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Commanda Panda
Community Member
2 posts
1.3K points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Commanda Panda • commented on 8 posts 1 year ago
Show All 8 Comments
Commanda Panda • upvoted 32 items 1 year ago
Mc00p reply
Had a guy at work do these things during his time at a place I worked and he never got fired: Accidentally set fire to the trees out back whilst taking a pee, he was bored and lighting ants on fire. Fire truck had to come put it out - scorched earth! Ignored instructions from a spotter and dropped a 250k machine whilst the spotter was underneath (luckily, the legs on the machine prevented any injury). Edit: I was wrong, she wasn’t underneath just very close and looking underneath. Threw a plastic 55g drum at the owner in a fit of drunken rage. Got pulled over 25 minutes away from work 25 minutes after his shift and got a dui - blew a 0.21 and was in the local paper. Got drunk on moonshine from the back fridge, went into the bar bathrooms (during business hours) and pulled his infected tooth out with a pair of channel-locks, stole the bartenders tips and drove home a bloody drunken mess. Bathroom was an absolute disaster. Routinely stole cash, beer, and merch. Threw a glass at me once, but that wasn’t really all that bad. Pulled the wrong valve off of the bottom of a tank and lost ~800 gallons of beer before I could get it back on for him Some of the things from the top of my head, it was a while back now but he eventually quit.Show All 32 Upvotes
Commanda Panda • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Commanda Panda • submitted a list addition 1 year ago
Commanda Panda • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Commanda Panda • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
50 Epic Children's Product Design Fails That Are So Bad, It's Hard To Believe They Actually Happened
Commanda Panda • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
Mc00p reply
Had a guy at work do these things during his time at a place I worked and he never got fired: Accidentally set fire to the trees out back whilst taking a pee, he was bored and lighting ants on fire. Fire truck had to come put it out - scorched earth! Ignored instructions from a spotter and dropped a 250k machine whilst the spotter was underneath (luckily, the legs on the machine prevented any injury). Edit: I was wrong, she wasn’t underneath just very close and looking underneath. Threw a plastic 55g drum at the owner in a fit of drunken rage. Got pulled over 25 minutes away from work 25 minutes after his shift and got a dui - blew a 0.21 and was in the local paper. Got drunk on moonshine from the back fridge, went into the bar bathrooms (during business hours) and pulled his infected tooth out with a pair of channel-locks, stole the bartenders tips and drove home a bloody drunken mess. Bathroom was an absolute disaster. Routinely stole cash, beer, and merch. Threw a glass at me once, but that wasn’t really all that bad. Pulled the wrong valve off of the bottom of a tank and lost ~800 gallons of beer before I could get it back on for him Some of the things from the top of my head, it was a while back now but he eventually quit. Commanda Panda • is following a person