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What it is What it was
Community Member

1 posts
5 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

What it is What it was • commented on 6 posts 2 years ago
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What it is What it was • upvoted 34 items 2 years ago

I hired one once. He found out my ex was not, in fact, pregnant with my child. She had just been telling me she was. Worst six months of my life.
My sister hired a PI for her child support/custody trial. She wanted to dig up some dirt on the guy I guess. (Baby girl was months old) BB daddy made very good money as the owner of a HVAC company but didn’t have a place to stay. He stayed in his warehouse. My sisters concern was, what does he do when he has the baby. Turns out when he had her he would rent rooms out in really nice hotels for stays. He’d spend the majority of the days walking her in the parks, having picnics and driving to non local destinations like state/regional parks, zoo’s. Got to see some of the pictures. Big a** 6’3” 300lb stocky body builder type guy, (think mountain from GOT) solo, pushing stroller and diaper bags in tow looking like only his daughter was the only thing that mattered. Dude is genuinely a good father with social anxiety issues.
My old work did it for an ex senior manager, hoping to ruin him or something (horrible, bitter company). Anyway, they got all excited about his meeting with a younger woman, drafted up the letters saying they'd expose him etc. All very sordid. Till they found out it was his daughter he was meeting during her lunch break. Some people truly only see darkness...
Not me, but the insurance agency I worked for. We got this strange claim about children that were hurt in a frontal collision while the parents filed no claim for themselves. The collision was against a wall. A few things in their account of the accident didn't check out so the comp agent tasked an investigator. Investigator found out the parents sat their two children in the backseat with fastened seatbelts, then put a rock on the accelerator pedal to crash the car in the wall and get compensated for their children's injuries. Needless to say, while we did pay for the children's care, parents got no penny and ended having to deal with CPS.
That the dentist who took six sessions to just ruin my tooth (and drill on a sore nerve) wasn't actually allowed to be a dentist. She immigrated, got covered by the medical practice during her stay, and fled back into her country as soon as she realized she did a mistake. Luckily they found her.
Worked for a law firm that routinely hired PI’s to investigate workers comp claimants. One particular juicy bust involved a guy claiming a major back injury. PI got a whole days video of him doing a roofing job. Hauling big packs of shingles up a ladder, s**t like that. They went to mediation ready to drop the video on this guy when he shows up in a wheelchair being pushed by his twin brother. The PI had been following the twin all day. Fastest check I’ve ever seen written by an insurance company.
Not me, but this is kind of a funny one. A friend of my father's hired one to find out whether he was still married or not. He had been separated for many years but wasn't sure whether his ex had ever actually divorced him. (Sounds strange to me too, but that's how I heard it.) He needed to know because he wanted to remarry. So what did he find out? That she had in fact divorced him, and also passed away. So no worries on that front.
I hire a private investigator about once a year to give me an update on my stalker, to ensure he’s not looking for me again. It costs a lot of money, but I sleep easier. Also, stalker is passing of cancer and I feel pretty good about that.
My brother hired a PI against me. And then, when the PI couldn’t find anything, my brother wanted me to reimburse him for hiring the PI. Because “I misled him into thinking I was hiding something when I said I wasn’t hiding anything” To answer the questions: it was about money yes, he is stupid yes, he believes Qanon yes, I still have some contact with him because he is the victim of his own stupidity no, he is not my favorite brother. My other two are amazing his name is not Dwight Schrute
Damn. I'm Not One To Blindly Believe The Owner's Side Of The Story When It Comes To Bad Reviews, But This Guy Sounds Like A Real Piece Of Work.

Selfish Ummm Nope
Not selfish in any way. Unfortunately society is obsessed with fertility and children, they teach us that you must have them to have a worthy life. Because of that childfree people like us get bullied very often by friends, family or even doctors. Its the same for women; its almost impossible to even get a doctor to sterilise you if you don't have several children already. I have been told that I am selfish many times, or that I was too young to know what I wanted (I was 32 when i got sterilised and yet I was "too young").
Selfish Ummm Nope
If that is what he wants, then there is no problem. Use it as a screening process with dates.
Selfish Ummm Nope
Vasectomy is the only reliable birth control for males (well, there's condoms too, but their efficacy is questionable and they're a little inconvenient). Unfortunately, they are, for the most part, irreversible. But if you like sex, and really don't want children (even if you're in a monogamous relationship) I think it's selfish NOT to have one!Show All 34 Upvotes
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What it is What it was • commented on 13 posts 2 years ago

What it is What it was • upvoted 20 items 2 years ago

That the dentist who took six sessions to just ruin my tooth (and drill on a sore nerve) wasn't actually allowed to be a dentist. She immigrated, got covered by the medical practice during her stay, and fled back into her country as soon as she realized she did a mistake. Luckily they found her.
I hired one once. He found out my ex was not, in fact, pregnant with my child. She had just been telling me she was. Worst six months of my life.
Not me, but this is kind of a funny one. A friend of my father's hired one to find out whether he was still married or not. He had been separated for many years but wasn't sure whether his ex had ever actually divorced him. (Sounds strange to me too, but that's how I heard it.) He needed to know because he wanted to remarry. So what did he find out? That she had in fact divorced him, and also passed away. So no worries on that front.
Not me, but the insurance agency I worked for. We got this strange claim about children that were hurt in a frontal collision while the parents filed no claim for themselves. The collision was against a wall. A few things in their account of the accident didn't check out so the comp agent tasked an investigator. Investigator found out the parents sat their two children in the backseat with fastened seatbelts, then put a rock on the accelerator pedal to crash the car in the wall and get compensated for their children's injuries. Needless to say, while we did pay for the children's care, parents got no penny and ended having to deal with CPS.
My brother hired a PI against me. And then, when the PI couldn’t find anything, my brother wanted me to reimburse him for hiring the PI. Because “I misled him into thinking I was hiding something when I said I wasn’t hiding anything” To answer the questions: it was about money yes, he is stupid yes, he believes Qanon yes, I still have some contact with him because he is the victim of his own stupidity no, he is not my favorite brother. My other two are amazing his name is not Dwight Schrute
I hire a private investigator about once a year to give me an update on my stalker, to ensure he’s not looking for me again. It costs a lot of money, but I sleep easier. Also, stalker is passing of cancer and I feel pretty good about that.
My old work did it for an ex senior manager, hoping to ruin him or something (horrible, bitter company). Anyway, they got all excited about his meeting with a younger woman, drafted up the letters saying they'd expose him etc. All very sordid. Till they found out it was his daughter he was meeting during her lunch break. Some people truly only see darkness...
Worked for a law firm that routinely hired PI’s to investigate workers comp claimants. One particular juicy bust involved a guy claiming a major back injury. PI got a whole days video of him doing a roofing job. Hauling big packs of shingles up a ladder, s**t like that. They went to mediation ready to drop the video on this guy when he shows up in a wheelchair being pushed by his twin brother. The PI had been following the twin all day. Fastest check I’ve ever seen written by an insurance company.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
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