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2 posts
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This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
VANILLA • commented on 16 posts 3 years ago
40 Women With A Sense Of Humor Who Showed How Different The Same Person Can Be In A Photo (New Pics)
Show All 16 Comments
VANILLA • submitted 8 list additions 3 years ago
VANILLA • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
Another Of My Re-Draws Of Chapter 4 Sally Face! Im Bad Lol. I Literally Just Discovered The “Zoom In” Feature
Hey Pandas, Tell Us A Love Story!
This is a poem I wrote about a special someone! ♥Your smile makes my lips curve up on their own, and when I realize that I have been smiling for too long I have to push them down, with all my might. ♥Your touch makes me feel warm, relaxed, and comforted even on the coldest night. ♥Your jokes make me laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt and I can't breathe, even when they don't make any sense. ♥Your eyes when we look at each other tell me exactly how you feel before you tell me. ♥Your words make me feel loved, appreciated, and like the luckiest girl in the world. ♥Seeing you fills me with joy. Love is like a wadded-up ball of yarn, you never know where it starts, where it ends, or how to use it. But you will never forget the feeling love gives you.Show All 15 Upvotes
VANILLA • submitted a new post 3 years ago
VANILLA • submitted a new post 3 years ago
VANILLA • submitted a new post 4 years ago
VANILLA • submitted 10 list additions 3 years ago
VANILLA • submitted 10 list additions 4 years ago
VANILLA • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
40 Women With A Sense Of Humor Who Showed How Different The Same Person Can Be In A Photo (New Pics)
VANILLA • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Another Of My Re-Draws Of Chapter 4 Sally Face! Im Bad Lol. I Literally Just Discovered The “Zoom In” Feature
Hey Pandas, Tell Us A Love Story!
I looked up. I had arrived at the beautiful shimmering castle. The white, blinding lights greeted me as I entered. Shamens in blue aprons introduced me to their master. One in particular, by the name of “phil” caught my eye. He was a BABE. he told me the palace was called krõgër. Phils oversized eyes stared at me through his inch thick glasses. We met gazes. He made a move forward... so did I. While I was swooping in though, I noticed another hawt thang. Póptàrts. What a name. I stepped over the dirty tile, a sign of how weathered and old the palace was. I couldnt choose between them... poptarts and I met gazes... his crunchy, hard outside protected his soft sweet inside... the suit of silver he was wearing, was so fine, I stopped breathing for a minute. I swept his frosting. I cant choose... upvote for part two lol ill create a story about it.Hey Pandas, Tell Us A Love Story!
This is a poem I wrote about a special someone! ♥Your smile makes my lips curve up on their own, and when I realize that I have been smiling for too long I have to push them down, with all my might. ♥Your touch makes me feel warm, relaxed, and comforted even on the coldest night. ♥Your jokes make me laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt and I can't breathe, even when they don't make any sense. ♥Your eyes when we look at each other tell me exactly how you feel before you tell me. ♥Your words make me feel loved, appreciated, and like the luckiest girl in the world. ♥Seeing you fills me with joy. Love is like a wadded-up ball of yarn, you never know where it starts, where it ends, or how to use it. But you will never forget the feeling love gives you. VANILLA • is following 2 people
VANILLA • 82 followers