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Uglyemo Rat
Community Member
1 posts
42 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Uglyemo Rat • commented on 24 posts 3 years ago
Show All 24 Comments
Uglyemo Rat • started following a person 3 years ago
Uglyemo Rat • upvoted 15 items 3 years ago
I'd have to say gift giving. Presents from "mom and dad", but the dad has no idea what's in them because mom bought them.Sexist-Things-Normalized
The prefix for men is Mr. and the prefix for women is Miss, Ms. and Mrs. A prefix for women is directly dependent on if she is single or married. It stays Mr. for men all their lives.Sexist-Things-Normalized
When people come up to me and tell me my daughter's really beautiful and that I better watch our for her when she gets older. Like, they're actually expecting our daughters to be sexually assaulted.Sexist-Things-Normalized
Literally everything about traditional weddings. Your dad gives you away so that you can be passed from one man to another man. You have to wear a white dress, because if you're not a virgin, you're [useless]. It's bad luck for the man to see the bride on the day of the wedding because back when marriages were all arranged, if the guy saw the bride before, sometimes he would want to call it off because he didn't fancy her, and that would bring shame on...the bride. That's also why the veil is a thing. Traditionally, the bride's family pays for the wedding.Sexist-Things-Normalized
Our fathers walking us down the aisle whenever we get married, because that comes from a time when women were considered property. The father is giving his property away to a new man, because now the woman is supposed to be the husband's property. I feel like that should've been done with when women got rights, it's not cute. I'm not doing that.Sexist-Things-Normalized
I've tried numerous times and asked numerous doctors if I can have my tubes tied because I don't want to have children, nor does my husband. They want to have a meeting with both me and my husband, they tell me I'll probably change my mind, that I'm too young or that I need to wait until I have at least one child. Even though I don't want any. But my husband can make a phone call and set up an appointment, just like that.Show All 15 Upvotes
Uglyemo Rat • submitted a new post 3 years ago
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Uglyemo Rat • commented on 20 posts 3 years ago
Uglyemo Rat • upvoted 20 items 3 years ago
Our fathers walking us down the aisle whenever we get married, because that comes from a time when women were considered property. The father is giving his property away to a new man, because now the woman is supposed to be the husband's property. I feel like that should've been done with when women got rights, it's not cute. I'm not doing that.Sexist-Things-Normalized
I'd have to say gift giving. Presents from "mom and dad", but the dad has no idea what's in them because mom bought them.Sexist-Things-Normalized
Literally everything about traditional weddings. Your dad gives you away so that you can be passed from one man to another man. You have to wear a white dress, because if you're not a virgin, you're [useless]. It's bad luck for the man to see the bride on the day of the wedding because back when marriages were all arranged, if the guy saw the bride before, sometimes he would want to call it off because he didn't fancy her, and that would bring shame on...the bride. That's also why the veil is a thing. Traditionally, the bride's family pays for the wedding.Sexist-Things-Normalized
When people come up to me and tell me my daughter's really beautiful and that I better watch our for her when she gets older. Like, they're actually expecting our daughters to be sexually assaulted.Sexist-Things-Normalized
The prefix for men is Mr. and the prefix for women is Miss, Ms. and Mrs. A prefix for women is directly dependent on if she is single or married. It stays Mr. for men all their lives.Sexist-Things-Normalized
I've tried numerous times and asked numerous doctors if I can have my tubes tied because I don't want to have children, nor does my husband. They want to have a meeting with both me and my husband, they tell me I'll probably change my mind, that I'm too young or that I need to wait until I have at least one child. Even though I don't want any. But my husband can make a phone call and set up an appointment, just like that.母親節本來想給我媽一個驚喜 結果一回老家只迴盪著我孤獨淚水落下ㄉ聲音 搞什麼鬼ㄚ母親節只有我在家? 還自己煮了24顆水餃一個人吃完 吃得好撐躺到快睡著突然想到還沒更新所以跳起來發文 跟各位母親祝賀母親節快ㄌ 個人是⋯刺得頗快樂 客人刺完哭笑那隻一直動手腕,說這樣看起來很像卡比動起來笑,不禁覺得我的客人都有點怪可愛ㄉ⋯ 5.6月都還可以預約.。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. 可以找我刺怪怪跟褲褲ㄉ圖 #刺青#台中刺青#亡命刺青客#tattoo #taichungtattoo #南區#ophtato #illustration #art #instagram #like4like #likeforlikes #tattoogirls #卡比之星 #卡比之星刺青 #彩色刺青 #卡比刺青 #迷因刺青 #memetattoo #刺青學徒
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