I declined to work for them, but sent them a two or three page email about the pitfalls of the design:

    - What happens when the auto swapping toilet machine accidentally activates while someone is on the loo?

    - How much more expensive will this be than a regular porcelain john?

    - How hard will it be to retrofit all of the machinery and plumbing for the auto-wash into existing architecture?

    - How do you intend on cleaning a conveyor belt that has been exposed to human waste (plus whatever other trash that gets put down onto the unit)?

    - What will an open vent to the sewer smell like, if you don't have the water separation like you do with a regular toilet?

    minuteman_d Report


    This happened years ago, but I was a receptionist for a chiropractor for about six months. One day, our first appointment came in. I went in the back to look for [the chiropractor]. I walked in on him having [relations] with a co-worker on the table. The same table the patients sometimes would lay face down on. I went back to the front and said, "He'll be with you in a couple of minutes." God, I was disgusted. He was married with two young kids. I didn't work there long after that.

    ephendra47 Report


    Sony got hacked over that north korea movie because of a 5 year old account they didn't delete or monitor from an ex employee

    anonymous Report


    I went to a hackathon at a very large and well known company two years ago that made us sign an NDA and now actively uses the program my team made. We didn’t even place in the competition yet were the only group who’s product is used and I can’t even put it on my resume. And from what the people who ran the hackathon have told me since then, they use it a lot. Bunch of cr*p.

    chudleyjustin Report

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    Dave P
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there are legal options here, since they are using your product. Talk to a lawyer, you can talk to a lawyer even with a NDA because that is protected

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    I worked at, a British gambling company that received two Queens Award for Enterprise, it operates the world only decent sports betting exchange. We lost all of our customer's credit card details and didn't tell them. Our exchange was broken by a rogue programmer who managed to bypass all the account balance checks and bet millions on a horse race a while ago.

    noydessim Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OK, just gonna go ahead and cancel my cards. Thanks Betfair. Not only do I lose hundreds of pounds gambling, but there's also a bonus round where I can lose the contents of my bank account as well? Without even being told? I feel a strongly-worded-letter coming on.

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    One of my friends' brothers was on the MTV show Room Raiders. Everything in the show is staged. All of the items that they would find were planted. At the end of the show, the prize was not a date with the girl that he "picked", he just got her phone number.

    dancingking84 Report

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    Agnes Jekyll
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It bums me out that MTV pretty much dropped the "M" for reality TV--a bunch of terrible shows showing human beings at their scripted worst.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) I worked as a chef at an addiction treatment facility that went under.

    Meh. Everyone was ripped off by the counselors. "No ton, you didn't sign in with 1000. You had $700. You are still a junkie and nobody trusts you."

    Everyone thought they were big shots but it was mostly low level canadian politicians, strung out soccer moms and the step dad of the singer of a universally hated musician.

    bleeepo2 , cottonbro Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    North Carolina “all woman’s addiction center” was ill equipped to handle anything they claimed they could. Girls had their boyfriends meet them when they had a group outing, not one ‘counselor’ did anything. Girls bullied other girls. They took money for services NOT provided. Dana Taylor should be in jail!

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    My mom was on a home renovation show, I was a teen at the time and camera shy was an understatement...

    Me and my brothers got the news a month beforehand so I immediately planned a lan party with a dozen friends, luck would have it that it was a few weeks into summer break.

    The date came around and the lan was party was on track, I had my pririties straight even then, but the production company wanted some before interviews and a few shots of us doing stuff, so I promptly complied and just as promptly f****d off when it was done.

    So 3 days later and the planned filming is done, so was the lan and what I returned to was anything but a renovated house, it looked like the aftermath of the barn fire we had years later, though I didnt know it then.

    Materials and scrap scattered everywhere, cracked windows, some new ones dotted haphazardly around the main building, seemingly without order.

    The impression didnt improve inside, it looked like a set from an interior design show from afar, on one side of any one room that is, the other side would have looked at home in fallout...

    The reasoning was simple, they only had 3 days and only required enough of each room to be done for it to look convincing on camera, this also explained why only some windows were changed.

    The floors werent even done, the living room was down to bare earth in half of it and the feiling was open to the master bedroom above in 2 places, one accidental.

    They did pay for all the materials needed to finish it and the certified people for water and electricity but we eventually had to finish it ourselves.

    We scrapped a lot of the work they did and simply billed better materials for the floor and ceilings as well as new lighting.

    oodain Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The living room was down to bare earth??? What, no floor joists? No foundation wall? What kind of house was this?

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    Lots of missile launchers around DC. Literally dozens.

    LiteralWarCriminal Report

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    Dave P
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is well know. There ate 3 air defense batteries at the WH, not to mention the rest of the DC air defense system. WH has between 8-12 snipers at any time, 3-5 machine gun posts with 50 cals, etc. This is what is public, who knows what is private. Remember last summer when the WH came under attack from rioters and over 60 Secret Service agents were inured? the media found out after that had the WH fence been breeched, USSS agents with full auto weaposn and hidden machine gun nests would have opened fire. The only thing that breeched the fence was one molotov cocktail.

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    GM spends more money paying pension/retirement benefits than they do building cars.

    LudovicoSpecs Report

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    Vic 404
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Kudos for taking care of them, and still being in business !!

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    I used to work in a major movie theater and we would recycle hot dogs. Basically, if the links were on the spinning rack all day and didn't get purchased, they would be thrown in a bucket and re-frozen. We poked a fork hole in one to see how long it would stay in rotation, 7. f***ing. days.

    dbchern Report


    I used to work for a local children's charity where a good majority of the money was skimmed to pay for the owners for-profit business.

    PixelLantern Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People not reporting stuff like that are part of the problem.

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    Macys: Men return used underwear and we repackage it and put it back on the floor to sell.

    I just quit so Idgaf.

    anonymous Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You should have when still employed, people can anon report things.

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    Former employer was charging clients for a WAN backup solution that wasn't even running. I was still actively developing it when I quit. Client called up and asked to see the records of the backup, I said it wasn't running and that we didn't have any to my knowledge. Client flips out, calls boss, boss flips out at me for not lying.

    th3virus Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How are you supposed to lie and produce papers that don’t exist?


    Any fan of Supernatural here? Do you look at the new title card intro of each season frame by frame to find clues about the rest of the season? Well it was made by a single person who knows no more than you what’s gonna happen next.

    bouchandre Report


    In 1990, I signed an NDA at Chili's when they showed me how to make their new Awesome Blossom.

    No other restaurant in town had anything like it and it was hugely popular at the time.

    ButtMcNugget33 Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The first ones were invented in the 1980s by one of the founders of Outback

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    Kraft Macaroni and Cheese are coming out with a more "modern and upscale" version to expand their market from lower income folks to higher income folks. It is almost entirely the same product as the 69¢ blue box, but will have a lighter, less orangey color, they will be sold as "shells" and not macaroni, the box will be shaped differently, and it will go for $2.50 or more. Stated to be released by 1995.

    punkwalrus Report


    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) DND 5e had a kick a** online character builder that made character creation a breeze. It listed all of the possible skills etc per race and class that was intuitive and made theory crafting for characters easy.

    Personal conjecture: they canned it because it took away from the pen and paper aspect of the game and they were afraid with an online tool it'd take away from book sales.

    cthuluwamp , DravenSwiftbow Report


    Saw the new Ferrari Hybrid tech by employee error and couldn't speak or mention it until today as they launched a new hybrid model. I can now tell you that Ferrari intends to have a car with 3 hybrid motors and that's pretty much it.

    rayrayrayray Report

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    We used an extract to flavor our peanut butter porter.

    God, it feels good to get that off my chest.

    a10t2 Report

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    Yvette Desmarais
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think most flavors these days are extracts made with chemicals unless otherwise stated.

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    People Who Had Signed NDAs That Have Now Expired Share What Secrets They Were Supposed To Protect (35 Answers) We have a blend of vegetables called California blend, the vegetables come from Mexico.

    anonymous , Joel Kramer Report

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not so odd, the california roll sushi i had for lunch today didn't fly over 20 hours to get to me.

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