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My ADHD runs my life
Community Member

2 posts
114 points
I am a She/They. I have ADHD. I speak some French

My ADHD runs my life • commented on 10 posts 1 year ago
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My ADHD runs my life • upvoted 15 items 1 year ago

Stella Liebeck
The "hot coffee" McDonald's lady. The story that I had heard and believed for years was that some woman burnt her tongue a little and sued McDonald's for not marking clearly that their coffee was hot. When the reality was that McDonald's raised the temperature of their coffee way higher than normal, it spilled on her when getting it in the drive through, and her burns were horrifically severe and she needed skin grafts. She was suing for so much because it literally how much her medical bills cost. But so many people ridiculed her and the case for years. Edit: people calling me out for saying "higher than boiling point". I just meant that it was really REALLY hot.
xFushNChupsx reply
Bullying. Sounds dumb, and I might get downvoted for a few reasons, mainly because adults know that it's insanely stupid, and reason two being it's been cracked down on within the last decade or so, but for kids and quite marginally it still happens. I'm sure almost everyone out there has poked fun or teased someone in their life but it's actually extremely serious how quickly and severely it can deteriorate someone's mental health and esteem, especially in their teen years, and how most kids don't even know what they're doing. On top of that you never know someone's situation. Be nice. They could be going through something rough.Show All 15 Upvotes

My ADHD runs my life • upvoted 13 items 2 years ago
Show All 13 Upvotes

My ADHD runs my life • commented on 2 posts 2 years ago

My ADHD runs my life • submitted 2 new posts 2 years ago

My ADHD runs my life • submitted 6 list additions 2 years ago

My ADHD runs my life • commented on 10 posts 1 year ago

My ADHD runs my life • commented on 10 posts 2 years ago

My ADHD runs my life • upvoted 19 items 1 year ago

xFushNChupsx reply
Bullying. Sounds dumb, and I might get downvoted for a few reasons, mainly because adults know that it's insanely stupid, and reason two being it's been cracked down on within the last decade or so, but for kids and quite marginally it still happens. I'm sure almost everyone out there has poked fun or teased someone in their life but it's actually extremely serious how quickly and severely it can deteriorate someone's mental health and esteem, especially in their teen years, and how most kids don't even know what they're doing. On top of that you never know someone's situation. Be nice. They could be going through something rough.
Stella Liebeck
The "hot coffee" McDonald's lady. The story that I had heard and believed for years was that some woman burnt her tongue a little and sued McDonald's for not marking clearly that their coffee was hot. When the reality was that McDonald's raised the temperature of their coffee way higher than normal, it spilled on her when getting it in the drive through, and her burns were horrifically severe and she needed skin grafts. She was suing for so much because it literally how much her medical bills cost. But so many people ridiculed her and the case for years. Edit: people calling me out for saying "higher than boiling point". I just meant that it was really REALLY hot.
My ADHD runs my life • upvoted an item 2 years ago

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