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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Zara PIROTTA • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Zara PIROTTA • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Zara PIROTTA • upvoted 28 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
Was dog sitting a friend's dog while they were out of town. I had this this giant hamburger plush. I leave to room to get him a treat, only to come back and find him humping it (the plush). He sees me and stops. He just stares at me. I take a step forward and he bolts out of the room. I look at the poor hamburger plush who is now covered in dog piss and torn open. Had to throw it out.Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
Was dog sitting a friend's dog while they were out of town. I had this this giant hamburger plush. I leave to room to get him a treat, only to come back and find him humping it (the plush). He sees me and stops. He just stares at me. I take a step forward and he bolts out of the room. I look at the poor hamburger plush who is now covered in dog piss and torn open. Had to throw it out.Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
My dog collects rocks that he found in the yard. He brings them in and put them by his food dish and I put them on a shelf.Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
Once, I caught my cat sitting on my bed with an origami hat that I had put on her half an hour ago, she looked at me as if to say thanks for the hat. can I keep it? then I tried to take it off her and she moved her head away from me and meowed. i think she was trying to tell me she loved the hat. :}Real-Life-Cheat-Codes
If you admit you're wrong and make changes to whatever it is that you're wrong about, people will respect and appreciate you more. Unfortunately this requires the swallow_ego.pill patch installed. Without this you will be incapable of being a civil person.Real-Life-Cheat-Codes
When I was in my old 500+ person building, I kept a stack of papers on my desk. When I was bored, or got tired of sitting down, I'd get up, grab my stack of papers and walk around. I called them my "walking papers" and did this for months. Got a lot of head nods and not one question the entire time. People always assumed I was on an important mission, but nope. Not in the least. PS: worked on the executive floor / wing, too.Real-Life-Cheat-Codes
Just be nice, particularly to people in the service industry. Your job, your personal interactions, even your calls into customer service will go 100% easier if you’re just nice to people and recognize that they’re probably just trying to do their job, not screw you over.Real-Life-Cheat-Codes
The correct response to any compliment is "Thank you." You can then follow it up with a comment if you'd like to continue the conversation. If someone likes your dress? "Thank you, it has pockets!" If someone compliments your art? "Thank you, I've been practicing." If someone asks if you're a professional singer because you have a good singing voice? "Thank you, I just sing for fun." Not only does it make you seem confident and self-assured, it tells them that they are right! That's a friendly thing to do. This even works if you don't believe the compliment. Saying, "Oh, no, I'm ugly," when someone compliments your appearance not only tells them that they're wrong, it makes you think of yourself as ugly. A better answer would be, "Thank you, I really appreciate that and I don't always believe it, so hearing that from you helps."Real-Life-Cheat-Codes
Ask questions, about everything. Ask people about themselves. Be open about stuff you don't understand, and ask questions about that. When you forget someone's name, own up to it and just ask them. I am amazed at how many people won't acknowledge even a tiny amount of ignorance, or won't show honest curiosity about something, can't admit they've forgotten something they feel is important, and won't ever ask for help. Guys...your life becomes so much easier if you just drop the [effin] ego and ask.Show All 28 Upvotes
Zara PIROTTA • commented on 8 posts 3 years ago
Show All 8 Comments
Zara PIROTTA • submitted 2 new posts 3 years ago
Zara PIROTTA • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Zara PIROTTA • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Zara PIROTTA • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
Was dog sitting a friend's dog while they were out of town. I had this this giant hamburger plush. I leave to room to get him a treat, only to come back and find him humping it (the plush). He sees me and stops. He just stares at me. I take a step forward and he bolts out of the room. I look at the poor hamburger plush who is now covered in dog piss and torn open. Had to throw it out.Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
My dog collects rocks that he found in the yard. He brings them in and put them by his food dish and I put them on a shelf.Hey Pandas, What's The Weirdest Thing You've Caught Your Pet Doing?
Once, I caught my cat sitting on my bed with an origami hat that I had put on her half an hour ago, she looked at me as if to say thanks for the hat. can I keep it? then I tried to take it off her and she moved her head away from me and meowed. i think she was trying to tell me she loved the hat. :}Real-Life-Cheat-Codes
When I was in my old 500+ person building, I kept a stack of papers on my desk. When I was bored, or got tired of sitting down, I'd get up, grab my stack of papers and walk around. I called them my "walking papers" and did this for months. Got a lot of head nods and not one question the entire time. People always assumed I was on an important mission, but nope. Not in the least. PS: worked on the executive floor / wing, too. Zara PIROTTA • is following a person
Zara PIROTTA • 1 follower