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Veronica Mars
Community Member
2 posts
195 points
This panda is concerned about the way the modern world is going. This panda was born in the wrong era. Call it an 'old soul'.
Veronica Mars • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Veronica Mars • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
The earth will rather end up with flying cars, robot cleaning system, less pollution, flying tables, stuff like that... OR, pollution will not be taken care of and we will go extinct. I don't think pollution has gotten to the point that we will go extinct no matter what. But if we do not start taking better care of earth it WILL get to that point. What I am saying is that we still can save ourselves and other people if we try! :DHey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
The earth will rather end up with flying cars, robot cleaning system, less pollution, flying tables, stuff like that... OR, pollution will not be taken care of and we will go extinct. I don't think pollution has gotten to the point that we will go extinct no matter what. But if we do not start taking better care of earth it WILL get to that point. What I am saying is that we still can save ourselves and other people if we try! :DHey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
I think most of us are going to die, leaving Mama Earth a chance to take a breath and heal. I think there will be pockets of people left. I HOPE they'll be more mindful and careful and kind.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
The earth will reset itself. Humans will go extinct and the earth will go to a more deserving species.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
the planet earth will always has..but our place on it? well, that's the question?SquirtleOfHyrule reply
To tolerate me would require a skill level not yet reached by any mortal being.HouseMDeezNuts reply
Because having another adult who has any say in the course of my adult life is obnoxious 🤣😅Show All 10 Upvotes
Veronica Mars • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Veronica Mars • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Veronica Mars • upvoted 22 items 3 years ago
Show All 22 Upvotes
Veronica Mars • commented on 4 posts 3 years ago
Show All 4 Comments
Veronica Mars • submitted a new post 2 years ago
Veronica Mars • submitted a new post 3 years ago
Veronica Mars • submitted a list addition 2 years ago
Veronica Mars • submitted a list addition 3 years ago
Veronica Mars • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago
Veronica Mars • commented on 12 posts 3 years ago
40 Relatable And Funny Comics This Artist Creates About Her Life, Mental Issues And Other Situations
Veronica Mars • commented on 6 posts 4 years ago
Veronica Mars • upvoted 10 items 2 years ago
Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
The earth will rather end up with flying cars, robot cleaning system, less pollution, flying tables, stuff like that... OR, pollution will not be taken care of and we will go extinct. I don't think pollution has gotten to the point that we will go extinct no matter what. But if we do not start taking better care of earth it WILL get to that point. What I am saying is that we still can save ourselves and other people if we try! :DHey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
I think most of us are going to die, leaving Mama Earth a chance to take a breath and heal. I think there will be pockets of people left. I HOPE they'll be more mindful and careful and kind.Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
the planet earth will always has..but our place on it? well, that's the question?Hey Pandas, What Do You Think Is Going To Happen To Planet Earth?
The earth will reset itself. Humans will go extinct and the earth will go to a more deserving species.HouseMDeezNuts reply
Because having another adult who has any say in the course of my adult life is obnoxious 🤣😅SquirtleOfHyrule reply
To tolerate me would require a skill level not yet reached by any mortal being.JMCatron reply
When my sister got married, my niece, 17, asked me, "How does it feel to be the only one of your siblings not married?" I simply replied, "Well, unlike them I have standards." Her father, my brother, was right there :) Veronica Mars • upvoted 10 items 3 years ago
This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Veronica Mars • 38 followers