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Emo Sloth
Community Member
1 posts
4.2K points
Hi there Pandas! I am a sarcastic aroace girls who loves to surf the internet and go down rabbit holes. I come here every day to entertain myself and also because I have nothing else to do.
Emo Sloth • commented on a post 1 year ago
Emo Sloth • upvoted 39 items 1 year ago
Egg Decoration (Great Idea From #betterhomesandgardens ... Use Temporary Tattoos ... So Many Possibilities
After Seeing Ed Sheeran On Saturday Night My Son Wanted To Design This For His Easter Egg Decoration Competition. Meet Egg Sheeran
My Mom Is Homophobic And Forced Me To Decorate Eggs This Year. So I Made My Eggs Different Pride Flags. She Has No Idea
Show All 39 Upvotes
Emo Sloth • submitted 2 list additions 2 years ago
Emo Sloth • submitted 7 list additions 3 years ago
Emo Sloth • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Emo Sloth • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
TIL in 2019 a Brazilian drug trafficker serving a 73 yr sentence tried to escape from prison by disguising himself as his teenage daughter who was visiting. His plan was to leave her behind in his place but his nervousness as he approached the exit tipped off the guards.He hung himself 3 days later.Learning-New-Things
TIL the eunuchs of the last Chinese emperor wore their severed testicles and penises in jars around their necks when working.Learning-New-Things
TIL Simeon Stylites lived on top of columns for 37 years. Simeon did this as a form of asceticism because when he lived in a cave people kept making pilgrimages to him and asking him religious questions. Ultimately his column life drew in even bigger crowds who would climb ladders to talk to him.Learning-New-Things
TIL: James Blunt gave Weird Al Yankovic permission to parody his single "You're Beautiful." But after Yankovic recorded "You're Pitiful," Blunt's record label refused to let it be commercially released. Yankovic didn't include it on his album. Instead, he released it as a free digital download.Learning-New-Things
TIL that the Philippines is 1 out 2 countries in the world that still doesn't allow divorce. It also has the 10th highest number of child brides globally, with 100,000 women married before their 15th birthday.Learning-New-Things
TIL As a child, Walt Disney's mom convinced his dad, Elias, to buy him a set of colored pencils and some drawing paper. Elias did not approve, believing the boy should spend time engaged in hard, manual labor. Even after Walt became famous, Elias never considered animation a real job.This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Emo Sloth • 84 followers