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I don't ever ever wanna look backThe future's blurry but the past is a trapI might be staring at my last chanceBut I'm cold bloodedI'm cold bloodedIce in my veinsNever gonna runVenom on my fangsFire on my tongueI'm cold bloodedIt's all or nothingIf I go downGonna burn with the sunWon't quit now'Til I'm sitting on the throneI'm cold bloodedCold Blooded-Zayde Wolf 🇦🇺🇧🇩🇺🇦
magnagan reply
Colour. It sounds weird but anytime the colour of something comes up and someone tries to correct me.
I’ve been a commercial printing press operator for 20 years. I can spot VERY subtle differences in colours that most people can’t.
The upvote is orange.
The dress is blue and black.
I Get An Email Every Time I Get A Package Delivered To My Apartment’s Mailroom. It’s Supposed To Be A Photo Of The Label, But There’s This One Guy
EducatedOwlAthena reply
This is a funny "how did I not know this about you" moment.
Several years ago, I was flipping around on the television and came across something or other about the band Disturbed. Just like that, out of nowhere, my husband started basically giving me a biography of every member of the band, as though it was all common knowledge.
We had been together about ten years at this point, and I had no idea he even liked Disturbed, much less knew so much about them. He'd literally never talked about it before! Surprised the heck out of me!
magnagan reply
Colour. It sounds weird but anytime the colour of something comes up and someone tries to correct me.
I’ve been a commercial printing press operator for 20 years. I can spot VERY subtle differences in colours that most people can’t.
The upvote is orange.
The dress is blue and black.
I Get An Email Every Time I Get A Package Delivered To My Apartment’s Mailroom. It’s Supposed To Be A Photo Of The Label, But There’s This One Guy
EducatedOwlAthena reply
This is a funny "how did I not know this about you" moment.
Several years ago, I was flipping around on the television and came across something or other about the band Disturbed. Just like that, out of nowhere, my husband started basically giving me a biography of every member of the band, as though it was all common knowledge.
We had been together about ten years at this point, and I had no idea he even liked Disturbed, much less knew so much about them. He'd literally never talked about it before! Surprised the heck out of me!