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Community Member

36 posts
922 points
"I discovered at a very early age that if I talked long enough, I could make anything right or wrong. So either I'm god, or truth is relative. Either way: Booyah." - Jeff Winger

𝓪𝓶𝔂 • started following 5 people 1 year ago
Show All 5 People

𝓪𝓶𝔂 • upvoted 29 items 1 year ago

What Do You Think Of The New Round Of Trolls?
A message from Cosmo: 1. Do not fight back with insults 2. Fight back with compliments, and stay in control of the narrative 3. Do NOT make it personal. 4. Remember: inside every troll, there is a human being 5. Do not respond with snarky comments 6. If there are multiple trolls together who are in control of the narrative, ask questions. 7. If you knew a troll who used to be an anti-troll, try to remind them of who they are. 8. Respond with good manners: if someone says kys, say no thank you. 9. Comment in a neutral manner. 10. If someone is getting cornered and pushed to their limits, immediately intervene. But only intervene by conversing with the victim in a casual manner. 11. REMEMBER: conversing like the trolls can cause you to become a troll. Anger causes more anger. 12. REMEMBER: trolls are insecure. They cover up their insecurities by bullying others due to their insecurities. 13. REMEMBER: the best way to help a troll about their insecurities is by making them talk about their insecurities. 14. Try to stay away from troll wars, unless necessary. Examples: attempting to reclaim a community; attempting to integrate a non-troll community into a troll community; trying to stop a troll from pushing one’s limit, etc… 15. REMEMBER: trolls can be extremely stubborn pricks. They stick to their opinions because they truly believe that they are correct. A community is like an olive tree. It can be used for good or evil. It can be turned into sword handles, fences, stakes, cages, torture weapons, and more. Communities can be evil. But it depends on perspective. Olive trees are more than just the evil that can be created from them. If you look at a slice of olive wood, you see one of the most beautiful woods ever. The inside of olive trees represents the deep beauty inside a community. If you look at the outside of an olive tree, it looks extremely ugly. But it is an ordered ugliness. And if you look long enough, it looks beautiful. The beauty of society does not come from a glance but from a long study of its outer structure. Now, the roots. The roots expand far and wide. Everybody in a community has their roots. Back to the wood. Wood is one of the most used building materials for thousands of years. Wood can be used to build houses, bridges, paper, scaffolding, paintbrushes, bowls, and so much more. The wood of an olive tree also represents the expansive dedication and versatility of a community. And the roots support us far and deeply. And the care we put into olive trees. It takes a lot of nurturing and dedication to grow olive trees. With dedication and sacrifice of resources, comes a good and beautiful(ish) tree. And finally, the fruit. The olive is one of the most important fruits in society. It can make olive oil, a flammable liquid. It has been in many societies. Myths have sprouted around it. And most importantly, olives are the fruit that brings more olive trees. A community influences those around it and plants the fruits for more communities. I planted my olive into the WJE, and a community will rise. That community is us, pandas. Wait. No. We will not fight them. There is one more part of olive trees: the olive branch. The olive branch is a symbol of peace We will extend an olive branch. -Cosmo, bp member. Let the community that olive (pun intended) grow!
What Do You Think Of The New Round Of Trolls?
A message from Cosmo: 1. Do not fight back with insults 2. Fight back with compliments, and stay in control of the narrative 3. Do NOT make it personal. 4. Remember: inside every troll, there is a human being 5. Do not respond with snarky comments 6. If there are multiple trolls together who are in control of the narrative, ask questions. 7. If you knew a troll who used to be an anti-troll, try to remind them of who they are. 8. Respond with good manners: if someone says kys, say no thank you. 9. Comment in a neutral manner. 10. If someone is getting cornered and pushed to their limits, immediately intervene. But only intervene by conversing with the victim in a casual manner. 11. REMEMBER: conversing like the trolls can cause you to become a troll. Anger causes more anger. 12. REMEMBER: trolls are insecure. They cover up their insecurities by bullying others due to their insecurities. 13. REMEMBER: the best way to help a troll about their insecurities is by making them talk about their insecurities. 14. Try to stay away from troll wars, unless necessary. Examples: attempting to reclaim a community; attempting to integrate a non-troll community into a troll community; trying to stop a troll from pushing one’s limit, etc… 15. REMEMBER: trolls can be extremely stubborn pricks. They stick to their opinions because they truly believe that they are correct. A community is like an olive tree. It can be used for good or evil. It can be turned into sword handles, fences, stakes, cages, torture weapons, and more. Communities can be evil. But it depends on perspective. Olive trees are more than just the evil that can be created from them. If you look at a slice of olive wood, you see one of the most beautiful woods ever. The inside of olive trees represents the deep beauty inside a community. If you look at the outside of an olive tree, it looks extremely ugly. But it is an ordered ugliness. And if you look long enough, it looks beautiful. The beauty of society does not come from a glance but from a long study of its outer structure. Now, the roots. The roots expand far and wide. Everybody in a community has their roots. Back to the wood. Wood is one of the most used building materials for thousands of years. Wood can be used to build houses, bridges, paper, scaffolding, paintbrushes, bowls, and so much more. The wood of an olive tree also represents the expansive dedication and versatility of a community. And the roots support us far and deeply. And the care we put into olive trees. It takes a lot of nurturing and dedication to grow olive trees. With dedication and sacrifice of resources, comes a good and beautiful(ish) tree. And finally, the fruit. The olive is one of the most important fruits in society. It can make olive oil, a flammable liquid. It has been in many societies. Myths have sprouted around it. And most importantly, olives are the fruit that brings more olive trees. A community influences those around it and plants the fruits for more communities. I planted my olive into the WJE, and a community will rise. That community is us, pandas. Wait. No. We will not fight them. There is one more part of olive trees: the olive branch. The olive branch is a symbol of peace We will extend an olive branch. -Cosmo, bp member. Let the community that olive (pun intended) grow!
Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's The Worst Homophobia Or Transphobia You've Witnessed Or Experienced?
Hey Pandas, Describe What Your Gender Identity Feels Like.
honestly don’t get why the gender is such a big deal. you are not defined by what you identify as.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weird Thing About Your Search History?
man i have the most random search history like it’s not even inappropriate it’s just so f*****g weird 😭
Hey Pandas, What Is Something Really Weird That Happened To You That You Don't Understand?
being bornShow All 29 Upvotes

𝓪𝓶𝔂 • submitted 6 list additions 1 year ago

𝓪𝓶𝔂 • submitted 20 new posts 1 year ago

𝓪𝓶𝔂 • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
This Panda hasn't commented anything yet

𝓪𝓶𝔂 • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

What Do You Think Of The New Round Of Trolls?
A message from Cosmo: 1. Do not fight back with insults 2. Fight back with compliments, and stay in control of the narrative 3. Do NOT make it personal. 4. Remember: inside every troll, there is a human being 5. Do not respond with snarky comments 6. If there are multiple trolls together who are in control of the narrative, ask questions. 7. If you knew a troll who used to be an anti-troll, try to remind them of who they are. 8. Respond with good manners: if someone says kys, say no thank you. 9. Comment in a neutral manner. 10. If someone is getting cornered and pushed to their limits, immediately intervene. But only intervene by conversing with the victim in a casual manner. 11. REMEMBER: conversing like the trolls can cause you to become a troll. Anger causes more anger. 12. REMEMBER: trolls are insecure. They cover up their insecurities by bullying others due to their insecurities. 13. REMEMBER: the best way to help a troll about their insecurities is by making them talk about their insecurities. 14. Try to stay away from troll wars, unless necessary. Examples: attempting to reclaim a community; attempting to integrate a non-troll community into a troll community; trying to stop a troll from pushing one’s limit, etc… 15. REMEMBER: trolls can be extremely stubborn pricks. They stick to their opinions because they truly believe that they are correct. A community is like an olive tree. It can be used for good or evil. It can be turned into sword handles, fences, stakes, cages, torture weapons, and more. Communities can be evil. But it depends on perspective. Olive trees are more than just the evil that can be created from them. If you look at a slice of olive wood, you see one of the most beautiful woods ever. The inside of olive trees represents the deep beauty inside a community. If you look at the outside of an olive tree, it looks extremely ugly. But it is an ordered ugliness. And if you look long enough, it looks beautiful. The beauty of society does not come from a glance but from a long study of its outer structure. Now, the roots. The roots expand far and wide. Everybody in a community has their roots. Back to the wood. Wood is one of the most used building materials for thousands of years. Wood can be used to build houses, bridges, paper, scaffolding, paintbrushes, bowls, and so much more. The wood of an olive tree also represents the expansive dedication and versatility of a community. And the roots support us far and deeply. And the care we put into olive trees. It takes a lot of nurturing and dedication to grow olive trees. With dedication and sacrifice of resources, comes a good and beautiful(ish) tree. And finally, the fruit. The olive is one of the most important fruits in society. It can make olive oil, a flammable liquid. It has been in many societies. Myths have sprouted around it. And most importantly, olives are the fruit that brings more olive trees. A community influences those around it and plants the fruits for more communities. I planted my olive into the WJE, and a community will rise. That community is us, pandas. Wait. No. We will not fight them. There is one more part of olive trees: the olive branch. The olive branch is a symbol of peace We will extend an olive branch. -Cosmo, bp member. Let the community that olive (pun intended) grow!
Hey Lgbtq+ Pandas, What's The Worst Homophobia Or Transphobia You've Witnessed Or Experienced?
Hey Pandas, Describe What Your Gender Identity Feels Like.
honestly don’t get why the gender is such a big deal. you are not defined by what you identify as.
Hey Pandas, What Is The Weird Thing About Your Search History?
man i have the most random search history like it’s not even inappropriate it’s just so f*****g weird 😭
𝓪𝓶𝔂 • is following 883 people

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