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1 posts
126 points
i'm an anxious pansexual nightmare. i hate the feeling of sand or dirt under my feet on a flat surface idk
anxiousPansexualnightmare • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
anxiousPansexualnightmare • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
A vasectomy. After we had two children we knew that was a good number for us. We both come from huge families and we know how hard it is financially and emotionally to provide for a large number of kids. Wasn't even that expensive either.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
So, I have ADHD & anxiety, and I'm only 12, so I have a list. - Stop faking it. - You don't need that to focus! Just try harder! (I need to have something to fidget with to stay focused) - Can't you just, like, hold it in or something? (I have tics from it) - Girl's don't have that. - You're just asking for attention. - Stop being lazy and do something. - Just speak up! It's not that hard. - Why are you so quiet all the time? You should change. (sorry Karen, but it's not that easy) - Why must you be like this? Just be like everyone else and you'll be fine.Show All 28 Upvotes
anxiousPansexualnightmare • commented on 10 posts 3 years ago
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
Show All 10 Comments
anxiousPansexualnightmare • submitted a new post 3 years ago
anxiousPansexualnightmare • submitted 4 list additions 3 years ago
anxiousPansexualnightmare • submitted 2 list additions 4 years ago
anxiousPansexualnightmare • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
People Are Cracking Up At These 30 Things About Halloween That Confuse The Hell Out Of Non-Americans
anxiousPansexualnightmare • upvoted 2 items 2 years ago
anxiousPansexualnightmare • upvoted 18 items 3 years ago
A vasectomy. After we had two children we knew that was a good number for us. We both come from huge families and we know how hard it is financially and emotionally to provide for a large number of kids. Wasn't even that expensive either.Hey Pandas With A Disability Or Disorder, What’s The Worst Thing Someone Has Said To You About It?
So, I have ADHD & anxiety, and I'm only 12, so I have a list. - Stop faking it. - You don't need that to focus! Just try harder! (I need to have something to fidget with to stay focused) - Can't you just, like, hold it in or something? (I have tics from it) - Girl's don't have that. - You're just asking for attention. - Stop being lazy and do something. - Just speak up! It's not that hard. - Why are you so quiet all the time? You should change. (sorry Karen, but it's not that easy) - Why must you be like this? Just be like everyone else and you'll be fine.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
anxiousPansexualnightmare • 22 followers