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Xylle Flora
Community Member
3 posts
3.9K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Xylle Flora • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
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Xylle Flora • commented on 23 posts 3 years ago
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Xylle Flora • upvoted 7 items 3 years ago
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Xylle Flora • submitted 2 list additions 3 years ago
Xylle Flora • submitted 3 new posts 3 years ago
Xylle Flora • submitted 20 list additions 3 years ago
Xylle Flora • commented on 8 posts 2 years ago
50 Times Teachers Hung The Funniest Signs In Their Classrooms And They Ended Up Being Praised Online
Xylle Flora • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
Xylle Flora • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
My kids have the day off from school, so I took the day off from work and we had a Daddy/Daughters day. I took them out to breakfast, and then a trip to the mall. We started off in one of the department stores, and my daughters decided to start looking there for new outfits. Now I love my daughters, but shopping is absolutely not my thing. So while they're looking for clothes I'm standing over by one of the counters waiting and reading on my phone. I hear someone make a noise behind me, so I look up and there's a lady standing there with a huge armful of clothes. I figured she was heading to check out so I moved over to the side of the counter. She says "Excuse me", and I figured she's talking to one of the employees. A few seconds later she yells "EXCUSE ME!", and I look up to see what's going on. That's when I realized she was talking to me. By this time, people are staring at us, including my daughters. This is the rest of the encounter: Me = Me. CL = Crazy Lady. Me: "Yeah?" CL: "Don't 'yeah me'. Take these, I don't want any of them." She sticks the clothes out towards me. Me: "Yeah, I don't work here." CL: "I don't care what department you work in, take the damn clothes." Now on any other day, I would've simply told her to piss off and go find someone who works there. But since I was out with my daughters, I decided to handle it a little differently. Me: "Excuse me?" CL: She's getting really pissed at this point, and she yells again: "TAKE THE GODDAMN CLOTHES!!" and this time she shoves the clothes into my chest. Me: I look down a the clothes for a second, and then look at her with a huge smile on my face: "Master has presented Dobby with clothes... Dobby is freeeee!" and I threw the entire pile of clothes back in her face. She was standing there stunned/shocked, people in the store were cracking up laughing, my oldest daughter was trying to hide because she was "soooo embarrassed" (which is nothing new). I walked over to my girls and asked if they found anything they liked. They hadn't, so we left. As we were walking out I could see CL yelling at a couple of actual employees who looked like they were doing their best not to laugh also. Xylle Flora • is following a person
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