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Lollipop Girl
Community Member
2 posts
4.3K points
Hi, Pandas! :D I'm Lollipop Girl, a flamboyant homosexual from the Land of the Incas! My pronouns are she/her :)
Lollipop Girl • upvoted 40 items 1 year ago
TIL that JFK didn’t invite Sammy Davis Jr. to his 1961 inauguration as Sammy had married a white woman, and JFK was worried that the presence of an interracial couple would upset Southerners. Dean Martin, who was angered by this news, refused to attend the inauguration in solidarity with Sammy.Til-Facts
TIL that JFK didn’t invite Sammy Davis Jr. to his 1961 inauguration as Sammy had married a white woman, and JFK was worried that the presence of an interracial couple would upset Southerners. Dean Martin, who was angered by this news, refused to attend the inauguration in solidarity with Sammy.JustAzConfusedAzYou reply
For a country built off the backs of slaves and immigrants, there is so much hatred toward immigrants.snukebox_hero reply
Celebrating a holiday to give thanks for the things in life you already have, and then the next day fighting people over a new appliance for a 25% discount.Burrito_Loyalist reply
Guilt is put on the consumer, not the corporations. The customer has to tip because servers don’t make a livable wage. The customer has to recycle and watch their carbon footprint because the environment is deteriorating. The customer has to eat better because cows are being slaughtered and chickens are trapped in cages. 100% of the world’s problems are caused by giant corporations, not the average person.Show All 40 Upvotes
Lollipop Girl • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago
Lollipop Girl • submitted 3 list additions 2 years ago
Lollipop Girl • commented on 20 posts 1 year ago
Lollipop Girl • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago
TIL that JFK didn’t invite Sammy Davis Jr. to his 1961 inauguration as Sammy had married a white woman, and JFK was worried that the presence of an interracial couple would upset Southerners. Dean Martin, who was angered by this news, refused to attend the inauguration in solidarity with Sammy. Lollipop Girl • is following 21 people