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Violet (she/her)
Community Member
15 posts
248 points
She/her Hi! I’m Violet I love reading, drawing, animals, nature, and fashion. I support Pride and believe in Climate Change. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Violet (she/her) • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
Violet (she/her) • upvoted 14 items 1 year ago
$200 Was Too High For Me But My Mom Insisted On Buying This Adorable Cabinet For My Daughter's Disney-Themed Bedroom
sketchysketchist reply
Marie Antoinette never said “let them eat cake” when she heard that her people couldn’t afford bread. She was executed out of frustration for how bad things became during the French Revolution and was wrongly misattributed for the ideology of someone in power being out of touch with being poor.Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Embarrassing Thing That Ever Happened To You?
I’ll start, I was at school, 6th grade. Me and my bestie were playing with are frisbee and I learned this super cool “at the time” trick with the frisbee, it was just under my leg, and I ran over in line because we were lining up for recess, to show my friends. I shouted “GUYS WATCH!” to my friends and I showed my really cool trick. The 10 of us watched as the frisbee nailed the guy next to me in the groin. He crumpled as his friends laughed at him and my friend laughed at me. I never apologized because it felt awkward.Show All 14 Upvotes
Violet (she/her) • submitted 22 list additions 1 year ago
Violet (she/her) • submitted 2 new posts 1 year ago
Violet (she/her) • submitted 4 new posts 1 year ago
Violet (she/her) • submitted 11 new posts 2 years ago
Violet (she/her) • submitted 20 list additions 1 year ago
Violet (she/her) • commented on 9 posts 1 year ago
Violet (she/her) • commented on 11 posts 2 years ago
Violet (she/her) • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
$200 Was Too High For Me But My Mom Insisted On Buying This Adorable Cabinet For My Daughter's Disney-Themed Bedroom
sketchysketchist reply
Marie Antoinette never said “let them eat cake” when she heard that her people couldn’t afford bread. She was executed out of frustration for how bad things became during the French Revolution and was wrongly misattributed for the ideology of someone in power being out of touch with being poor.Hey Pandas, Is There Anything You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
STRICT PARENTS DONT MAKE OBEDIENT CHILDREN!! THEY MAKE KIDS WHO KNOW HOW TO LIE AND GO BEHIND THEIR BACKS!!! I’m so sick of hiding things from my parents and i feel so trapped. I’m not even technically allowed to be on this site.Hey Pandas, Is There Anything You Need To Get Off Your Chest?
i live close to an abortion clinic. i'm a christian, and it makes me so mad to see other christians yelling at women going in to get an abortion, telling them they are murderers and that they are going to hell. they scream at them relentlessly. it should be illegal to harass then like that. that's not how jesus dealt with sinners. i also don't believe all abortions are wrong. and christians should not be out there judging people without knowing their circumstances.Hey Pandas, What’s The Most Embarrassing Thing That Ever Happened To You?
I’ll start, I was at school, 6th grade. Me and my bestie were playing with are frisbee and I learned this super cool “at the time” trick with the frisbee, it was just under my leg, and I ran over in line because we were lining up for recess, to show my friends. I shouted “GUYS WATCH!” to my friends and I showed my really cool trick. The 10 of us watched as the frisbee nailed the guy next to me in the groin. He crumpled as his friends laughed at him and my friend laughed at me. I never apologized because it felt awkward. Violet (she/her) • is following 9 people