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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
(T)reacherou(S) • upvoted 37 items 1 year ago
lillweez99 reply
I'm asexual. I've tried with my mother but that went nowhere and was upsetting her so I said wow you're gullible and act differently to keep up the charade. I have no interest in sex a relationship with either sex I enjoy me myself and I. Her first response to it how do I know without having a relationship with anyone. Like how people know what they like gay straight ect. Porn doesn't do anything for me. If I'm horny I just deal with it myself and that's that. My father highly religious would reject me so I just keep to myself and enjoy my life. My mother still tries to get me to meet people I just decline the offer it's not me and I won't waste a person's time knowing my stance it's not fair to them.Beneficial-Jelly5746 reply
I've created a fictional man and woman in my head that I often imagine being. I have even created a family tree for them and a timeline of their lives.Fresh-Hedgehog1895 reply
If you cut taxes to the wealthy, those savings will trickle down to the lowly workers and make them better off financially.TheLoneleyPython reply
In ancient Egypt, the deceased bodies of beautiful and high ranking women were left to decay for several days before mummification to discuourage necrophilia by the embalmers.BlaBlah_12345 reply
My friend calls grocery stores "food museums." I absolutely love going on cultural trips to the food museums. You can learn a lot there It is my must-do/activity simply because I want to browse to see what may be staples within their household, price range, how they market, people watch, etc.On Black Friday 2008, 34 Yr Old Walmart Employee, Jdimytai Damour, Was Asked By His Employer To Use His 6’5 Body As A Barrier For A Crowd Of Over 2,000 People
My Library Is Displaying An Archive From Our Local Newspaper Predicting A New High Schooler In Town, Taylor Swift, Will Rise To Stardom
Show All 37 Upvotes
(T)reacherou(S) • commented on 3 posts 1 year ago
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(T)reacherou(S) • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
(T)reacherou(S) • submitted 3 list additions 3 years ago
(T)reacherou(S) • commented on 7 posts 1 year ago
(T)reacherou(S) • commented on 13 posts 2 years ago
(T)reacherou(S) • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
lillweez99 reply
I'm asexual. I've tried with my mother but that went nowhere and was upsetting her so I said wow you're gullible and act differently to keep up the charade. I have no interest in sex a relationship with either sex I enjoy me myself and I. Her first response to it how do I know without having a relationship with anyone. Like how people know what they like gay straight ect. Porn doesn't do anything for me. If I'm horny I just deal with it myself and that's that. My father highly religious would reject me so I just keep to myself and enjoy my life. My mother still tries to get me to meet people I just decline the offer it's not me and I won't waste a person's time knowing my stance it's not fair to them.Beneficial-Jelly5746 reply
I've created a fictional man and woman in my head that I often imagine being. I have even created a family tree for them and a timeline of their lives.Fresh-Hedgehog1895 reply
If you cut taxes to the wealthy, those savings will trickle down to the lowly workers and make them better off financially.TheLoneleyPython reply
In ancient Egypt, the deceased bodies of beautiful and high ranking women were left to decay for several days before mummification to discuourage necrophilia by the embalmers.BlaBlah_12345 reply
My friend calls grocery stores "food museums." I absolutely love going on cultural trips to the food museums. You can learn a lot there It is my must-do/activity simply because I want to browse to see what may be staples within their household, price range, how they market, people watch, etc.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
(T)reacherou(S) • 29 followers