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Zak Rasten
Community Member
3 posts
372 points
Presently I work for the government but I am an artist and writer; I have three books published so far on Amazon under the pseudonym Mark Perrian. I love astronomy and quantum cosmology and I am a Buddhist atheist, but most of all I love my sweet and beautiful fiance, for whom one of my books "I Am You, You Are Me" was written. My other talents are maths, DIY, and dancing. I don't use Facebook Twitter etc at all.
Zak Rasten • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Zak Rasten • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
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Zak Rasten • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Zak Rasten • commented on 14 posts 3 years ago
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Zak Rasten • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Zak Rasten • upvoted 6 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
The toxic people who told me to jump off a cliff when I was going through a point in my life when I might of done just that if I hadn’t had a few good people to help me get through itShow All 6 Upvotes
Zak Rasten • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Ask Pandas
Hey Pandas, If You Could Go Back In Time And Change One Thing That Would Massively Improve Our World In The Present, What Would You Do? (Closed)
Zak Rasten • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Zak Rasten • submitted 18 list additions 3 years ago
Zak Rasten • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
Zak Rasten • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
Zak Rasten • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Zak Rasten • upvoted 19 items 3 years ago
Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
The toxic people who told me to jump off a cliff when I was going through a point in my life when I might of done just that if I hadn’t had a few good people to help me get through itHey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Corporations like Monsanto, Amazon, big greedy pharmaceuticals, mining and fracking industries that destroys everyting in order to get richer, every technological corporation developing hi tech devises that are intended to last a few months before you need to buy another one because of their fu#king programmed obsolescence. And also Trump. For good mesureHey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Trophy hunters. Poachers. Big Fossil Fuel CEOS and their stooges. Those who regard Earth as an oyster and its resources as ours to plunder with no thought for the future. Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, "pro-life" hypocrites.Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Most of the presidents and the upcoming years. Why do we even need them? They either fix the medical bills into free health care or have them Yeet-th across the Milky Way.Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Homophobes, transphobes, rapists, racists and MANY MORE:)Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Every climate crisis denier, and the 100 company causing 70% of global warming emissions.Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Anyone who thinks it’s ok to take something which isn’t theirs - scammers, murderers, muggers, rapists, kidnappers and anyone who tries to takes away the rights of other peopleHey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Kanye West and all of the KardashiansHey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
CEOs whose companies test on animals. Like, wtf?Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
The networks that show all the reality shows that show the people who are lowest common denominator, making ignorance fun! Drunkenness is hysterically entertaining, screaming fights with friends or acquaintances that get physical get the ratings up. People are competing for their fifteen minutes of fame however they can, up to and including huge families and giving birth to enough kids at one time to fill a daycare. You don't need talent to be a reality star, you can be famous just for being famous. And having a lot of plastic surgery. So I wish I could yeet those shows out of existence. Not off the planet. I wouldn't wish them on any ETs.Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
Abott, kavanaugh, how about anyone who profits from the misery if others or the planet and doesn't try to fix it?Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
People who get pets only to abuse or neglect them deserve to be catapulted into outer space, i used to volunteer at an animal rescue it was so sad how many pets had been abandoned or had cruel owners 😞Hey Pandas, Who Would You Like To Yeet Off The World The Most?
People who harm/capture wild animals. Y'all better learn to fly like the endangered parrots you enslave!This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Zak Rasten • 83 followers