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eve (schy / cut)
Community Member
1 posts
61 points
eve / lamia
I like houseki no kuni and punshing: gray raven, lol :)
taken by my partner sys
OH YEAH UM hc-did system, 1k alters .
eve (schy / cut) • upvoted 2 items 7 months ago
leamerlena reply
When I found out he hacked my email. Did you know that through your gmail account you can access literally everything? Like Google maps history and Google history? I didn’t until that day. I had absolutely nothing to hide. But found out he had been literally stalking my every move and location for months. I felt so completely violated. eve (schy / cut) • upvoted an item 10 months ago
eve (schy / cut) • upvoted 31 items 1 year ago
_princesspeach3s reply
My dad told me that I could have a pet chipmunk or squirrel if I caught one. He told me the key to catching one was to shake salt on their tail, they would **always** stop to lick the salt off and then I'd be able to catch it. Not hard to figure out why he told us that, because my brother and I would spend hours a day running around the yard with a bucket and a salt shaker. I think the last time I tried was when I was like 9. I never really though about it again until I was like 15 and it was mind blowing to realize it was all just to keep us busy outside lollamsaturn reply
When I was really young, I wondered about what was so special about women's breasts that they had to cover them up all the time-- surely there was something secret about them that everyone was hiding from me. My parents wouldn't give me any straight answers. I have no idea why I came to this conclusion, but I thought that maybe there was something dangerous enough about them that they had to be contained. My guess was that they had little mouths with razor sharp teeth. When I figured out that they were just a bigger version of what I had, I was very confused and disappointed.Hey Lgbtqiap+ Pandas, What Is Your Favorite Part About Being Lgbtqiap+?
that there are other people like me and i can ask them for helpShow All 31 Upvotes
eve (schy / cut) • started following 2 people 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • commented on 2 posts 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • submitted a new post 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • submitted 4 list additions 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • commented on 10 posts 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • upvoted 2 items 2 months ago
eve (schy / cut) • upvoted 2 items 7 months ago
leamerlena reply
When I found out he hacked my email. Did you know that through your gmail account you can access literally everything? Like Google maps history and Google history? I didn’t until that day. I had absolutely nothing to hide. But found out he had been literally stalking my every move and location for months. I felt so completely violated. eve (schy / cut) • upvoted an item 10 months ago
eve (schy / cut) • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • upvoted 13 items 1 year ago
eve (schy / cut) • is following 6 people
eve (schy / cut) • 1 follower