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Elliot's a Wizard!!!
Community Member

Waylon the Wizard here. I'll explain later.
Here I go with my explanation: mom found account. mom thought i was trying to get her in trouble. mom flipped. mom deleted account. so yeah, here i am now. being "sneaky" ig. sooooooooo yeah. but im not mad or anything. just slightly confused.
Cool yet boring things about me:
- i live in the u.s.a (but i want to move to sweden)
- sad trans guy who has no idea what his sexuality is
- my profile picture is an ai generated image of my dog, pip
- speaking of which i have 4 dogs
- my favorite animal is a snail
- my eye color is an odd blue color with a green interior close to the pupil.
- i am a self diagnosed mega-nerd :)))))
- i write a lot of poetry
- my favorite subject is science
- my favorite fruit is: WATERMELON!!!!
i'll write more later. my doctor thinks im schizophrenic, yall. helllllpppppppppp
peace out, pandas. stay strong *insert name here*!

Hey Pandas, Which Music Artist Do You Listen To And Why?
ghost they are my fav band and i like their music a lot! its so energetic, but their songs can be sad too if they want it to be intended that way i love the instrumentals a lot, and all members are so talented
Hey Pandas, Describe An Experience That Made You Lose Hope In Humanity (Closed)

Hey Pandas, What Is Your Dream Job?
I'm going to study mechanical engineering either in 2025 or 2026. Don't know if it's my dream job, but it will be a good job.
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
i have a perfect gentleman cat and a wild kitten. they put on some entertaining shows and play with anything that hits the floor. A favorite is a twisty tie from the bread package
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
dog (cocker spaniel), cat, lots of fish, Hermans tortoise, 3 guinea pigs, 2 rabbits
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
i have a dog called Lucas and he is a Kuvasz. since you said “tell me about your pets” i will :) he likes running and pulling people on skis and his top speed was 30kph (wow!).
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
Birds: Orpington chickens, Silkie chickens, & several hybrids Call ducks, Fulvous whistle ducks, Mandarin ducks, and runner ducks. We also have a Common Buzzard that has taken up residence on our land and can often be found chilling out on the lawn (presumably hunting the moles), sitting on our paddock fencing, or up my oak tree. We've named him Merlin. Goats: About 20 Pygmy Goats, and 2 Anglo-Nubian goats Equine: I've got 11 Miniature Donkeys, and 2 Shetland Ponies Dogs: 2 Border Collies, A Shih-Tzu/Poodle cross, and a Mi-Ki Other: I've also go a Tortoise, and a Bat.
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
I have a dog named Lucy, we think she is corgi/chihuahua :)

Hey Pandas, Describe An Experience That Made You Lose Hope In Humanity (Closed)

Hey Pandas, Which Music Artist Do You Listen To And Why?
ghost they are my fav band and i like their music a lot! its so energetic, but their songs can be sad too if they want it to be intended that way i love the instrumentals a lot, and all members are so talented
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
Birds: Orpington chickens, Silkie chickens, & several hybrids Call ducks, Fulvous whistle ducks, Mandarin ducks, and runner ducks. We also have a Common Buzzard that has taken up residence on our land and can often be found chilling out on the lawn (presumably hunting the moles), sitting on our paddock fencing, or up my oak tree. We've named him Merlin. Goats: About 20 Pygmy Goats, and 2 Anglo-Nubian goats Equine: I've got 11 Miniature Donkeys, and 2 Shetland Ponies Dogs: 2 Border Collies, A Shih-Tzu/Poodle cross, and a Mi-Ki Other: I've also go a Tortoise, and a Bat.
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
dog (cocker spaniel), cat, lots of fish, Hermans tortoise, 3 guinea pigs, 2 rabbits
Hey Pandas Do You Have Any Pets? If So What Kind
I have a dog , rabbit and two cats that are all equally silly
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
I have a dog named Lucy, we think she is corgi/chihuahua :)
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
i have a dog called Lucas and he is a Kuvasz. since you said “tell me about your pets” i will :) he likes running and pulling people on skis and his top speed was 30kph (wow!).
Hey Pandas, Do You Have Any Pets, And If So What Kind?
i have a perfect gentleman cat and a wild kitten. they put on some entertaining shows and play with anything that hits the floor. A favorite is a twisty tie from the bread package
Hey Pandas, What Is Your Dream Job?
I'm going to study mechanical engineering either in 2025 or 2026. Don't know if it's my dream job, but it will be a good job.